Being sociable
Alfarinn turned and raised an eyebrow at Thaddeus, taking in his companion's well shaped legs and trim figure neatly dressed in a shade of green that favored him. He was not a fashion designer by any means but the colour looked good on his blonde partner and the tailoring was well cut to add a neat put together line that worked well with Thaddeus's frame and excellent posture.
"Thank you, though I don't think I could get enough of looking at you tonight to satisfy me. I wish I looked half as good when that fashion was in style but I'm afraid it did not suit me nearly so well as it does you."
Which was quite well indeed, Alfarinn was always proud to be with Thaddeus but tonight he delighted in how handsome his partner looked, feeling that there was no one who was anywhere close to as stunning and graceful.
"I'm honored to be with you as always."
He nodded to the doorman as they made their way inside, handing over his invitation. Turning back to Thaddeus he added.
"And not for just your handsome face. I'm quite certain I'll enjoy your company much better than a few old fossils who want to go on for ages about the good old days."
Alfarinn enjoyed history quite a bit but felt there was such a thing as living too much in the past. Though he many times felt he was somewhat lost in the future; he really wasn't sure which was worse. Thaddeus helped him there too, like with so many things, reminding him of what was good and valuable about tradition while he taught his younger companion about computers and driving. Funny how that worked but it couldn't have be more perfect.
With a content sigh, he took a look at the ball room and then moved them both off to the side so other people could enter as well. Stealing a wine glass from a passing server, Alfarinn turned to his companion.
"So, shall we be sociable first? Anyone you care to talk to?"

She gave him a smile as they walked through the doors, and she was quickly caught up in the festivities. However, to get her bearings she steered them off to the side, so they wouldn't be in anyone's way. She noticed two attractive young men also standing out of the way, and wondered if they were scoping things out as well. Not knowing either, she smiled, and since it appeared Mathias didn't know them either, she dove in with the introductions. Being a modern woman did have it's benefits...even if it felt a little out of place here.
"Good evening gentlemen, I hope you don't mind us standing here while we get acquainted with the place. I'm Shay O'Mannon, and this is Mathias."
She beamed up at her companion, before extending her hand to the other two. She also remembered she HAD to ask Mathias about his last name. Though it hadn't felt at all awkward introducing him just now, SHE wanted to know. It made her laugh to herself to think she'd been so intimate with him already and didn't know who he was.
"Your costumes are just authentic looking...and unique."

His compatriot had chosen something more in tune with Shay's own clothes,though of a emerald hue rather than the royal blue she wore. They both looked very comfortable together and with their outfits,whereas some guests had trouble with the more elaborate costumes.
" Good evening. That is an interesting ensemble. " He remarked to the tall one, while extended his hand to them both. " Pre-Conversion Viking if I am not mistaken? History is something of an interest of mine."

"I'm skeptical on that front, but whatever the case may be, you seem to have taken to the modern fashions as well as the ancient. Yours is a timeless quality."Â?
Handing his invitation to the doorman after Alfarinn, he followed into the ballroom and took in the sight. Already there were several people gathered, dressed in an interesting variety of clothing from various eras.
"Good to know I'm more than arm candy."Â? He gave Alfarinn a smirk. "I shall have to live up to your assessment of my company."Â? He didn't imagine it would be too difficult to resist the temptation to wander away from the crowds and find a place alone, particularly being with Alfarinn. As much as he liked to stay home and avoid such gatherings, he found the sights and sounds of people all around him enjoying themselves rather infectious. He turned and smiled at the 'fossils' remark.
"-Some- of us happen to like 'old fossils'. And though I will admit to some skepticism on my own time being 'the best of all possible worlds'...they were good days."Â?
Scanning the room again, he answered Alfarinn's query as he looked.
"I was rather hoping Mai might come."Â?
He was always glad to see a familiar face, though Mai's in particular would be a welcome sight. Scanning the crowd once more, he turned at the sound of a lady's voice, greeting her. He inclined his chin in welcome.
"Well met. Thaddeus Grey and Arin Bjorn at your service."Â?
He raised one eyebrow at Shay's companion. A mixed reputation indeed, both as a scholar and as a former Anantya. He was not privy to the details on Mathias's estrangement from his clan, and while his mind could conjure up some truly creative schemes, he found his imagination too limited to produce a reason for leaving his home.
[How interesting. Mathias was of Anantya at one time.]
He wondered if Shay was of their kind as well. It was certainly possible, though Thaddeus did not recall seeing her surname. As always, though, he chose discretion in his comments as he shook the offered hand.
"Mathais. Your reputation precedes you."Â?

"Thank you very much. It is good to be known for one does I suppose. Though I find reputation to be a double edged sword - as likely to cut you as save you. However,if it is nice than I am sure it is all true." He chuckled,watching Thaddeus' reaction.

[Let's not argue about it then. I look good and you look good.. we're the best looking people here. I can live with that.]
He turned and gave his companion a smirk, taking a sip from his wine before speaking.
"Don't tempt me with talk of candy, I'd hate to embarrass you in public but you are a very enticing confection at the moment."
Alfarinn added mentally
[I might have to see if I remember how to get through all that you have on with some amount of grace.]
Turning away from that line of thinking before he embarrassed them both, Alfarinn quickly moved on to something he hoped to be more safe though anything was likely to be turned around in his less than saintly mind which was most always focused on Thaddeus and quite often in ways it sometimes had no business going.
"I'm relieved you have an interest in old relics, my love." Thinking of his own past, brought back by the clothing, he thought back wistfully to his family and sailing in the sunshine; things you'd think someone of his age couldn't remember. "They were good times, indeed, I shall have to tell you about them sometime and I want to hear all about yours."
He looked around for the tiny Asian woman feeling she could easily be here and they would never see her. Knowing how much it meant to Thaddeus, Alfarinn decided to keep an eye out for her from his better vantage point of towering over most of the crowd.
"Perhaps she'll be here later."
Turning to the woman, he smiled and shook her hand, his introduction taken care of by his thoughtful companion.
"Greetings to you both."
Alfarinn chuckled at Mathias's question and looked down at his clothing. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, he replied.
"Well, I suppose it does appear that way but it is somewhat older. I'm afraid my people stuck with what worked."
He was 700 years old before the first viking began raiding other lands, had toured Europe, fought the Romans...a lot that, hired out as a mercenary, loved, lost, met an strange inventor with an excellent taste in wine, and found family in Anantya.
Answering Thaddeus he said, somewhat quietly.
[Weren't we all at one time? Still he is not one of mine, I do not recall him.]
Which meant Mathias was likely not in Anantya at the time of Evenhet's split from the clan. He could hardly find fault with people parting ways so long as it was done honorably and he had no reason to believe that the man in front of him was anything but, so Alfarinn would reserve judgement. He wondered though if being with an Evenhet and meeting so many who have left Anantya saddened his companion.

She was struck somewhat by the reference to his reputation.
"Goodness, Mathias, I wasn't aware historians were so well followed. Now I insist you show me some of your studies curiosity has be thoroughly piqued."
And she squeezed his hand affectionately, somewhat proud that these other men knew of him.
"Though if you know of Mathias, and speak so eloquently of the period of your clothing, would it also follow that you two are historians as well...?"
And if their answer was yes, her next question would be regarding their knowledge of Nachton.

[Well at least she's not likely to be an Ari Grrrl.]
"I am afraid that I do not know Mathias so not all historians seem to be in the loop. I, along with my sister, own Meridian Apex Enterprises and we deal in antiquities among other things."
Many many other things, he felt it likely that Shay was human if she had not heard of his name but perhaps she was young and clanless though her outfit spoke of an earlier time than her knowledge suggested. It didn't truly matter for the evening they were all vampires here.
He shrugged.
"My company is rather proud of its Scandanavian heritage. My British companion is quite the scholar though"
Answering Mathias, Alfarinn smiled and turned to Shay.
"I am afraid not. What subjects do you write about?"

So much history, and fans of differing aspects of it...Shay was enthralled.
Yet again, when Mathias spoke of her book, Shay blushed. She hoped she outgrew that aspect of their relationship, real soon. But she did offer him an adoring gaze.
"Mathias is too generous, and perhaps a bit prejudiced...I've only had one successful publishing thus far, and have just begun my third book. But my work is totally fiction, and perhaps a bit on the 'fluffy' side for the male populace...much less those as distinguished as you three."
Shay was gratified at the success of her book, and truly hoped the second and third did as well, but she held no false aspirations that they would ever be anything more than entertainment...and then only to a limited group of people.
"The first two books were based on my career with the LAPD...Los Angeles Police Department. My third is quite a departure, though funnily enough is about vampires."
And she had to she was standing in an entire ballroom full of them.
"It's a good thing none of us are authentic...otherwise I would probably spend the entire evening researching, and then I'd miss out on all the lovely dancing, and other entertainment."
And as she laughed she gave Mathias a wink.

"Oh, Meridian. Perhaps that is where Thaddeus heard of me? I'm currently working for Duibne Industries, however you know antiquities...word gets around."
Evenhet was friendly to mortals,well as friendly as a predator can be - that made this the safest conversation they would have tonight.

[I suppose you are correct. I thought it a point of interest.]
It seemed, then, that the ideals of another clan had not drawn this one away, unless...but Thaddeus had a hard time believing anyone would leave Anantya for Tacharan. Of course, that could be his familial pride speaking.
"Then I am glad to have met you in person to confirm your good name."Â?
Smiling at Shay, he went on. "I take an interest in history, yes."Â? He gave Mathias a glance before continuing. "Genealogy is something of a hobby of mine; it is interesting to learn where we all came from."Â?
He was well aware of his own youthful appearance, though he thought perhaps the clothes made him look slightly older. Elaborating on his scholarly work would likely not be fitting for one of his apparent age in this time, though his studious inclinations been just as atypical of one so young in his own time as well.
He raised his eyebrows in curiosity when Mathias mentioned Shay's writing. He was not familiar with the name, but perhaps, like many of his kind, she took on an assumed name in order to stay in the public eye. That was assuming she was of his kind...which further conversation suggested was not the case. Tonight was filled with illusions and perhaps the talk of a book about vampires was another sort of game. Still, just the idea was enough to put him on edge.
[Now I wish Mathias -was- one of yours. ]
While he may not be entirely comfortable with Evenhet's close relationship with humans, they had at least proven themselves to be able to handle such relations discreetly. A clanless, or possibly a Tacharan, associating with not only a human, but a human author with an interest in their kind, was a riskier combination in his mind, though to be fair there was no reason to believe either would be irresponsible. Irrational or no, though, he couldn't help but think of the disasters that would befall the vampire community should just one wrong human learn of their existence.
"Quite a departure indeed."Â?
At Mathias's mention of Duibne Industries, more of the mystery became clear, though the reasons behind this particular vampire leaving Anantya for...Tacharan...were still quite inconclusive. While Mathias had left the clan before he himself had even been turned, he couldn't help but take that a bit personally, though in reality he was mostly mystified as to why someone, particularly a historian such as Mathias, would want to leave the wealth of knowledge in Anantya for...Tacharan.
"Oh, not I; though I am acquainted with both companies..."Â? He smiled up at Alfarinn. "...I belong to neither. It is my own studies in the library that brought your name to my attention."Â?
He rather hoped that would clarify their various situations, but mostly he was puzzling over the cause of Mathias's leaving. Had he simply become jaded? Leaving clans was, naturally, not unheard of, but the thought of separating from Anantya, even after everything that had occurred, saddened him so much that he could not imagine a simple departure. He was, he realized, dwelling on the matter; not everyone thought the way he did.
"And how is Duibne treating you? Do you find it a good fit?"Â?

He listened to the couple talk about their occupations and smiled. A writer, interesting. Writing about vampires... Alfarinn raised his eyebrows at this information.
"Well, it would seem you came to the right event. So would this be an autobiography of your vampire life then?... as we are all vampires here. I was always kind of fond of Frankenstein, myself, but perhaps I'm partial to tall misunderstood monsters but I didn't get to decide the event. Besides he wasn't very fashionable..bolts, square head, bad clothing."
[A human writing about vampires at a party with vampires...did Mathias have a history of insanity that you remember?]
Evenhet liked humans and worked with them but they were careful about public exposure of their kind to the world and didn't just tell anyone what they were. Still it remained to be seen whether Mathias was careful, he used to be Anantya and that suggested he was old enough to know to be cautious.
The mention of Duibne tossed that idea out the window.
' Now, now, he could have left for a perfectly good reason. He could be sane.. they could have reasonable people. Look at Simon; he's a nice sane guy... who has a psychotic maker that happens to run the clan.'
Alfarinn felt Thaddeus tense with the same realizations and knew that his companion wasn't at all comfortable around humans. He would normally think a little exposure would be good for Thaddeus but his partner was likely to have valid points here.
[I'm sorry, Beloved, but perhaps being in your presence would bring about a sense of family values and he'll return to Anantya. It has that effect on me from time to time. You are an excellent upstanding member of your clan. He doesn't seem to be crazy or terribly young so perhaps he simply found whatever he was looking for in Tacharan. ]
Whatever that was. He tried to shrug off the bias that all the Orphans were as nuts as their leader. Spotting the red ancient looking kimono or whatever it was called in those days, Alfarinn sent.
[Ah, There is Mai.]
((OOC: Sorry there Mathias Evenhet has somewhat of a bias against Tacharan since they original creator was a bit of fruitloop and Ellis is... well.. she has violence issues))

[No, no record of insanity that I recall. Though that seems to be a relative thing. And I would not call him young, though that is, once again, relative.]
"I suspect that the choice of theme had something to do with the fact that Frankenstein costumes would be much more awkward to dance in."Â? He gave Shay a little smile at that; he had not missed her comment regarding this evening's festivities, especially considering he shared the same hope she did. "Though I do wonder if some of the dresses aren't a bit difficult to manage."Â?
[And don't think for a moment I've forgotten that I owe you a dance.]
He smiled softly up at his companion, though remembering that the Manor he had once called home was not a safe place for him to be right now made reflecting on said family values somewhat more difficult. Even so, Anantya was with him always, too much a part of him for matters like location to interfere.
[Perhaps I -should- attempt to subject more people to my 'good influence.']
He looked in the same direction as Alfarinn, pleased at the mention of Mai. There was no mistaking her, even with her black hair styled and makeup on her face.
[Isn't she a sight?]
Perhaps it was simply the clothing he wore tonight that brought back so many memories, but he could not help but think back on the night Mai found him at the villa on the coast of southern Italy. He imagined others likely recalled their early years as a vampire tonight as well. While some of that particular story was for him a sad and sometimes painful thing to reflect on, there were many happy memories from that time, Mai being one of them. She had been so exotic and different, and even now she still maintained that otherworldly quality that had captured his attention that night even as frightened and confused as he had been.
Realizing that he had been for a brief moment a million miles away, he turned his attention back to his current company.

"Well, it would seem you came to the right event. So would this be an autobiography of your vampire life then?... as we are all vampires here. I was always kind of fond of Frankenstein, myself, but perhaps I'm partial to tall misunderstood monsters but I didn't get to decide the event. Besides he wasn't very fashionable..bolts, square head, bad clothing."
Shay had to laugh at Arin's quip.
"Yes, my life...the main character is in fact a heroine. Do you realize there really haven't been many female vampires characterized in the media...Dracula, Lestat...even when you say the word, it conjures up a masculine form. I'm want to change that...equality of the sexes and all that, you know."
And that was Shay's initial motivation behind her current book. However, since then it had taken on a slightly larger life, and she'd become enamored of the romance of vampirism.
"I suspect that the choice of theme had something to do with the fact that Frankenstein costumes would be much more awkward to dance in. Though I do wonder if some of the dresses aren't a bit difficult to manage."Â?
"I agree...though I was lucky. The period I my character is of the seventeenth century, I believe, allowed me a simple dress...and one that is quite easy to dance in."
And underneath the garment, Shay's feet were already tapping in rhythm.
The men were talking of business, and Shay found her mind begin to wander. She couldn't get enough of the visuals she was encountering...each 'vampire' seemed to unique, and she found herself thinking up little vignettes of several...who they were, how they came to be here, and what kind of relationships they had going with the people around them.
She still held onto Mathias's hand, but she had momentarily forgotten he was there. She didn't go off on these tangents often, but when she did the became engulfed in them.

He noticed that Shay had grown silent and entranced by the spectacle of the event. The ballroom was awash in color and Mathias could see the fascination of it all.
"It is quite the panoply of regalia is it not dear? he said,squeezing Shay's hand.

"It is good to hear that you have found the right place for you, though it is indeed regrettable to leave one's home."Â?
Deciding to let that matter rest, though at some point he would be interested in hearing more, he looked once more in Mai's direction before his resistance crumbled and he looked back to his company.
[It appears she wishes to speak with us; perhaps we can manage a moment alone this evening.]
"It has been a pleasure meeting you both; if you will excuse us, we have someone we must see now, speaking of those who are as family to us."Â?
Taking Alfarinn's hand in his own, he gave a final nod to Mathias and Shay before moving toward Mai and the woman accompanying her. While that was curious, in truth the Queen of England would not have distracted him from Mai at the moment.
/ooc Thaddeus & Alfarinn out pending responses

Then she thought she heard someone mention 'dinner', and wondered if they were already serving. She hadn't eaten since breakfast, but with all the excitement she hadn't even thought about food.
It was then that Arin and Thaddeus excused themselves.
"It has been a pleasure, Arin...Thaddeus...maybe we'll run into each other again."
Shay would have liked to ask them both more questions...and just gotten to know them better, but she understood. Besides, now she had Mathias to herself again.
(ooc - Um...shouldn't Shay and Mathias leave you is your thread

Hearing the call for dinner,Mathias bowed deeply and took Shay's hand. "Shall we dine Milady?" As they headed towards there table,Mathias made note of who Shay watched and what they wore. Leaning in close, he'd quietly share a story or interesting tidbit about that particular era. Even had he not wanted to, there was no way Mathias could keep his eyes off of Shay. The way she carried herself, the way her clothing fitted,everything about her said Beautiful in Big Neon Letters. And he was continually amazed she wanted to be with him.
As they passed the dance floor,Mathias took Shay in his arms for a quick dip and spin. "Remember,you promised me the first dance" He said,smiling at her.
((ooc - Mathias out, awaiting responses))