- Birth Name: Chandra De'Espionne
- Aliases:
- Real Age: 50
- Apparent Age: 21
- Gender: female
- Height: 5'3
- Weight: 107
- Body Type: athletic
- Eye Color: Ice blue
- Hair Color: Auburn
- Length & Style: Waist length, wavy
- Skin Color: Pale ivory
- Nationality: American
Abilities & Flaws
Cosmetic Traits
Quirks & Habits
Chandra is a dominatrix. And is also a complete masochist, completely enjoying pain - the more the better, though she tries not to show it.
Character Personality
Appearance to Strangers
Being told what to do.
Strenths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Skills
Creator Description
Gustav De'Espionne (deceased)
Personal History