Chryseis Angelique Blood Sucker
Created on 04/08/2005 • 220 Posts & 40 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post It was with ease that Chryseis had hoisted herself up and into the duct. She had a very pleasant grace about her that allowed her to move l 19 years ago
- post She awoke with a sudden start. Eyes wide open and frantic, Chryseis sat up quickly. The taste of many days passed lined her mouth.Scanning h 19 years ago
- thread (OOC: this is what is going on back home with the dogs while their master is missing. Not sure if i shoulda made a character login to post t 19 years ago
- post Chryseis finally found the strength to focus her eyes. It was that face from the bar, and then the face from the museum. A face, she could 19 years ago
- post happy birthday! 19 years ago
- post YAY! its not a tumor! (best arnold voice)what it is we dont know yet, more tests to o! lol but hey no tumor in my head! Prolatin lvls are no 19 years ago
- post many many thanks!/bow 19 years ago
- post special title 19 years ago
- post im asking because i cant figure it out on my forums anymore hehesorry i shouldnt stated that part! 19 years ago
- post I madame, am Panos Mehalitsenos of clan Tacharan.Chryseis's cold heart stopped. Her wings stopped their furious beating and she immediatly d 19 years ago
- post /3cheers for health and all its scares! hehemakes ya think sometimes tho, and things that were important yesterday, arent today.of course yo 19 years ago
- post yes. even below 19 years ago
- thread Anybody have or have anyone in their family with a pituitary tumor? had any experiences with it? Today i had to go into the doctors to g 19 years ago
- post ahh okies thankswhat section is titles in? ive found where you can change the title for so many posts but i forgot how to do the unique ones 19 years ago
- post lol . well i know how to move all contents to another one and then delete the old forum. but can ya move just one?and i cant figure out how 19 years ago
- thread Random, how do you move the topics from one forum to another? 19 years ago
- post /swoons over gerald tarranti swear he is the best badgoodbad guy ever i will have to think about this. i havent really compaired anyone befo 19 years ago
- post She woke with a start and found that she was bound.Her eyes scanned the empty room as she tried to move her limbs, testing the strength of e 19 years ago
- post Panos may move for Chrysand Chrys may make moves for Panos! 19 years ago
- post Chryseis was busy dusting the 2nd century european cat satute when she heard the crash from two rooms over.Carefully and slowly she set down 19 years ago