Nikhila Expecting
Created on 10/21/2006 • 484 Posts & 21 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post "One is enough. I doubt you'll ever find what you're looking for that way again." The odds of finding something that way even once were ast 11 years ago
- post Both of Nikhila's eyebrows rose at Joshua's choice of words. Some people might make a slightly off color joke about that, but it wasn't in h 11 years ago
- post It was no wonder people might think Joshua overly serious, even when he was teasing his expression almost never gave him away. She smiled an 11 years ago
- post Nikhila smiled at Josh's description about his family and the varying degree of spoiling that happened. Even thought she might have been a t 11 years ago
- post Nikhila absently rubbed her belly. It was hard to believe that it would get bigger yet, already it seemed like it was more substantial than 11 years ago
- post Time had done enough flying in Nikhila's opinion. If she hadn't been such a coward, so insecure, this one might already be in high school. T 11 years ago
- post Nikhila nodded, she recognized wisdom when she heard it. Unfortunately their two pups were still a bit young to have such specific 'cheats' 11 years ago
- post Nikhila nodded. She had been sincere in her condolences and knew he was in his. It was, in her opinion, impossible not to have a genuine sym 11 years ago
- post That was good enough for Nikhila. Honestly she wasn't trying to chase Joshua out of Nachton, not even for a long weekend out in the country. 11 years ago
- post The answer was vague, and polite, a wonderful example of his diplomatic skills. She didn't think it was exactly the truth, it wasn't a lie, 11 years ago
- post Occasionally Joshua's calm neutral expression could leave Nikhila just a little puzzled, wondering exactly how serious he was being, but thi 11 years ago
- post Not everyone was boisterous and expressive, she understood that. There were parts of the world where that was considered the norm. Joshua's 11 years ago
- post If she were honest with herself Nikhila would admit to more looking through the book than reading it. Part of her was very much focused on l 11 years ago
- thread [i]Six months, more or less, of every pregnancy were extremely uncomfortable for Nikhila; for any amaroq woman really. Even for those that r 11 years ago
- post "As you wish." He must have his reasons for keeping things quiet and taking his time. Everyone approached this differently. It was a very p 12 years ago
- post "That was very generous of you, and rather daring as well." One didn't just refuse and Alpha. Disagreeing with Aidan occasionally could get 12 years ago
- post "Then everyone will have to take some home. Or perhaps you should invite some of the neighboring countries as well." That would be quite th 12 years ago
- post Nikhila just closed her eyes and tried to ignore the ma'am. She would wear him down eventually."Good, I look forward to it."She did too. She 12 years ago
- post "Good, I hope this means you're settling in and having some fun. Let me know what night works for you." Some people, Drew came to mind, she 12 years ago
- post "I would agree with you there." They were wonderful children. She and Aidan were truly blessed and Nikhila didn't take that for granted at 12 years ago