Bio Links?

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I like to have easy access to the bios of those folks I am about to chat with for the first time. I'd love to see folks start including the link to their intro posts in their makes it a lot easier for those newer among the crowd to get a feel for who their characters are "looking" at. As it is, I generally just keep two windows open at once, so no big deal...but I thought it might be a nice little perk. Cheers!

Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
I like that suggestion.
Mai 19 years ago
I'll put mine up for you when I get the chance.
Shay 19 years ago
It is an excellent help and one I use elsewhere...and will here, as well, now
Mai 19 years ago
Yes, AEA is known to have it as a rule but we wouldn't want to be accused of taking their ideas.
Shay 19 years ago
PUhleeeeeeeeeze don't get me started on AEA...we use it at another board too
Aishe 19 years ago
Test... n stuff.
Mathias 19 years ago
Good idea!
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Wahooties! Thanks!
Rachyl 19 years ago
Hey dat's a pretty good idea!
Connie 19 years ago
I've copied-and-pasted the URL linky thing to my Bio and put it into the Website field in my Profile.

Character profiles can be accessed by clicking the name at the bottom of the forum's main page, or by clicking the "Profile" button at the bottom of one of that person's posts.

Character profiles can be edited by clicking the Profile button at the top underneath the neato SA graphic.
Shay 19 years ago
The only problem with that, I see, is...will anyone know to look under the www button for your bio?
Connie 19 years ago
Well, why even have the links in the signatures?
Why not go into the City Gates page and just browse? It's not like there's four hundred bios to go through...

Anyway, there's only so many things one can do to make it blatantly obvious and say "HEY THERE'S INFO HERE YOU NEED".
Cyrus 19 years ago
As a user of Mozilla Firefox I simply open a new tab and dig through the bio's in my quest to research my new chat-ees. This also lets me check which clan they are in because that thread is at the top of the city gate forum. I can also research their powers if I am not familiar with something.

I have also found great success in clicking on someone's profile and then displaying all their posts. If you go back to the first one, that is generally their bio. Plus you can quickly scan the places they have been recently or in the past.

All in one browser window! Firefox FTW!
Shay 19 years ago
Yes, you can do all of the above. But all of those options just take longer than having easy access via a link in the signature. And while there aren't that many bios to sift through day there might be.

I just agree with Alec...for all intents and purposes, I find it easier to have it in the sig. But I'm lazy too...sue me
Meegan 19 years ago
My only problem with this is that I don't feel like I should post my sig with every response. I don't think anyone should for that matter, but that's personal opinion. I feel like the same graphic 15 times in one thread detracts from the story happening in the thread. I have way to much else to remember to try and remember to attach my signature on each of my starting posts, or to remember to disable it is subsequent posts.

Ginnie's is ok I guess since it's just text but Meegan's is an elaborate .png while lovely, and one of my favorite sigs for any of my characters thus far, it takes time to load said sig 15 times in one post.

What I propose is this:

At the bottom of each post is a little button that says Profile. If you click that you will see below the avatar picture are the words


I suggest we put clan affiliation or human under location, occupation under well occupation, a tiny blurb about your character or their current exploits under interests and the link to your character bio under website.

Example of Meegan's:

Occupation: Designer and owner of Gothic-ah Fashions
Interests: Currently involved with Aron and running from Panos.
Website: Bio

This would prevent the need to put the sig in every post, for those of us that do not like to do so. It also prevents the need to remember to either enable or disable the signature in each post. It is only one extra click, and opens no more tabs/windows then the link in the sig does.
Shay 19 years ago
I think that sounds like a great compromise. As long as everyone does them the same there should be no issues
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
These are merely suggestion to make gameplay easier. While there are good ideas in this thread, at this point no one is being required to follow them as a rule. If you want to do it, cool. If not, that's fine, too.

Nyra 19 years ago
Excellent suggestion Meegan!
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Yep, Firefox muliple browsers for the win! I do the same as Cyrus generally. Connie is right there is only so many things you can do to say LOOK HERE and honestly you should ask people before you decide you know them even if you're in the same clan. People have come from different backgrounds and citiies; the clans are world wide so someone being in Anantya does not mean they were hanging around Nachton the entire time.

In many ways PM> the bio search for making sure you don't say something the other person wouldn't agree with.
Shay 19 years ago
I rarely read bios, as I don't want any ooc information. But what I do find them very valuable for are descriptions. When one of my charries is looking at someone, they need to know if the person is 5' tall or 6'4"...and having an obvious scar, or odd colored eyes...those are the only things I need bio info for.