Simon Huntington Unsung Hero
Created on 05/04/2005 • 1318 Posts & 117 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Simon jumped onto a human and tore at his throat. He had not fed in several days and the smell of the fresh blood sent him into frenzy. Us 19 years ago
- post They moved, melding into the shadows as they drew closer to where the screams originated from. Simon could see Ellis jumping from one roof 19 years ago
- post Simon called back in with his mircrophone, 'Carol, where'd this information come from?'Carol's tinny voice could not be heard over the sudde 19 years ago
- thread [i]Simon emerged from the sewers, pushing the 300lb manhole up and over like it was tupperware. The tinny voice in his ear was relaying coo 19 years ago
- post Simon's quick pace betrayed his anxiousness. He loathed having Lykaios here.'Is it time?' The Wolf asked.Simon gave Lykaios hardly a glance 19 years ago
- post Simon hated black leather trenchcoats. It reminded him of those vampire movies and it just annoyed him. As he crossed the Abbatoir pit, he 19 years ago
- post Simon reached out and stopped the elevator from ascending to the Abbatoir. Fuck this, I'm not babysitting that animal, Simon muttered. He 19 years ago
- post After Ellis and Simon finish their harvester run, they're getting it on. YEAH FOR HETERO EROTICA! (although the other kind makes me all gi 19 years ago
- post (reference - the hunt and trainer in domicile)Simon stood in the elevator, his hand still touching the outline of his cell phone. The text 19 years ago
- post 'Next we meet again, I'll have a .45 in my desk. You can stop me from getting to it first, if you like.' Simon smiled and walked out of the 19 years ago
- post Simon stepped back and leaned against the table. 'The reason newbies meet with me first, is because Ellis would fuck you, then kill you...j 19 years ago
- post Simon felt the vampire struggle from beneath his grasp and that familiar tingling suddenly over took him. He was about to blood lust. He s 19 years ago
- post Simon watched the expression on Cyn's face. He had done this a thousand times and each time he got this same reaction. He dove into his me 19 years ago
- post Simon hovered over the young vampire and half chuckled. Standing, he reached out to help him up. 'I'll leave the spankings to Gaia. I am 19 years ago
- post Simon was standing just on the other side of his office door. The newest member to Tacharan was standing on the other side. He had just ch 19 years ago
- post Simon looked Panos up, foot to toe. He spoke softly and slowly this time. 'Don't worry...she'll find you.'((ooc - Simon out)) 19 years ago
- post Simon took a step to the side and missed the chair without a flinch. They were standing now, guns pointing at each other. Simon, who had u 19 years ago
- post Simon couldnt think of anyone that was remotely as feral and dangerous as Ellis, but Gaia came damn close. He could smell the blood on Gaia 19 years ago
- post 'Later.'Simon visably shuddered, half out of anticipation, more out of fear.The elevator opened, revealing Gaia standing on the other side, 19 years ago
- thread [i]Simon and Ellis emerged from the sewers and proceeded into the Abbatoir's Domicile entry. Simon looked at his mistress and was anxious. 19 years ago