Rowan Murphy
Dr. Glitter-Balls
Created on 02/27/2011
823 Posts & 41 Threads
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Rowan raised an eyebrow at Eiryk when he protested his lack of weaponry. "These are my extra backup weapons for emergencies, if you really w
1 year ago
Rowan waved his hand at Pak's question. "You can move it around; it should be fine in a few minutes." Really, although her laundry list of i
1 year ago
Rowan paused in buckling on his rapier when Eiryk brought up that pesky little detail about permissions. He tilted his head back and forth,
1 year ago
It was a quiet night for Rowan, which he always appreciated. That was the paradox of being involved in health care - having nothing to do di
1 year ago
Rowan glanced at the display that held their remaining time on it to see they were down to just under five minutes. "Yikes," he muttered as
4 years ago
Rowan wasn't the least bit embarrassed to have confused half the room with his muddled accent - err, accents. He was having too much fun, wr
4 years ago
Rowan smiled at Eiryk as he presented him with a key that looked like what they'd need. Sure enough, it slid easily into the padlock and he
4 years ago
Rowan smiled at Alex's willingness to follow his lead, and his apparent eagerness to solve the puzzle. "Yes, sort of," he said, when Alex as
4 years ago
Rowan watched while Blaise attempted to slide open the box mechanism using the magnet. His attempts were slowed when the lights went off and
5 years ago
Rowan almost immediately went to see the Bounty when Eiryk pointed it out, but he thought better of it. It seemed obvious that he and Eiryk
5 years ago
Rowan was glad he hadn't said anything when the paper was handed to him, because his first thought had been 'hidden ink' and he didn't wan
5 years ago
Any anxiety Rowan had felt at the start of this venture, with its handcuffs and the very idea of being locked up somewhere had vanished very
5 years ago
Rowan smiled at the two men as they both appeared to be ready to move on. Rowan himself had no patients in the clinic tonight and nothing sc
5 years ago
I didn't claim to be a hacker," Rowan clarified to Eiryk. "I just suggested that it was an alternative. Far better to do for yourself, if yo
5 years ago
"Oh the books are okay," Rowan agreed when Eiryk mentioned the general details. "The ones you need to watch out for are bibles. Those got wr
5 years ago
Rowan laughed at Blaise's request for dates and names. "Anything we told you would be wildly questionable. Besides, I don't know about Eiryk
5 years ago
Rowan simply grinned, now, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms behind his head. He stretched his long legs out and waited for Ei
5 years ago
Well that was what Rowan had meant about the questions; he hadn't figured Blaise would have a thousand of them immediately. So, that all bei
5 years ago
Rowan spread his hands. "I can help you there too, if you need it. Just saying, if you have questions, ask 'em." College applications could
5 years ago
"You let me know if and when you need help," Rowan said seriously to Blaise. "I'm never too busy for a Clanmate. We help each other out. Plu
5 years ago