Vampire Seeker
Created on 07/14/2005
134 Posts & 9 Threads
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Polishing off her cup, she smiled and nodded while she poured in another round of cream and sugar before she set it out near the edge to cat
19 years ago
oooo yummy one Shay..
19 years ago
Serena sipped her coffee as she listened to Drev, nodding and grinning at a couple points. She found she agreed with his sensei's opinion. I
19 years ago
welcome back! it's great to hear your mom's getting better, I'll keep her in my prayers still anyways =)
19 years ago
Oh, I'm studied in JuJitsu and Tae Kwon Do. Being female, the JuJitsu is good for self defense, but I love practicing the weapons katas for
19 years ago
I'd better go check with them. No way do I want to try and balance this on my bike, in a skirt even. Excuse me for a sec, then. She gave Jan
19 years ago
or you haven't pissed people off enough to become a target *whistles innocently*
19 years ago
Well.. she closed and set down her menu, glancing to the side and catching the waitress' attention as she did, I am a blackbelt in a couple
19 years ago
smurf mafia is cute except there is only 1 girl heh.. talk about everyone ganging up on someone *evil eyebrow wiggle*LOL!!! I just noticed W
19 years ago
the defense from the dark arts teacher not being involved for once? =p
19 years ago
She arched an eyebrow faintly. "Coffee and a brownie huh.. must have been good to kill a couple hours," she giggled to herself. So none of t
19 years ago
y'all are going to have a serious blast!
19 years ago
When she spotted him coming in she returned his wave with a smile of her own. He slid into the booth across from her and her heart felt like
19 years ago
Continued from : [URL=""]Quitting time[/URL]
[I]Timothy's Diner w
19 years ago
He answered and she froze for a second. A million butterflies seemed to have taken residence in her abdomen and had stolen her ability to sp
19 years ago
[I]'Shit shit shit...' Serena looked at her watch for the millionth time in the last few minutes. It was already after six and she was despe
19 years ago
"I have a place close to your heart already. I feel honored."That made Serena giggle. It was a much nicer explanation than "I forgot pockets
19 years ago
You know I can almost see logic in pizza for Winter.... but personally I would have called him mutable or fractured =)
19 years ago
*whistles* That's freakin sweet!
19 years ago
lol OK it wasn't W-a-r-r-a-n-t it was another W band I am not allowed to like ( ) Winger..Seventeen lyrics
19 years ago