Cyrus Last of the Mongol Horde
Created on 07/25/2005 • 959 Posts & 48 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Cyrus chuckled at Fallon's comment about his age. "I stopped counting myself after a thousand."The time frame did not bother him. Though h 18 years ago
- post Naked he padded to the mahogany amoire that opened as he approached it. He really did not know how people existed without telekinetics. He 18 years ago
- post Cyrus was in his large shower at the manor when his cell phone vibrated around the counter top. After a quick rinse to verify all the soap 18 years ago
- post I can just picture Winter walking around draped in underware of all shapes and sizes. With a thong as a crown. hahahaha 18 years ago
- post Ginnie Do any of you get a kick out of the voices roaming around in your head, like I do, or do you just write it out and forget about it? 18 years ago
- post With a smile he watched his clanmate and the girl leave. Hopefully the walk would clear the booze fog Darius was swimming in and perhaps gi 18 years ago
- post /licks Aishe's brains. mmm tastey! I may chase a nice lady (ok or ferret) who is beribboned, but I will not chase the ribbons! 18 years ago
- post /Sniff I do NOT chase ribbons thank you. Ferrets and mice perhaps, but not ribbon, string or yarn. 18 years ago
- post No way, I dont share my nip! Besides Ginnie is the pusher. 18 years ago
- post The leopard's tail flicked and his nose twitched at the dust and dirt in the crawl spaced under the house. While he could not hear the enti 18 years ago
- post Happy happy day! 18 years ago
- post Cyrus looked at Fallon with concern as she yawned and mumbled an appology. She kind of looked all sleepy and cuddly for a moment before she 18 years ago
- post /licks Aishe's noggin But its fun in there. 18 years ago
- post I dont think Godzilla purrs. Owl perhaps. But a dark one, not a fluffy white Hedwig. Spider? Black widow or a big one like a tarantula. Bl 18 years ago
- post Greetings and welcome. Since you asked not to be bitten too hard you get ... /LICK 18 years ago
- post Chuckling at Aishe's comment about knuckle dragging he bowed his head in acknowledgement. "I am sure I have never dragged my knuckles abou 18 years ago
- post Cyrus drank the last of his beer and debated on pouring one from the pitcher. Deciding to wait a few minutes he studied the other occupants 18 years ago
- post /purr! Thanks all. hahaha Love the pr0n! 18 years ago
- post Thank you all. I dont feel a day over a thousand! Love the song. Thanks Alfarinn. I think my favorite line was "May the candles on your 18 years ago
- post So far this has become the ritual to welcome newcommers. Just makes you feel at home and not quite as psycho as you first thought. I lik 18 years ago