Christian Bern Raccoon Grandfather
Created on 01/13/2006 • 863 Posts & 30 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Cris looked down at Shawe, who managed to get the cube to open again and also managed to catch the berry. "Four more. It cannot hold much 5 years ago
- post Cris nodded in agreement with Aishe's words, proud of her own control over her ability and her way of communicating about it. It was easy 5 years ago
- post Cris found it interesting that Blaise wasn't a music lover and yet his Empathy had manifested in that way. He wondered what that meant. M 5 years ago
- post "He is the most adorable raccoon there is." Cris corrected Blaise's comment about Shawe being "kinda cute".Blaise began studying the couple 5 years ago
- post Cris chuckled at Pak's question about the canes and at Shawe making waving hands at him.[We could probably make it happen.] He sent to Pak 5 years ago
- post Cris smiled behind his mug and answered Paks send.[Welcome to the club. We have complementary matching canes. I will get you one.]Aishe s 5 years ago
- post Cris raised an eyebrow at Aishe when she said that she did not need calculus as an archaeologist or a "Security Thug". "That is Protection 5 years ago
- post "You could point out that it was either the coffee or the alcohol. That should keep Eiryk from being too angry." Cris smiled at Shawe, who 5 years ago
- post It was a night off for both himself and Aishe. They were stopping by Barney's to get some coffee and talk about work,hobbies, and how his 5 years ago
- post Cris accepted his drink, removing one hand from Rowan only long enough to take a sip of the delicious coffee before setting in nearby. His 5 years ago
- post Cris handed his mug to Alfarinn with a quiet 'thank you' and then turned his attention back to their new choices. He was about to give the 5 years ago
- post Cris shrugged unapologetically to Eiryk about the former part of the former criminal label given to Ant Man. They only had three choices af 5 years ago
- post Cris smiled at Rowan. [Perhaps] He listened to his partner's very sound reasoning for his choices and then considered the three himself. 5 years ago
- post Hi Roz! 5 years ago
- post Cris softly snorted at Rowan's sending. [Well that is a relief. I can stop doing background checks on everyone you talk to.]He looked past 5 years ago
- post He nodded at Kem and winked at Aishe. [I am Cris.]. He sent to her while sipping his coffee. Rowan protested that he was not neglected. C 5 years ago
- post He was amused when Alex made the assumption about the Hulk being in Hulk form and then Alfarinn pointing out that he didn't specify. He ha 5 years ago
- post Cris shook his head at Alfarinn. "And you call yourself an animal lover.""Birds, just birds." His friend smiled. "I am pretty fond of one in 5 years ago
- post Cris smiled softly at Rowan's remark and the gentle brush of lips against his ear. He almost missed what Kem had said and Aishe's reply. 5 years ago
- post Cris sipped his coffee and gave the current trio of names quick consideration. "Mmm, well I would have to agree with your choices. First, L 5 years ago