Journal of Rowan Murphy

Letters to Henri

Friday 1st of July 2011


I know, I know. I should have written long before this. I'm sorry! I promise, I haven't been swallowed up in Nachton. Honestly, you should come visit. It's a great city, obviously not as old as Paris and perhaps lacking some of the charm but it's vibrant and alive and full of people.

The job is good. They've been working me like crazy and it's tough to find a few moments here and there for anything but sleep. I'm still the only pediatrician and I have a hard time turning down extra shifts when I know they're in need. I've done a few rounds in the ER as well as surgery, which keeps me in shape I suppose, but most of it is with children so far, so I'm happy.

Thanks for sending Jacques over with the ships. I haven't had a chance to sail at all yet but I will later this summer. There are a couple trips I want to take, and someone I really want to take them with.

Yes, I'm seeing someone. Regularly. I know, pick your jaw back up off the floor. You can tell Renee to stop worrying about trying to set me up with every man and woman on the planet, okay? I finally get all that crap about love and happiness and blah blah blah you two keep throwing at me. I want you to meet him, whenever you can. I think you'd like him very much. I'm not going to bore you with details, but I'm happy. Unbelievably so, and if I can manage to hang onto him I will.

So, mostly that's what I've been up to in the past few weeks. I'm not entirely settled in here - there's the small detail of an apartment I haven't been sleeping in (cough cough) but... I think we're all right with that. It'll sort itself out. Oh, Jensen is here. Surprise, right? It's great seeing him again. He's shacked up with a boyfriend of his own too, and I'll be honest - they're pretty cute. I don't know that I'd actually tell him that; it might go straight to his head. But you'd like him, too.

I know I'm applying the verbal crowbar here but... seriously. Get your ass out of France and swing by the States when you have a chance. Bring Renee. I'd love to see you both and... well, I'm not planning on going anywhere for a good long time. Read into that what you will.

your favorite, most obedient, cutest, friendliest, and all-around greatest (only) child,


Wednesday 17th of August 2011


Thanks for the email. It's nice to know the event of my developing a chronic condition called a "boyfriend" warranted an immediate digital response. To answer your question, yes, I purposely didn't tell you his name and, no, not even you are going to be able to call this one. Say, how about you visit Nachton? We'd be happy to have you over.

Right, yeah... so about that apartment I haven't been sleeping in. I don't think I'm going to. Ever. We get along too well. So, I have a lot of boxes to unpack and try to fit into a space one person has had to himself for quite a long time. In his defense, there is no lack of desire on his part to see me settled in with him. There just isn't a whole ton of room. I'd buy a house but we both prefer to be here with the family.

At any rate yes. I'm happy here. More than. I wish you'd stop worrying. Don't you think after 1200 years I'd recognize the feeling? I do have more than a passing familiarity with it, thanks to you and Renee.

The job is the same. It always ends up this way. Far too much work for one person to handle but I'm doing my best. I hate not having enough time to spend, now that I do have someone to spend it with. I feel like I'm not holding up my end of the bargain. He doesn't ask for more than I can give but I know he works just as hard, comes home just as tired.

Aside from the hours I like my job. The facilities are great and the staff are, uh, friendly. Really friendly. I've had to turn down several dates but it doesn't seem to be having much effect. It's okay though... they mean well. I figure if I can navigate an ocean full of sun-loving pirates, a hospital full of redhead-loving nurses can't be so bad, right?

Though honestly, sometimes I miss the pirates.

your absolute most favorite , most talented, cutest, coolest, and let's just say most perfect (only) child,


Thoughts in a Green Leather Journal (Rue and Cris' private entries)

Sunday 10th of July 2011


I'm sorry I missed you last night. You know how it is when they hit me with the surprise "extra shift." You were gone by the time I got home, and I'll be gone again by the time you get here.

If there's a delivery from at any point today please open it; some of the items inside are for you. Barring any unforeseen circumstances I'm scheduled to have three days off in a row starting on Sunday on account of my once again having been a good little slave. Can you get any time off then, and is there anything in particular you'd like to do? I just want to spend as much of it as I can with you.

I had an email, of all things, from Henri last night. How difficult is it to write me a letter? Seriously. I'm sure that's coming, but he had to express his shock and disbelief at the notion that his favorite child has a boyfriend. Just to be as annoying as possible, I didn't tell him who you are. So enjoy your anonymity please, love, because I think at some point he might actually come visit and who knows, we might be witness to the first vampiric heart attack in the world. Won't that be exciting?

At any rate, I'll be at the clinic from 8p-8a and then I'm doing a day shift over in the ER at the hospital until midnight. After that I'm supposed to have a break until 4a, and then one more shift in the clinic until 10p. I don't know if you can even make it out then but if you let me know one way or another, I'd love some company for those few hours. If not, I'll just work through. After that though I'm home free. And I'll be glad for it.

Miss you.


Wednesday 26th of October 2011

October 25, 2010.


I know we agreed not to make a big deal of the birthday thing, so I thought I'd write here. I know you said -around- October 25 but whether completely accurate or not, it seems like a good time of the year (aside from, well, all the rest of the year) to tell you how much I love having you in my life.

Every day I've known you has been a blessing. Every week has been a miracle. And every month has been a dream come true. I hope you feel the same way. I'm so proud to be a part of your life.

To that end I've arranged a tiny little something for us tonight. I think you'll enjoy it. I know I will. You're at work now and I've got a few things left to get ready. You'll see them soon enough. What I really wanted to write though, love, was happy birthday, and thank you for everything you give me, every night.
