Thaddeus Grey
Treasure Hunter!
Created on 04/05/2005
2852 Posts & 218 Threads
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I -think- it's legal in Mass but it wouldn't be recognized outside of that state. Could be confused about that though :.
18 years ago
*grins* This is very sweet, I like the new sig too
18 years ago
So I saw a movie preview today and said OMG, it's Thaddeus! This is Toby Hemmingway, he's going to be in The Covenant.
18 years ago
Happy belated . My husband just did the whole 'turning 30 thing', luckily you and I both have a few years to go before we start getting all
18 years ago
Welcome back . Good timing - it seems like everyone slept a little this summer but things are really picking up now.
18 years ago
Sounds like fun, hope you have a blast
18 years ago
Hope everything is okay with you and yours, take care!
18 years ago
I would argue that Nova is just a difficult, difficult woman.
18 years ago
Thaddeus tried to contain his pessimism when Alfarinn asked his opinion on the view, thinking that it just wasn’t helpful to let that
18 years ago
I think it's tough to pull off 'sex' as a noun. -Very- few places I've read that and thought it worked. But man, the wrong word can be -so-
18 years ago
Thaddeus was not in a good position to see what might be happening down below, and while he had every faith that everything was going as pla
18 years ago
Thaddeus was more than a little grateful to be held away from the rest of the group for a moment, though he resisted the impulse to coo in a
18 years ago
[i]Thaddeus craned his neck up to look at the apartment buildings rising up to either side, remembering the night he had climbed up from the
18 years ago
Welcome! Do feel free to let staff know if you have questions - The Voice is one way to contact us, or if you have clan specific questions (
18 years ago
Wow, that seriously blows :
18 years ago
I am a little like that in that I can't do both at the same time - most tasks I can do ADD style but I have to stop and very deliberately sw
18 years ago
*grins* happy birthday!
18 years ago
*smiles* (her)
18 years ago
I believe Vex (aka Lotus) developed the style based on the phpbb version. I don't think it's 'out there' as a package deal but I could be co
18 years ago
Thaddeus took the accusation of being an overachiever as gracefully as could be expected; with an arched eyebrow and silence. Unsmiling, he
18 years ago