Rowan Murphy
Dr. Glitter-Balls
Created on 02/27/2011
823 Posts & 41 Threads
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Rowan gave a modest shrug. "I try. They're kids and they're usually scared when I finally get to them. Bad enough when you're ill or hurt to
13 years ago
Rowan nodded to himself at Cris's thoughts in his head. [I don't have to work as much as I do.] The thought of cutting back though... Rowan
13 years ago
Rowan felt a brief surge of anxiety at Cris's sending. What if Cris grew bored with him? Had he given up his best work too soon? Should he h
13 years ago
[Haggling over it, are we?] Rowan did his best to hide a smile at Christian's words. [I solemnly swear you will have my best efforts. Every
13 years ago
Rowan sneaked one more sad-eyed glance at Cris while he bent to pick up the remotes for the console and sent, [I will try. I'll be honest, s
13 years ago
Rowan watched Eiryk draw his straw, answering Cris as he did. [I don't think we'll have to try very hard,] he sent. [Things seem perfectly i
13 years ago
Rowan, not the accomplished sender Christian was, nonetheless still managed to take a page out of his lover's book and respond to his sendin
13 years ago
Rowan took the bag from Eiryk and peered inside. He laughed and said, "Lost your taste for rum, Jensen? Are we going to take bets on who get
13 years ago
Rowan laughed at Christian as he turned around and went to answer the door. He reached out and swatted his lover on his own ass as he did so
13 years ago
"Nope, got it, thanks," Rowan said with a smile at Christian. He tucked both sides of his damp hair behind his ears to keep them out of his
13 years ago
Rowan held Christian tightly as he came again, smiling into his blond hair as his companion rested his head on Rowan's shoulder. He could fe
13 years ago
There it was; Rowan gasped in pleasure at the tiny bit of pain in his neck which was very quickly overwhelmed by a tidal wave of erotic sens
13 years ago
Having Christian wrapped around him, arms and legs, mouth moving enticingly over Rowan's neck, was a powerful sensation. In spite of the fac
13 years ago
Rowan lifted his brows at the delightful sound of Christian's growl. As his partner reached for him he slid his fingers away, took his own s
13 years ago
Rowan drew his knees up and rested on them while Christian's slim strong hand slid over him. He closed his eyes for a moment but opened them
13 years ago
Rowan sighed softly, happily, shivering at the caress on his neck and moaning softly at the continued toying. He slid up further, right next
13 years ago
Rowan smiled inwardly at the voice in his head. [Please do,] he encouraged. He was fully prepared for the sensation as Christian lost himsel
13 years ago
Rowan adored each noise that issued forth from Christian's lips. He eagerly sought more of them and they were forthcoming. It made him happy
13 years ago
Rowan beamed at Christian's next suggestion. [If that's the case, I will definitely locate my office. And install an exam table.]
He recei
13 years ago
Rowan enjoyed all of Christian's responses. Learning him was exciting to him. Watching his facial expressions, hearing every noise, seeing e
13 years ago