my two cents
Something modern and dark maybe? A lot of us play EQ and after seeing fantasy so much something gritty and real (while still rping) might be a nice change.
Vampires or something gothic might be interesting for this
Or a nice near future Sci Fi ?

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
I wonder how difficult it would be to split the board up into different worlds? Or would just keeping one be easier?

19 years ago
Hmm, you could. The only problem would be different characters. Would you want people to log in with a different name for each character? Or perhaps just post something on the top like..
He looked up at her with a worried frown. Just what did she mean when she said she'd go with or without him? How could Feylarn mean that much to her in so short a time?
And any of my other characters would start with their name on the top of each post also. I am a character whore btw... If you let me I'll have tons of them.
He looked up at her with a worried frown. Just what did she mean when she said she'd go with or without him? How could Feylarn mean that much to her in so short a time?
And any of my other characters would start with their name on the top of each post also. I am a character whore btw... If you let me I'll have tons of them.

19 years ago
Discussing via AIM we came up with possibly something else.
Worldwalkers- basically all the characters, or most of the characters would have the ability to walk between the various worlds we created on the board.
Gates- Perhaps its a Sci Fi world that has learned to open rifts in dimensions or simply gates to different planets. Think of something similar to StarGate for this one.
*However* You'd want to limit what people could bring from world to world so that you didn't have gun toting maniacs running through elf inhabited woods. Either you could have it so that they could only take natural materials with them through the gate or when they 'walk' through dimensions (depending on which version you use) or if you're using the gate idea, I could see the government that regulated the gates not allowing you to take outside items to the various worlds. (something like a metal detector in an airport.)
You could be mean and make them cross bare assed naked and then have to find clothes when they got there, but this would be a pain to have to roleplay each time you walked from one world to the next.
Worldwalkers- basically all the characters, or most of the characters would have the ability to walk between the various worlds we created on the board.
Gates- Perhaps its a Sci Fi world that has learned to open rifts in dimensions or simply gates to different planets. Think of something similar to StarGate for this one.
*However* You'd want to limit what people could bring from world to world so that you didn't have gun toting maniacs running through elf inhabited woods. Either you could have it so that they could only take natural materials with them through the gate or when they 'walk' through dimensions (depending on which version you use) or if you're using the gate idea, I could see the government that regulated the gates not allowing you to take outside items to the various worlds. (something like a metal detector in an airport.)
You could be mean and make them cross bare assed naked and then have to find clothes when they got there, but this would be a pain to have to roleplay each time you walked from one world to the next.
19 years ago
I kinda dig the Vampire suggestion.....or what about Super Heros (CoH / Incredibles)
Ok, I threw in my 2 cents.
Ok, I threw in my 2 cents.

19 years ago
As an avid gamer let me throw out a couple RPG's I know as possible examples
Shadowrun: Magic, cyber, multiple races like elves, dwarves or orcs, futuristic, mercs and corporates, sleazy underworlds
White Wolf : The modern world.. with Vampyres, Werewolves, Mages, and more. Maintain the Masquerade while attaining your agenda
Shadowrun: Magic, cyber, multiple races like elves, dwarves or orcs, futuristic, mercs and corporates, sleazy underworlds
White Wolf : The modern world.. with Vampyres, Werewolves, Mages, and more. Maintain the Masquerade while attaining your agenda

19 years ago
I love both ShadowRun and Whitewolf games. I was even once in a Cyberpunk vampire game set in the near future.. that was interesting also.

Morrigan Kinsey
19 years ago
I know nothing about this White Wolf or any other established RP thing and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I think using an established world is discouraging to those who are unfamiliar as it would require a lot of reading and research to get caught up with everyone else.