Xeph Kadzait Alpha
Created on 06/06/2006 • 625 Posts & 45 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Xeph considered buying Hammer his very own crucifix to lug around with him. Maybe a ball and chain too, for a finishing touch. 'My lord' w 18 years ago
- post Name: Aidan Xephier Race (Amaroq, Illamar): Amaroq Pack Status (Aktok, Piarak): Aktok Occupation: Veterinarian, KadzaitAlpha Gifter (If stil 18 years ago
- thread [I]A word to the wise - any rule that doesn't kill you, makes you a stronger part of the pack. Any rule that is broken...I will kill you my 18 years ago
- thread [B][U]Basic Information[/U][/B] [B]Birth Name[/B]: [I]Aidan Xephier[/I] [B]Aliases[/B]: [I]Xeph, Dan[/I] [B]Place of Birth[/B]: [I]Canbe 18 years ago
- thread [B][U]Glossary of Useful Terms for the Kadzait:[/U][/B] [B][U][I]Adlait[/I][/U][/B]: "[I]Strangers[/I];" Polite term for those outside the 18 years ago
- thread [I]'Any Kadzait caught with their tail between their legs will be shot and eaten.' ~ Vigo Hammerthynn, Father of Iov, Son of Alexi - circa 18 years ago
- thread [I]Xeph looks up from his desk, brows raised curiously. He hastily puts down his text; there's a good chance there was a comic book hidden w 18 years ago
- thread [I]Relations with the Vyusher R'asa have gone through different stages over the years. Since Xeph's rise as Alpha, they haven't been overtly 18 years ago
- thread Welcome to the Kadzait, and welcome to Nachton! Please take a few moments to fill out this quick questionnaire so that we can get to know 18 years ago
- thread [I]After the treaty was signed, the Kadzait, as promised, moved themselves away from any sort of vampire culture. Eventually they found thei 18 years ago