Legend Bound
Created on 12/30/2005
695 Posts & 46 Threads
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Welcome back /hug hope you're doing a little better
18 years ago
Nodding at his words she was quiet, not sure what to say in this situation, how would she react if Cyrus did come after him, would she stand
18 years ago
Take your time hun, we'll be here
18 years ago
Leaning into him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving a soft sound of approval.
"You flatter me, do it again"
Feeling his lip
18 years ago
Yay for f/f scenes !! /applauds loudly
I'm gonna read those threads for sure
18 years ago
Sooo cute *knuffs the keeskhon and talks in dutch to it* awww wat een schatje
18 years ago
Him mentioning Sam and how he would react to Panos made Alex wrinkle her nose, she honestly had no idea..
"To be honest, I have no clue ho
18 years ago
I think we need more f/f sex thingies hot steamy ones anyone up for it? /giggle
18 years ago
Awwww keeshondje the snout looks different though, we have many of those around here, I think they're a Dutch breed /nod
18 years ago
Smiling at him she looked down at their hands.
"It's ok, we haven't seen eachother in a long time and don't worry I won't tell Shay, haven'
18 years ago
Looking down at their hands she couldn't help but smile, he didn't hate her for what she had done, looking back up as he spoke she felt so m
18 years ago
Yay Panos is evil too and yes hungy, cabbie was around.. not our fault!!
18 years ago
Rofl, Ooo you know, there was a scene with Wren in the shower, that was pretty steamy
18 years ago
Lol ok so Alex is evil and she eats taxi drivers for lunch and dinner and breakfast, the men knew to much and she was hungry, give the girl
18 years ago
Does that mean Alex is evil too *blinks* cause she's working for Tai
18 years ago
My recent rp'ing of her has made her realize that she was human once and did genuinely care for Simon. Maybe not care for Carol, she was cat
18 years ago
Rofl awww poor Nic
18 years ago
I think that Ellis did care for Simon at one point and she probably still does, same for Carol, a person doesn't get this kind of revenge wi
18 years ago
I think that Ellis is pretty darn Evil but... she has her reassons, to me she's the go get take type of person, sees something she likes or
18 years ago
I think Alex isn't plain evil but she isn't good either, she has a very soft side to her, a caring side but she can kill just as fast if you
18 years ago