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Want Ads (Open to Anyone)

The had been her sign...getting a flat just inside the city limits, and then having the spare be flat too...Nachton...she liked the sound.

She was lucky both tires on the Rav were repairable, and had been done quickly at the service station. She was also lucky it was early. She hadn't found a place to stay would need to be cheap...but a job was really more important.

And food. She was starving, but didn't want to spend what a nice meal at a restaurant would cost. Finding the arcade had to be another sign hamburgers, fries, and a chocolate milkshake were perfect...just what her budget could handle.

As she entered the noisy place, she bought a local paper, and then her food. The only kids around were was probably letting out soon, and then her haven would become a place to quickly get away from. She hoped to have some phone numbers to call by then, and be on her way to employment.

She took a bite of her hamburger, and opened the paper to the want ads. Pencil in hand, she began going down the columns. Fallon was lucky she had waited tables, and worked as a secretary before getting her credential and becoming a teacher. She would love to teach again, but waitress jobs were just more plentiful, and easier to come by. It appeared that was the case in Nachton, as well.

Fallon 19 years ago
Eyes bleary from fatigue, Fallon had finished her dinner ages ago, and now folded up the newspaper. A piece of paper was folded next, and contained names and phone numbers of several places that seemed to hold promise of employment. First thing tomorrow, she'd start calling, and hopefully get a couple interviews at least.

With the time change of autumn, she was still surprised to notice how dark it was becoming outside the arcade. She was also amazed to see the place was even more empty than it had been just an hour or so ago. She thought by now it would be bustling with activity. Though she relished the quiet, and was glad for the shelter. It might have been wiser to have made this move in the summer, or late spring. However, she was fairly certain had she waited beyond winter, she would have been dead, come spring.
Fallon 19 years ago
Feeling quite conspicuous sitting alone, after dark, in a half empty arcade, Fallon picked up her paper, and trash from her meal. The folded paper with her notes on it, was placed in her purse, and the trash dumped on her way out the door.

The night air was quite cold, and she pulled her jacket closer to her. She knew she had spent way too much time in the arcade, and now had no idea where to find a place to stay.

The rather elegant hotel she'd driven by upon entering town had been discarded as a choice, as it would undoubtedly be more costly than she could really afford. But for tonight it seemed she was now left with little choice.

As she sat down in her car, she kept telling herself what she was doing was the right thing to do. She already knew it...but every now and then she just needed a bit of support. And for now, she was all the support she had.

Key in the ignition, she pulled out of the parking lot, and turned the Rav towards the Piazza. Thinking nothing but positive thoughts, she just knew she'd have a job soon, and wouldn't need to use all of her 'runaway' fund.

(Fallon out - lock please)