Edwin Bishop
Basic Information
Birth Name: Edwin Allen Bishop
Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Dallas, Texas
Age: 19, but looks maybe a year or two younger
Male/Female: Male
Current Occupation: Student/busboy
Past Occupation: (If different from above)
Hair Color: Brown
Length and Style: About an inch long, usually left either somewhat messy or in a faux-hawk
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Somewhat pale peachy, with freckles
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs
Nationality: American
Race: Human
Body Type: He's a bit on the thin side of average
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
Edwin can be quiet and shy when someone first meets him, but once he gets to know people, he's quite friendly and outgoing. He likes being liked, so he's scared to meet people because they might not like him, and when he knows someone, he wants to do what he can to have them continue to like him. As long as he has a group of stable friends, however, he doesn't worry about getting other people to like him. Because he's borderline obsessive-compulsive, he can be very anal and irrational about things. He even understands that there's no reason for the irrationality, but sometimes he can't help himself. It annoys him, but he's learned to live with it. Change quite literally terrifies him. He's rather attached to an old blue hoodie of his, because it's been with him for years now and helps bring him some degree of normalcy and comfort in new situations. He gets antsy if it's not within sight. He loves his family, and he's a faithful friend.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger
Edwin's usual attire is a t-shirt of some sort, jeans, tennis shoes, and his blue hoodie; unless he is working, and then he wears black pants, a white button-up shirt, and an apron. He wears black-rimmed glasses when he has to read or look at other small things, and they're always somewhere on him just in case. He even sometimes wears them when he doesn't need them because he likes the way they look. He may appear as if he hasn't gotten a lot of sun, though he's not extremely pale. Physically, he's not very imposing. He's 6' tall, but he's also slight, and he walks lightly so he won't disturb anyone and be noticed.
3. What does your character like?
Peace and quiet, alone time, playing the piano and the violin, being with small groups of people, hair gel, his glasses, books, even numbers baking, his hoodie, warm home-made chocolate pudding, pasta, chocolate milk, and his Mimi.
4. Dislike?
Fanta commercials, being called Ed, people who call him Ed, crowds, storms, being in new situations, everything he's afraid of, Latin, and applesauce.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
Blending and Ethereal
6. What are your fears?
Rats, spiders, bugs, change, germs, large crowds, squirrels, thunderstorms, lightning, actually becoming OCD, and his aunt's poodle.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
He is an auditory learner and is able to learn quickly and easily remember things after hearing them once or twice. Because he is borderline OCD, he's very thorough most of the time. He is naturally limber. He is polite to everyone he meets, and always tries to be accommodating to others, even if it puts him out.
He can be very irrational, especially when stressed, and his inclination to please others makes him vulnerable to malicious intent. His thoroughness can sometimes cause him to repeat things to make sure they are right or take longer than necessary. He also has abandonment issues.
Hobbies & Skills
Reading, playing the piano and the violin, watching old episodes of Saturday Night Live, baking, playing pong and ping-pong, listening to music, and collecting rubber stamps.
He's ambidextrous and has an awesome ping-pong game. He skilled at baking and plays the violin and piano well (though he's better at the violin than piano). He was one of the top runners on his high school track team, and still is quite fast.
Cosmetic Traits
Edwin has thick eyelashes and a light smattering of freckles across his cheeks. He has a light brown, egg-shaped birthmark on the skin over his left hip bone.
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
Edwin is quite shy, rather quiet, and tries to remain invisible in the background. He doesn't like to be noticed, because he's afraid that when noticed, he might not be liked. When he's made a friend, he smiles easily but continues to be quiet for the most part. He also plays with the cuffs of his hoodie when nervous, which happens quite a lot.
Personal History
Edwin Allen Bishop was born on April 9, 1986 to Arthur and Philippa Bishop. She had become pregnant with Edwin in college and married Arthur soon after. The relationship was all right, not a lot of love but not any hate either. Arthur married Philippa out of a sense of duty more than anything else. They were divorced when Edwin was six, and Philippa, a stay at home mother, couldn't raise Edwin on her own, so she moved in with her mother, Jean Addams.
A year later, Philippa decided to do what she had intended to do after college. Philippa had been in the ROTC and was planning on going into the military after she graduated, when she became pregnant with Edwin. Because she couldn't have her child with her while she was going through basic training, her mother agreed to take care of Edwin while she was gone. Philippa signed over guardianship, and Edwin lived with his grandmother, whom he calls Mimi.
Of course, both parents effectively leaving him rather quickly - at least that's how his young mind saw it - really caused some problems for Edwin. He became very clingy toward Mimi and developed his fear of change. It's probably where his obsessive-compulsiveness came from too, according to a counselor his Mimi took him to see when she started noticing that he washed his hands several times more than needed during the day. He got over that symptom of it years ago, but he still has OCD tendencies.
After a stint in the army, Philippa became computer tech support, moving back in with her mother. She saw how much Edwin had gone through and how much he clung to Mimi, so she decided to let him stay with her mother instead of trying to get custody back, even though it broke her heart. Arthur, who was an engineer, remarried, and had three more kids. He usually sees Edwin twice a month and on some holidays.
Mimi was a music instructor. She played several instruments, including the piano and the violin, both which started teaching Edwin to play when he was old enough to learn. He's better at the violin than the piano, and he enjoys playing both for himself and for any audience willing to hear it. Other than the borderline OCD and somewhat strange family unit, Edwin's been a fairly normal young man. He navigated high school to the best of his ability, had two semi-serious girlfriends during and after, and had some luck in the athletic realm with track.
He recently moved to the area, as he had gotten a lucrative scholarship to a nearby university. Even with that, however, he still has to work. He was very unsure of coming here, though his Mimi talked him into it because the music program at the school was very good. He'll be wearing his hoodie every chance he gets.
OOC Checklist
Player name: MachenÃÂse
Other Characters you play: None
How you came to SA: CJ (Addison) has mentioned it to me several times and Mike (Pakpoa) gave me the link last night.
Have you read all the Rules? Yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yes
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? Yes