Océane Émond Curious
Created on 05/06/2005 • 50 Posts & 8 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Oce felt the tickle in her mind as Xerxes sent her his message. Receiving from him was pure bliss. It was a wave or more then just words. It 17 years ago
- post Oce relaxed in her seat one hand on the wheel. The open stretch of highway ahead of her was shortly evaporating and Nochton would be upon th 17 years ago
- post Oce stood in the shadow of a large open front tent. She was at a dig site. Miraculously an artifact they had spent years and many resources 19 years ago
- post Oce kissed him back softly this time."Safe journey." she said as he left. Oce hated saying 'goodbye'. She locked the door after his form had 19 years ago
- post As Oce looked him over she realized he was more composed then she was. His smile was straight and she didn't like that at all. Even though h 19 years ago
- post She was surprising herself by not running away from his kiss or him for that matter. Oce was consumed for the moment in one purpose and that 19 years ago
- post Oce felt his lips against her forehead and leaned in towards his chest. She rested her head against him hearing his heart beat beneath the s 19 years ago
- post She laughed softly at his joke recognizing the television commercial add. He was a paradox that is for sure. Oce slowly pored herself a cup 19 years ago
- post Oce raised an eyebrow at being called 'cupcake' she hadn't heard that since the 50ies; brought back memories. She chuckled to herself findin 19 years ago
- post "I am sure that is not a problem." She laughed as she got to making a pot of tea and coffee. Oce was not much of a coffee drinker. The bitte 19 years ago
- thread [i]Oce lead Xerxes to her apartment. It was on one of the top floors of Evenhet's tower; She preferred looking down and feeling... away from 19 years ago
- post Oce smiled glad he could not see her cheeks redden slightly in the darkness when he offered her his hand. Picking up the basket she placed h 19 years ago
- post Oce finished as much as she could of her meal and once her mind was no longer occupied by eating she suddenly felt a chill.Clearing her thro 19 years ago
- post Oce watched him as he held her hand. He accepted what she had said and she was grateful he did not ask questions. Things she did not wish t 19 years ago
- post The night air against Oce's face woke her up fully and she leaned over putting her hand on his to stop him from moving. Guiding his plate ba 19 years ago
- post Xerxes voice was a constant among the loud bangs of the fireworks over head. She listened to him and laughed at his joke. Breaking her eyes 19 years ago
- post Oce followed his example and spread the creamy butter over a roll. Nibbling it slowly she enjoyed the rich tastes in her mouth. Handing him 19 years ago
- post Xerxes's seemed to have not noticed the food and so did Oce as he answered her. Looking down she wasn't sure how to respond to that. When he 19 years ago
- post Oce made her toast and accepted his by tapping her class delicately against his. She watched him over her glass and ran through what brief b 19 years ago
- post Taking the flower Oce stood and indicated the table. "My secretary knows how I like to dine." She winked and leaned in kissing each of his c 19 years ago