Meegan Gothic-ah Fashions
Created on 04/10/2005 • 1015 Posts & 58 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Meegan gave a small pout and sullenly put a piece of chicken on her plate. "I have red hair too." The pout turned into a grin and she fill 17 years ago
- post Meegan set the phone on the table and smiled at her life partner. "I'll call her later, she'll just worry and try to rush down, and you don' 17 years ago
- post Meegan sipped her coffee, and chuckled. "I didn't plan to call the office until the girls were here. I figure the hospital doesn't need the 17 years ago
- post "Popsicle it is." She exited the room and went to the nurses station and was directed to a small room, outfitted with a fridge, sink, coffee 17 years ago
- post Her hand hurt, a lot, but she didn't really care all that much. She smoothed back Rachyl's hair and as soon as her lover settled back she sm 17 years ago
- post Meegan chuckled softly at Rachyl. While the guy set up his machine, she grabbed the only chair that wasn't big and cushy, or a glider. It wa 17 years ago
- post Amanda was tucking the shirt of her pink scrubs into matching pants and smiled up at her patients. "That's what I hear. Are you ready?" She 17 years ago
- post Meegan obediently took her lip from her mouth and concentrated on driving through the rain-slicked dark streets. The OB assured her everythi 17 years ago
- thread Rachyl and I would like to apologize for not actually having a baby shower, but since I'm like the world's slowest poster these days, we jus 17 years ago
- thread [i]Four in the morning on April ninth two thousand seven, saw Meegan sitting in her attic office trying to tire her mind enough to get a lit 17 years ago
- post Meegan had to press her lips together to keep from laughing at Connie's joke. "I am certain you will never run out of groaners Connie." Laug 17 years ago
- post Meegan hummed a lullaby she was learning, softly to herself. It was a Diana Ross song, but the version she was learning was much simpler an 17 years ago
- post Meegan returned Chad's smile and followed Amberelle's lead of picking up her purse and scooting from the booth. "Of course I will! Though I' 17 years ago
- post "Students are usually my first pick, but so far they've all been crazy or to timid. I need someone who will stand up to me, and that's no ea 17 years ago
- post Meegan knew when she was out-maneuvered. She should have known better than to think she could get away with the whole thing. It irritated he 17 years ago
- post Meegan sighed softly. She knew that not every vampire could know each other, just like every human couldn't. "No, it would be naive to think 17 years ago
- post Well that was unexpected. Meegan was nothing if not tactful, but sometimes one just had to be blunt. She lowered her voice and leaned in a b 17 years ago
- post Meegan nodded her head. "I couldn't agree more." She went to cut more steak and found she only had one more bite left. She'd piratically in 17 years ago
- post Meegan couldn't help but chuckle at Nyra's take on the thing. She'd been to a baby shower or two just like that. Though she had no intention 17 years ago
- post Meegan took a bite of her sweet potato and mmm'd around the bite. It was almost as good as the steak. She nodded at Amberelle's lament of st 17 years ago