*Pounce* (invite only)
Mai hurried across the room mindful only slightly that she shouldn't walk so fast while towing Aishe behind, especially while wearing something with a train. Thaddeus had noticed her and she could feel him headed her way.
'slow down' her mind was at war with her feet. Mai made a noise of impatience at the whole idea of arguing with decorum; and was reminded of the saying
'We are fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.'
It did not matter to her what those around her thought so she quit trying to do otherwise as soon as she was near enough to make it very apparent who they were headed towards; Mai then let go of Aishe's hand lest she pull the poor woman over and hurried the last few steps to her Ba-di and wrapped her arms around him.
She remembered again at the last moment and also remembered not to lay her head against him lest her make up lest she mar his lovely outfit. She tilted her head back and smiled up at him.
"It is good to see you."
Mai thought it best not to say she missed him; it would not be fair to make him feel guilty for growing up and having less time for her with all the things that were happening in his life, still she couldn't seem to let him go for the moment.
"Konbanwa Alfarinn-san."
She beamed a smile up at the tall norseman and then finally stood back to introduce her friend.
"This is Aishe-chan, she is a new friend. We must speak with you somewhere better suited to talking. A place without so many ears."

Mai referred to the shorter of the two men as Thaddeus-san, and the taller as Alfarinn-san. Aishe wasn't sure how to treat either individual. Her instincts made her unusually shy, something she knew she needed to get over quickly if these two were who she was to explain her situation to. Perhaps it was the fact that from both men, there was a certain... she fished for the word mentally...
Presence. That was it. They both had a very overt air of sheer presence. Once she put her finger on it, it was difficult to ignore. The taller one, Alfarinn, in particular. In fact, as she subtly regarded him through lowered lashes, she realized with a start that at a glance he looked a great deal like Kem. Not so upon closer inspection, for aside from his norse clothing, his features as well were vastly different, but for a moment she must have worn her heart right out there on her face.
Aishe gathered her wits about her and did her best to quell her growing anxiety. If these were the people Mai thought could help her accomplish her goal, she had to convince them that what she meant to do was no spur of the moment whim, a conscious choice made only after a great deal of thought.
It was the way she would have wanted it, if she were on the other side of the fence.

He smiled and did his best to resist lifting her right off the ground when he returned the hug, not wanting to embarrass her with an overly affectionate display, but he did whisper softly before she pulled away.
"'missed you."Â?
Stepping back to lightly brush gloved fingers against Alfarinn's, he managed a somewhat more dignified and formal response, thinking that it was a bit late for that but an attempt should be made.
"It is good to see you as well; I was very much hoping you would come."Â?
At the introduction of Mai's companion, he inclined his chin in greeting.
"It is always a pleasure to meet a friend of Mai's. I imagine a more private setting could be arranged."Â?
There were a few options; some rooms off to the side looked promising but he wasn't certain they would be allowed them. There was a lovely balcony on the third floor that might better suit their purpose and allow them some distance. He wondered what Mai and Aishe might need to speak with them about but decided the only way they would find out is by doing as she asked.

Still smiling, he turned away from the scene of the two of them and looked to Mai's companion who must feel somewhat uncomfortable with Mai's unusual display of affection if she had known the Elder for any length of time.
He sensed just that and ...well now that's odd; she looked his way and for a brief moment he felt love, joy and hope and then it was gone, replaced by a flash of disappointment followed quickly by curiosity, nervousness and resolution. Alfarinn had to wonder who he resembled that she wanted to see so badly but it was obvious that it was not him and he had never met her before. Smiling kindly at her, he said.
"Ii-wy em hotep, Aishe"
Her costume looked as authentic as one could make on short notice and the necklace was not a piece of fake neo egyptian jewelry that had become all the rage with a lot of New Age groups. Still being as old as her outfit suggested, Alfarinn would wonder what she had to be nervous about in their presence. She could be a well studied human he supposed but what would Mai be doing with a human? He wished Kem were here; he would enjoy speaking to another person knowledgeable about his homeland, thinking of Kem reminded him that he had not checked up on his friend who rarely visited the towers for his fear of heights. Alfarinn wondered if the man had returned yet from Egypt.
He bowed to Mai and then linked his hand with Thaddeus's when he felt the light touch on his own.
"Konbanwa, Mai-sama"
((OOC: Aishe sensed with permission))

"U ru ese, ankh udja seneb," she replied politely.
Odd, to find someone here who spoke that particular language. Even in the field not many were conversant; it was a dead language. Many read it and some even wrote it, but even fewer spoke it.
In fact, she realized with some awe, the odds here in Nachton were better that the man in question had been alive back then, than they were that he'd studied the language on a whim. She glanced over at Mai, then from Thaddeus to Alfarinn.
I knew it. I'm surrounded! *mental giggle*
"It's unusual to meet someone who speaks the same language," Aishe said softly, nerves making her even more reserved than usual. "It took me years of studying to learn it, and most of that done from a very unceremonial position on my rear in the dirt with a brush and some notebooks."
Aishe smiled, her interest and curiosity aroused. She felt some of her nervousness fade a bit. Not knowing exactly where they could go to speak, she simply resolved to be a follower in this instance. She was still slightly hesitant to talk, for there was certainly more room for pleasantries, but she was also aware that she might never have another chance.

[This is an interesting development. I wonder what on earth she might want.]
Deciding it was likely best if they got out of the crowd, he nodded in the direction of the doors.
"Shall we then? There is a balcony on the third floor where I doubt we would be interrupted, at least as long as the meal is going on. We should be able to talk more in peace."Â?
That said, he offered Mai his arm, giving Alfarinn's hand a final squeeze before releasing it to escort the ladies from the ballroom.

She said very quietly while he was still close. "It is not so good as a walk through the gardens but..." Mai looked around too happy to find fault with the colourful swirl of fabric, the chattering of many voices and the strange smells of perfumes,powders and odd food.
"It is enough."
Mai looked at Alfarinn and then at Aishe following their exchange in Egyptian and smiled at them seeming to get along well so far.
"Aishe-chan is very skilled, ne?"
Of course knowing languages just seemed to make sense for her and not something she thought about as she had wandered from place to place, she picked them up as she went staying years here and there before getting the urge to move on and see something new. Evenhet prized the scholarly though just as much as others in Clan Anantya. With new people so young, Mai wasn't always the best of judges but she thought Aishe to be a better fit for Evenhet than her own clan; something about the girl spoke of involvement that just wasn't their way. It was not important, Aishe had chosen Evenhet for her lover and that was best, the clans should not mix often, it was going to be trouble enough in the lives of the two wonderful men standing with them.
Mai pulled up her shoulders and smiled cheerfully at Thaddeus,looking very much the sixteen year old girl for the moment, and wrapped her silk drapped arm around his. Her Ba-di very much fit Anantya despite being so young and it made her glad to know that there would always be those that found a home with them.

"Well it took my mentor a long time to teach me. I assure you. I keep in practice by spouting useless bits of nonesense in Egyptian at my friend, Kem, but I haven't seen him lately. Mind if I spout useless bits of nonsense at you instead?"
Possibly quite familiar of him but Alfarinn felt that being overly formal would likely just make her nervous. He winked and held out an arm for her, seeing Mai and Thaddeus rather happy to be back together.
"Care to accompany me, Milady?"
Mai looked positively chipper and he couldn't help but find her attitude contagious, already quite happy about being here with Thaddeus, he was in high spirits at the moment. The fact that the person next to him was a human merely interested him but had yet to arouse any worry. Aishe hadn't mentioned being a reporter or a member of the government or anything as of yet so he felt inclined to let the whole thing play out without concern.
[No clue but I figure we'll find out soon enough. Lead on, My good man!]
He hoped his good natured attitude about the whole thing didn't annoy his companion, who might see it as flippant disregard for the possibility of problems but Alfarinn found it hard to be alarmed at the moment and felt Thaddeus would just have to forgive him.

She pulled herself together, composing herself quickly, for it would do no good to break down here, in the middle of all these people. Besides, if Alfarinn and Kem were truly friends, perhaps Alfarinn might be more inclined to aid her. Maybe he would even understand these odd feelings, the impulses that screamed at her that Kem needed her.
She offered the tall man a shaky smile, well aware that he and Kem were of similar height as she placed her hand on his arm and moved with the small group out of the ballroom and down a sweeping staircase.
"Useless bits of nonsense?" Aishe said, one eyebrow lifted as they followed Mai and Thaddeus through a series of smaller rooms. "If you hadn't spoken them so beautifully, I'd almost be insulted to hear my ancestors' language deemed thus!" She squeezed Alfarinn's arm just a bit to let him know she was simply teasing. "But as it is, you're welcome to spout them at me whenever you like, far too few people speak it and it's nice to keep my hand in, as it were."
As the sounds of the party upstairs grew softer, Aishe turned her head to the man next to her to murmur in a far softer tone, "It's odd that you mention Kem. I can only assume you mean Kem'Raaisu, which is a coincidence, as that's the very person I came here to speak to you about."
((ooc: permission granted to take the group down to the balcony! I know, DOWN to the balcony! That's just crazy talk!))

"You and Alfarinn-san will stay in the same house,ne?"
They couldn't stay at the Manor though Alfarinn might allow Thaddeus to stay in the Towers if the other Evenhet would let him. Somehow she doubted it.
Mai stopped them in the hall before the went inside the corridor for the stairs. Turning to face Thaddeus she said.
"I am very proud of you, Thaddeus-san."
She wanted to tell him, wanted him to know since he wouldn't be around every night for her to say it in more subtle ways. Mai hoped he always understood that she loved him more than she had ever loved another living thing but she wasn't always the best at expressing that.

Aishe then said she wanted to speak to him about Kem. Oh...Oh!! Well that might explain who he looked like, from afar perhaps, his long white blonde hair and height were similar to Kem's in a way and their builds as well though with Kem that seemed to vary more often than his own. The scholar seemed to forget to eat; it honestly worried Alfarinn but Kem had managed to live this long despite his odd habits.
Turning to Aishe he raised both eyebrows
"Oh, well do elaborate. I hope Kem isn't in some kind of trouble."
He smiled slightly at the thought of Kem as a hell raiser of any sort, not very likely unless there was a dig or a book he was being kept from. That her feelings of hope from earlier were directed more correctly at Kem was very interesting indeed. The old (well younger than him) sneaky scribe had managed to find himself a girlfriend. When did this happen?

"Elaborate? Where to begin?" She murmured thoughtfully, her eyes taking in each of the three who stood out there with her. "The beginning, then, I suppose. I met Kem in Egypt last year. I was there doing some work with my old professor and another colleague..."
Slowly, bit by bit, her story came out. She let them know, hesitantly at first, how she had discovered who and what Kem was, the strange hieroglyphs on the rocks, his odd habits. How once, back in America, she simply observed and studied him quietly, trying to reconcile his identity in her head, the conclusions she'd reached. She considered whether to tell them she'd pretty well forced the reluctant vampire to feed from her, but chose to omit that. It was bad enough she revealed these facts about Kem on her own, she could at least save him some pride by leaving that out.
When her past had been divulged, spread out like a jigsaw puzzle and left there for her companions to sort through as they would, she found there was more to say.
"So you see, I'm here for several reasons. The first, because ever since the last night we spent together, there's been something wrong with me. I keep getting these odd feelings, urges, almost as if I were in Kem's head, or he in mine, and something's wrong with him. I know he's upset; he thinks he's doing the right thing by pushing me away and refusing to get me further involved, but he never stopped to consider that I might welcome that involvement.
"I can't deny the feelings in my head or in my heart any longer. I'm here to put myself on equal footing with him. To approach him as a human would further his doubt. But if I presented myself to him as he is," she gestured uncertainly, "and as I must assume by now, you all are, I will have proven my own feelings are as permanent as they can be."
Aishe turned her imploring eyes upon Alfarinn once more. "I had one name to go by, Evenhet, when I came here. And I must apologize, for I've mislead some people in my search."
Looking at Mai, she gave the girl her most apologetic look. "Mai-chan, I know I said I was told the name Evenhet by Kem, but please don't get the wrong impression of him. He never said a word to me about it. Now that I understand the meaning of the word, I know he would do nothing to endanger his family and friends. I looked through his computer one day, when he wasn't in the room with me. I wanted to find out more, about him, about everything. But I couldn't find anything except a few names I didn't understand, and the word Evenhet."
Looking back at Alfarinn again, Aishe pulled a picture from her handbag and presented it to him shyly. "Here... I've kept this with me. Kem left it with his letter when he ran. I don't know if it will help at all, but at least you might not think I'm completely nuts."
Her face grew more serious. "There's something wrong with him though," she said softly. "I don't know if he's just stopped caring about anything at all, or if there's something else, but I'm afraid for him. I love him."
She looked away, afraid of what she'd see on the others' faces at this moment. She simply stared at the ground, out into the air off the balcony, anywhere but at the three people standing in front of her. And waited.

[Certainly, love.]
Nodding in response to Mai's question, he spoke as they walked.
"That she is."Â?
It seemed she and Alfarinn were quite engaged in conversation behind him, though he was only picking up little pieces that seemed to be the usual pleasantries about their commonalities in language. He felt a measure of relief that Alfarinn was so at ease and even glad to speak with one of her kind, and decided to withhold judgment until he could get a full picture of what was going on. There were quite a few unanswered questions. How had she met Mai, for starters? How much did she know about who they were? What were her intentions and why had her voice dropped to inaudible to speak in Alfarinn's ear?
His musing, however, took an abrupt turn when Mai quite casually mentioned something that had been on his mind...well, as much as anything could be under the circumstances. He wondered why he hadn't just told her the last time he had seen her that he was moving from the Manor to live with Alfarinn. It had seemed at the time that he had good reasons; wanting to wait until they were on the other side of this trial, for one. There were certainly important things to discuss that day as well, but he could have said something and he hadn't. Now that she had broached the subject he just felt vaguely silly and something a good deal less than brave. He should have guessed she would figure it out on her own if he didn't say anything, for all his speculation that their relationship was written all over their faces.
"We haven't purchased a home yet...but yes, we intend to."Â? He bit down on his lower lip before continuing. "It's going to have a garden."Â?
His inward thoughts made Mai's next statement all the more unexpected, and he found himself quite speechless for a moment. Pausing with Mai at the stairs, he turned and let Alfarinn and Aishe get a bit ahead of them while he collected himself.
"I wouldn't be the man I am if not for you."Â? He shook his head, wanting to say more and wishing he could have this conversation at the Manor where he was a bit more free to speak his mind. Even so, after a moment he went on, not wanting to let the opportunity pass him by. "Three hundred years ago you found me. I suppose that might not be a long time for you but it's...nearly my whole life. I think that's a long time to love someone; I don't imagine that happens every day. I can't count the number of times you've found me since that first night when I was...so frightened and alone. And you were there. Every time I've been lost, in all the different ways I've lost myself."Â? He looked away for a moment, setting his jaw. "You're a part of me. Perhaps the part of me I'm most proud of."Â? He returned his gaze, offering his arm once more and moving down the steps. "I'll come back to the Manor often. And I hope you visit us at the Chapel we're going to buy."Â?
Taking a breath to steady himself a little, he smiled down at Mai and caught up with the group, where, it seemed, they were back to business. He listened quietly, doing the best to work through his alarm as it became clear to him that she knew of their kind and was involved with one of Evenhet, though he realized at some point in her speaking he had reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose in distress. He at least resisted the temptation to fire off a half dozen questions and more than a few remarks when Aishe explained her true motives, not feeling this was the best time for his commentary. While Mai had brought Aishe here and that made the situation as much his business as Alfarinn's up to a point, his companion clearly had a few pieces of the puzzle he did not; more knowledge of their apparently mutual friend, for a beginning, and the benefit of Aishe's full accounting. He had his own thoughts on the matter; he was less than inclined to trust a person that had found out about Evenhet in the way she had for one and for another found her somewhat of a reckless menace, but such opinions did not solve the current problem at hand.
Well, problems. For one, 'completely nuts' or not her concern for Kem ought to be taken seriously. For another, she simply knew too much. Some damage control of the verbal sort might be done, but one could not erase all the knowledge she had come by unless they chose a more...permanent solution. That was, however, just about the last thing he wanted to do.
And then there was her request, which certainly put them all in quite an interesting position. What would she do if they didn't agree to comply? He couldn't help but feel somewhat manipulated in that respect, blackmailed. She had come in, admitted that she knew far more than a human should, and claimed to be in love with a person that by Alfarinn's accounting hadn't been seen in some time. Who was to say if that was sincere or just part of a scheme to be turned? Why would an Evenhet have any issue with her being human in the first place?
That road seemed to lead to more questions than answers; he could think of any number of reasons she would want to be turned, or at least claim that was what she wanted. Infiltration, intrigue, information. Espionage. Or perhaps she had no malicious intentions at all and simply wanted power. Power without understanding the price.
It only took one wrong human knowing what they shouldn't know. And he didn't like their options at this point. They were in this for better or for worse; they couldn't just let her walk away at this point, it was simply too dangerous. That did not mean, however, that turning was the solution; in fact, he was fairly certain that would only serve to make a bigger mess than they were already dealing with. She was thinking of Kem...supposedly...but what of the people in her human life? Had she even considered how they would be handled? Or had she considered that all too carefully?
Of course, turning for the sake of love was hardly out of the realm of possibility; Thaddeus was not so jaded as to discount that completely. Still, the fact that she wanted to do this without his knowledge struck him as internally inconsistent at best and devious at worst.
Even so...for some reason Mai had brought her to the two of them. He walked up to Alfarinn, resting his hand on his companion's shoulder, concerned and feeling somewhat guilty that this would fall to him so heavily. This was an Evenhet matter, on one level anyway; on another it was a matter for their entire kind. Even so, it was an Evenhet who had brought their kind to Aishe's attention, and an Evenhet who could be in danger. He reasoned that he had a choice here; he could choose to support Alfarinn in the difficult choices he would have to make, or he could...
Alright, there wasn't really a choice.
[I'm with you, love. Let's see if we can get the four of us out of this tangle.]

He smiled a little when she said Kem ran away. Self sacrificing, that did sound like him. Kem wouldn't want to doom Aishe with his "curse" as he called it. No doubt there were plenty of other factors there love and temptation to change her in order for them to be together, a happiness for some reason the insane man felt he didn't deserve. Alfarinn felt like shaking sense into him but it wouldn't likely do any good.
The longer he listened to Aishe the more he felt the very headstrong and practical woman might be good for Kem. She came here with a goal and seemed on the verge of completing it. The question now would be when and how and what to do about their mutual friend in that time.
Alfarinn scratched his head thought and looked at her for a moment.
"Well the first thing I can do is go look in on Kem. I do happen to know where he stays in town. Are you sure he's back?"
Sighing, he continued on, she could answer that question in a minute.
"As far as being what he is. Its not so easy as getting your photo taken, a membership card and poof you're in the club. Normally such things are done out of love or passion or well a number of reasons on the part of one like us for one like you. In this case you're asking us to do this without the benefit of that relationship."
Putting his hands on his hips, Alfarinn began to pace thoughtfully and then stopped.
"You'll need to come back to Meridian and learn what you can about the benefits and drawbacks to being what we are. The best thing would be for Kem to do this but if you feel he will not... and I get that impression as well. Then after a time we can discuss options. Perhaps while at Meridian you will find someone that a friendship forms with and you both will be comfortable with such a change. In that time hopefully I can make sure he doesn't do anything drastic."
Alfarinn smiled at Thaddeus and covered the hand with his own.
[Thank you. Love is a complicated thing it seems. I can't make her a familiar. It would make her untouchable by others and I'd rather not be the one to turn her as an elder and an ancient I'd rather take much longer and have a closer relationship. Its just never something I cared to do lightly. Perhaps there is someone in Evenhet who would like a young vampire assistant and wouldn't mind a working relationship or a friendly one. I'm also not sure I feel about not letting Kem have this choice but ultimately it is her life here and not his.]

"I will visit often, Ba-di-kun. There will probably be new rabbits to chase."
She stopped to listen as he continued, watching him in her way. Mai smiled as he set his jaw and continued to speak. They never seemed to need words to say what it was that was special about what they had and Mai found herself surprised by how much the words meant to her. Perhaps she had not been so bad for him after all.
Sniffling slightly, she blinked through the tears that had already spilled over and down her cheeks,making little white rivers through her make up. Mai did not know what to say for moment. Thaddeus was proud of her and she had forgotten what it felt like to know someone you cared about was proud of you. The night she walked away from her creator was the last night she had ties to anything human that she looked up to; she cared about Anantya as her family but she was beholden to no one, she thought she was rather distant watching over them like herd dog watches sheep, they were her family but she walked the edges. Thaddeus though, had always been more, pulling her into the heart of the clan right along with him, while she still watched over them she felt more a part of them because of him. He was her family, her adopted son.
"I will always come find you, Thaddeus-san."
Mai took off the blindfold she was wearing and with a little shrug and a grin, used it to wipe the make up off her face. Tucking the blindfold up in one of the dagger straps up her sleeve, she leaned her head against his arm.
"I will come see this temple of yours. You will have pretty flowers? and some paper?"
She grinned impishly and remembered the last large origami project he found her working on.
"Other than books,ne?"
The other two seemed to be deep in a discussion about this Kem and it would seem Alfarinn was handling it well enough. She wandered over to the ledge of the terrace and hopped onto the railing, walking back and forth touching the leaves on the trees and the bushes.

"I don't know whether he came back to Nachton or not," she said regretfully. "If it's any indication, the strange feelings I've been having have grown stronger since arriving though. It's like I'm sharing his dreams. They're not very pleasant."
She continued to listen, just glad that they'd been willing to hear her out. "I know there must be so much more to it than I can comprehend, but I'm more than willing to learn and be taught." The next part was far, far harder to say. "I know... some things just aren't possible. If that's the case, you have my leave to do what you must with me, to preserve your safety and secrecy."
Aishe swallowed hard. "Just... make sure Kem never knows," she said, her hands gripping the railing behind her until they turned white. She didn't want to know what it would do to him, to ever find out she'd chased him here and come to any harm.
She was more than willing to do what they asked of her, especially if someone would check in on Kem. She couldn't blame them for wanting to 'try her out' as it were, but she also had to hope that she wouldn't end up waiting too long. The feelings in her head were biting at her with such force, she felt as if she might burst if she didn't understand them soon.
She shook her head, to herself more than anything else. "I'm sorry," she said again, to all of the people out there with her. "I truly don't mean to be so... well, annoying. And I wasn't sure I'd get another chance to speak to someone who might be able to help."
Aishe was still too nervous to meet Thaddeus or Alfarinn's eyes. She was afraid what she'd see in either pair. She watched Mai instead, wishing for a moment that it were she balancing carelessly on the railing. Maybe it was, she realized, and she just hadn't noticed.

"All the pretty flowers we can think of, though none as bright you. And yes, we will be sure to have plenty of paper on hand, lest Mr. Swift take offense at the destruction of his book."Â?
It seemed his companion took Aishe's words at face value, though he was still skeptical about the whole matter. Alfarinn was, however, handling this as well as he could under the circumstances. Taking her to Evenhet was a fairly safe answer for all parties and giving the whole matter some time while they found out the whereabouts of Kem and let Aishe get acclimated was certainly an improvement over doing anything rash.
Even so the idea that turning was something available for the asking did not sit well with him. Either her request was all part of some conniving scheme or she honestly didn't realize what she was requesting.
[I am concerned, I won't deny that. I believe you are doing the right thing but you will forgive me, I hope, if I worry after your safety and that of Evenhet.]
He could respect Alfarinn's desire to find the right match in his clan for Aishe's turning; the choice was not hers alone, after all. He had thought that she seemed to hold an attitude of...entitlement...regarding her potential turning, but her next words proved him wrong in that respect.
A part of him that he wasn't exactly proud of mentioned that they hardly needed her leave to protect their kind, but he squashed that line of thought before he could take it any further. While he still wasn't totally convinced she wasn't manipulating them in some way, the idea that she was willing to put herself in the hands of vampire strangers for merely to opportunity to be heard spoke of either a great deal of nerve or of desperation.
"We look out for our kind quite closely indeed but I hardly think anything so drastic as what you're referring to is necessary."Â?
[I must say, though, that I hope Mari can prevent her from 'exploring' private computer files from here on out.]
He raised one eyebrow at her apology and, to no one's surprise more than his own, approached her, standing beside her and watching Mai balance on the ledge.
"Don't apologize. Particularly if you go through with this; don't apologize for being who you are and doing what you believe is right."Â? He continued to quite deliberately not meet her eyes, but went on speaking. "There is a great deal that is possible in this world."Â?
[I am increasingly concerned about this connection with Kem she describes. Perhaps you could take a look at the photograph and see what it might tell you?]

Well, that was easily tested and he should do that before she set foot into Meridian. A human familiar to one of the other clans was still possible but it seemed her feelings both in the picture and now were genuine, only a vampire was likely to fool his empathy and it would be hard to fool his psychometry. There was the very off chance that a vampire would claim to be a human but this would be a seriously odd elaborate scheme if that were the case. He had to admit though if it were any other vampire he would have said it would never work but it was entirely possible that Kem never bit her. If he cared about her it would be something the Egyptian vampire wouldn't want to do for fear of hurting her.
They were bonded. That he was close to certain of and that was not something that happened by accident or between unwilling people, so she had to want it as well.
"You do understand that we will need to check your story." Alfarinn handed the photo back to her. "I have my people to think of and Kem is one of my family."
He reached out a hand to her and smiled.
"Your hand, please."
Thinking to Thaddeus, he added.
[I thank you, my love, and I am concerned as well. MARI will keep her out of Evenhet's files that I do not fear, she is the best there is and has a team of support staff. What would normally worry me more is what people are likely to say, unguarded words are harder to fight than unguarded data but at this point with what she already knows it would be better to just tell her what we can. Misinformation and whatever she might find on her own could be worse, there are those out there that don't like our kind and should she find those, she could mistakingly lead them to a good friend of mine at the very least or my front door at the worst.]
He watched the woman who had just placed herself in their care.
[I do not know why Kem had such data about Evenhet on his computer but we'll have to bring that in an update the security on it. I need to check on him. She has been with him, this is true and I believe them to be bonded. That makes me believe her.]
((OOC: Photo sensed with permission))

She would show them blood before she ever showed anyone her tears.
Visions from a past that wasn't hers flashed through her head; snatches of a dream that wasn't hers to awaken from. It drove the color from her face and the strength from her legs, but whatever stubborness that had brought her here to begin with kept her standing now. Well, that and her death grip on the poor railing.
She nodded when Alfarinn spoke again. Of course, they'd have to check her story. She understood. She wished they could trust her, but at the same time, the very fact that she did understand made her realize that of course, they could not. Time would fix that, she thought. Time to get to know each other, if it was granted... and it seemed it might be. Time for them all to realize that she never did anything halfheartedly. She was willing to give up her past in order to persue her future.
"I have my people to think of and Kem is one of my family."
That was the most comforting thing she'd heard yet. She couldn't be with him right now, even though she knew it was the best place for her, and for him, but at least Kem wouldn't be alone to do - whatever it was he thought he was doing.
"Your hand, please."
The whole balcony was swimming before her now, but Aishe focused on the smiling face above her. Get over it, she told herself. She tore her left hand away from the balcony, forgetting for the moment that it still bore the red scar from the healing knife-cut she'd given herself in the park two weeks ago... the last time they'd been together.
Aishe had no idea what was coming. She could have sworn she was leaving fingerprints in the solid stone railing with her right hand, but she obligingly held out her left hand. She watched; she couldn't close her eyes to whatever was going to happen. She was certainly going to treat herself to some hysterics later though, she thought as an aside.

The girl had best be prepared to do what she came here for because this seemed to be the point of no return. Mai doubted anyone would be made on of their own tonight; that was not a thing to be doing out here where someone could walk up on them and she didn't think the tall blonde had lost his senses. Alfarinn seemed to believe her though and that would draw the girl into their world; once such a knowledge was gained by a human there were only so many choices left...and none of them involved turning back.
She smelled blood from Aishe, faint but sweet and it was enough to make Mai stand still and focus completely on the exchange, her white eyes bright with interest and anticipation.

Licking the last of the blood from the healing wound, He slowing removed his mouth, pausing long enough to press a light kiss to her palm. Alfarinn still held Aishe's hand gently between his long cool ones for a moment as he spoke.
"I am sorry for the necessity of checking your story in such a way but I do hope you will understand."
To Thaddeus, he sent.
[She is human, as she said. I suppose that is better than the alternative.]
Looking over at Mai, who had been watching him. He nodded to the Elder of Anantya; Aishe was his situation to deal with now and he would take over full responsibility for her. Wrapping the girl's arm gently around his own. He looked down at her.
"Welcome to Evenhet."
((OOC: Despite biting her, Alfarinn is not making her a familiar that has to be done more than once, nor is he claiming her as his own in a way that means she's not to be touched.
Permission granted to snack on Aishe. Thanks!