Mara Tiger Petter
Created on 03/07/2010 • 667 Posts & 31 ThreadsCharacter Interactions
- post Mara smiled at Pak. It was easy enough to engage her friend in conversation now that the 'business' had been done. "Is it the music you li 12 years ago
- post Mara sat next to Amir once more and looked at Shades. He smiled at her and lifted his shoulders just a bit. She knew he'd been talking to Pa 12 years ago
- post Mara listened to the byplay between the two prickly personalities on either side of her. She had to admit, Pakpao did sound a little... upse 12 years ago
- post You know, any time someone uses the phrase 'going dark' I start thinking of bomb shelters, bottled water, camp stoves, and long stretches of 12 years ago
- post As usual, Amir didn't mince words. Shades moved off down the counter, laughing with another patron, but Mara knew he was still listening. Sh 12 years ago
- post Mara flashed a grin at Pakpao when she joined them. She laughed softly. "I don't know if Amir is suave enough to score two gorgeous women at 12 years ago
- post Mara saw Amir enter Shades. She would have come together with him but she had not needed to hunt tonight and she knew he had. Amir always hu 12 years ago
- post Mara was uncomfortable with this scene. She didn't know what Amir was planning but she knew he wasn't about to give up Bao without a fight, 12 years ago
- post "We go where we are best suited," Mara murmured softly. She could have been in the Hunt, she supposed, and she had considered it, but her ab 12 years ago
- post "No," Mara said, shaking her head with a smile. "I belong to the Order of the Night, same as Jin. The Hunt doesn't suit me but as Amir is my 12 years ago
- post "A little," Mara said to Damaris. "Amir enjoys many martial sports, so of course when fencing became modern and popular he learned, and I di 12 years ago
- post "Fencing is an art," Mara said softly. She'd watched Amir at practice many times, not fencing, obviously, as that wasn't his primary form of 12 years ago
- post Mara laughed softly at Damaris' words. "I am familiar with that feeling," she said. Perhaps not entirely personally, but Amir didn't like to 13 years ago
- post "Oh," Mara said, perking up at the idea of a fencing academy. "That sounds like fun. I hope you get plenty of students." Amir loved swords. 13 years ago
- post Mara gave an little 'ah' of comprehension when Damaris explained her purpose in being out tonight. She didn't think it was unreasonable to a 13 years ago
- post Mara attended to her tiny passenger while Damaris drove them around the scene of the accident and out away from the city where the Manor was 13 years ago
- post The woman's name sounded familiar to Mara, but then, many names did. It didn't mean she had a face to match. She smiled softly as the woman 13 years ago
- post The other woman had followed her; Mara smiled at her as she straightened, ball of gray fluff in her hands. Tilting her head at the idea that 13 years ago
- post Mara helped the woman in her arms as they climbed over the wreckage. The cars were tilted sideways and all mashed into a cluster. It wasn't 13 years ago
- post Mara had to climb up over the windshield of the minivan, which was canted at an angle as the passenger side was caved in and the wheel was m 13 years ago