Rowan Murphy
Dr. Glitter-Balls
Created on 02/27/2011
823 Posts & 41 Threads
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Rowan was fighting a losing battle against the paralysis of fear. He wanted to hold it together for Jamie, who was whimpering and shivering,
12 years ago
Rowan felt the heat as Brand set off some kind of explosion. He heard Jamie's gasp of surprise, and then Cris's voice in his head too, despe
12 years ago
Rowan felt Cris's hand on his shoulder briefly and then it fell away. He missed it immediately but his partner's sending helped ease his min
12 years ago
Rowan blew his hair away from his face with a huff of frustration, trying to picture all of the store rooms he could think of. Jamie had bee
12 years ago
Rowan moved closer to Cris, slid his hand into his partner's, and pulled him close. The embrace was more for himself than for Cris, he suppo
12 years ago
Rowan felt anxiety begin to mount. It wasn't the thought of the killer doing it - no, he really did want that part over and done with. But t
12 years ago
[I]Rowan walked into work as if absolutely nothing was wrong. A great deal of what they were about to do depended on their quarry not knowin
12 years ago
Rowan smiled at the sending from Cris, a little reminder about who received the most of his attention and 'special care.' Snuggling closer t
12 years ago
Rowan returned Cris's smile with a softer, knowing one of his own. When he felt Cris's hand on his leg he moved his own to cover it, giving
12 years ago
Rowan raised his eyebrows back at Cris, not in the least intimidated by his partner's expression. He knew better. "Is that a threat or a pro
12 years ago
Rowan quietly observed Cris while they moved about the kitchen and eventually arranged themselves at the table. He was used to reading his p
12 years ago
"It's just fine," he said to Cris, slightly more coherent after having such a nice kiss. "I'm just a bit sore, that's all. Are you holding u
12 years ago
Rowan noted their floor smelled pretty good. Then he realized he was lying on it. That was just wrong. He blinked a few more times and opene
12 years ago
Rowan gripped the sheets with his hand as if clinging to that last bit of warmth. He wanted to be wherever Cris had gone. He blinked several
12 years ago
Rowan dreamed of things he might not have expected to, had he been awake and processing higher thoughts. He and Cris strolled through a fore
12 years ago
Rowan smiled as Cris hugged him tightly. He was certain Cris would be in the same bed but he didn't know if it would pain him to be as snugg
12 years ago
Rowan smiled once again at Cris's voice in his head, but witty comebacks were quickly growing further and further from his reach. [Two thing
12 years ago
Rowan leaned against Cris, the position almost too comfortable. He jerked his head upright and shook it quickly, hearing Cris's voice in his
12 years ago
It wasn't that Rowan didn't want more blood... he was just very happy to see Henri, and he really felt all right. More or less. [I have anot
12 years ago
Rowan was still trying to figure out how Henri had appeared here in Nachton at Cris's front door while his Creator stood there with a smug '
12 years ago