New aquaintances (private/att nic)
Addison fumbled with the keys in the door. Nic was behind him and still touching him in ways that was making it difficult to think of a reason why letting an almost perfect stranger into his second home was a bad idea. As he finally got the key in the right way and opened the door, Addison wasn't thinking of much at all but his companion in a very positive light.
Speaking of light. He hit the light switch and it brought the lamps in the room to life. Addison hated ceiling lights so as a result, he'd had all of them removed and the switches were wired to the lamps in the rooms instead. He quickly shed his own jacket and tossed it over the living room couch before turning to Nic and pulling him close by the other man's shirt.
"Living room...dining room and kitchen on this floor with a half bath...." He supposed he should keep up the idea of it being a tour...although, showing Nic any other room but his bedroom seemed rather moot point in his fuddled mind. Yeah...the Manhattan had been too much....

But the parking area was much to public, and Nic wanted to have some fun with Addison, not get the guy arrested for public indecency.
Coming around to the passenger side, Nic handed Addison the keys, and then put an arm around the guys shoulder, as he followed him to his home. Once inside, Nic was only slightly surprised at Addison's new found aggressiveness. Nic had just spent the time in the car telling Addison how much he wanted Nic. Nic had carried the 'doggie bag' inside, but tossed it onto the nearest table, and gave it no further thought.
And after Addison spit out the floor plan, Nic pulled the other guy up against him, by the waistband of his pants, slid his hands around to cup Addison's ass...hard. He then proceeded to grind their groins together, and their lips as well, before thrusting his tongue inside Addison's mouth just in time to nick the little guy's lip with his eye tooth, and lap up the tiny bit of blood.
Nic groaned loudly and sucked on the lip. The blood was sweet, and hot, and Nic was ready for more.
'You didn't feel that, Addison...all you felt was my tongue, searching for yours...but it's not enough is it...we want more don't we...we want naked...we want flesh on flesh...we want mouths on flesh...'
Before Addison could begin to regain awareness, Nic lifted the guy's legs, and wrapped them around his waist, as he carried him through the town home, up the stairs, and to the first room with a bed. Nic could have taken Addison downstairs in the living room, but wanted the guy to have a nice place to wake up in later.
'Remove your clothes me your prick...your hot...throbbing prick...take it in your hands, and show me what you have.'
Nic focused on his objective, and started removing his own clothes...slowly...teasingly...wanting Addison's desires to continue to build...He wanted Addison out of his mind with lust...and then Nic would give him his prize...and Nic would claim his.

Fuck....but the kissing was definitely not enough. Hoisted up, Addison trailed kisses along a jawline as Nic carried him up the stairs. What he really wanted was to return the kiss from before, but he didn't want to trip up the guy who was currently supporting him over open stairs.
He fell to the bed quickly once deposited, hands already on his tie, taking it off. Seemed Nic had an excellent sense of direction and the red head scooted backwards on his down comforter, crooking his finger Nic's way as his thoughts turned naughtier. Damn, but he was horny now..,,and suddenly in a hurry to get undressed.
Pulling open his shirt, Addison made quick work of getting it off and tossing it to the floor before the shoes, socks and pants followed suit. The boxer briefs took a moment as Addison paused to watch Nic's body slowly come into view. Well shit...Nic had a body most guys coveted secretly...wanting to look exactly like that, and... Addison felt...positively scrawny next to him.
Off went the boxer briefls and the red head sat up, his legs bent and at either side. He reached out to trail one hand down the smooth skin on Nic's exposed chest. Damn, but the man was a walking wet dream. Addison's breath hitched and he made a soft keening sound as he slowly started touching himself.

His voice was soft, and melodic, and intense. Nic had removed his clothing, finally...never breaking the rhythm he initiated. But it was worth it to take things slowly. He could see...and hear...the urgency in Addison's body. But the tiny, soft sound that escaped Addison's lips...the touch of Addison's fingers weren't enough.
Crawling up over Addison, Nick kissed him again, but briefly this time. He had business to attend to and that was at the other end of Addison's body. Flipping around quickly, Nic presented his ass to Addison, and focused his own eyes on Addison's cock. Moving Addison's hands from his own erection, Nic placed them on his cock, and gave the man instructions.
"Suck me Addison...suck me hard little man...and while you suck me...I'll do you."
Leaning down, Nic shoved himself at Addison, so the guy had no choice but to do as requested. But to give him more incentive, Nic took Addison in his mouth, and sucked. He teased the guys prick and balls, until he felt his own being taken care of, and then replaced his mouth on Addison with his hands. Nic's mouth began to trail upwards.
''re fucking're fucking in love with my can't get enough of's what you live's what you must have before you can rest...suck me Addison...suck me fucking hard.'
Feeling Addison's prick start to throb in his hands, Nic sunk his teeth into Addison's groin, going in like a hot knife in butter, and finding his internal illiac artery, Nic began to drink.

Laying back, and letting his legs straighten and part as Nic crawled over him, Addison gave a content little sound into the brief kiss. Brief? His eyes opened as he was presented with a rather up close and personal view of Nic's erection.
"Suck me Addison...suck me hard little man...and while you suck me...I'll do you."
The funny thing about horniness, there's a point where blushing doesn't happen as much...granted, blood was more interested in travelling to a different part of his anatomy right now, but if that wasn't going on, the order from his companion would surely have normally had him red from his hair to the tips of his toes. It was a turn on, but Addison paused before wrapping his mouth around the cock being pushed towards him.
He wasn't terrible, but lack of experience wasn't going to win him any BJ awards. But what he lacked in finesse, he was making up with sudden eagerness to please. The accountant massaged the underside of Nic's cock with his tongue twice before sucking as he raised his head, taking as much in as he could. He tried to mimic the movements Nic was doing to his own, very happy little guy, but wasn't sure he was getting it exactly on.
He "Mmmmm"ed, grazing the tip with his teeth as he pulled back before going back to suction. Fast, desperate little sounds that he couldn't quite repress were causing him to breath harder...not to mention what Nic was doing.
Addison closed his eyes tight and tried not to thrust up into Nic's hand as the other man moved to suck at a spot of skin he didn't even knew was so sensitive...but Nic apparently did. The suction seemed to have an immediate affect on his erection and Addison griped the sheets at his sides to keep from biting down as he got caught up in the sensations.
If he'd had his wits about him, Addison might have made a connection to the sudden euphoria now with being claimed by Ellis, but he was too far gone at this point to realize. He moaned long around the flesh in his mouth and tried not to thrash about.

He hadn't cum, and probably wouldn't, but that didn't matter. He had enjoyed what Addison did to him, but felt so much better from feeding that he was content to just go back to sucking Addison off, and calling it a night.
Once he'd laved Addison's groin area with his tongue, Nic resumed sucking his cock, and as the hot liquid began pumping, Nic swallowed with ease.
For the hell of it, he then turned his attentions back to what his bed partner was doing between Nic's own legs, and noticed it did feel pretty damn good.
'Ahhhh yes Addison...the head...suck the love feel it between your own legs...the harder you suck me, the better you feel.'
Without having to fret about hunger, Nic could just relax, and in doing so finally felt his own release. Nothing earth shattering, but quite pleasent.
"Hey Addison...that was really great..."
Not one for a lot of fancy words, it was something that Nic even cared enough to say anything at all. He crawled off of Addison, and up to lie parallel to his new found friend. He even went so far as to gather the little guy into his arms. He'd really come through for him, and Nic wanted to show the guy how much he appreciated it. Though he couldn't stay too long...he'd not get caught here in daylight...he had a few hours before he'd need to slip out.

He let his head drop back against the bed and sucked as hard as he could on the head of Nic's cock, eyes opening wide as a sudden gush of salty liquid filled his mouth without warning.
"Hey Addison...that was really great..."
"nnngghh..." Addison's eyes drifted to half mast and he made a sound of contentment as he was pulled up against Nic. When had it gotten so damn cold in here? He took a couple of deep breaths and tried to touch Nic, but his limbs were extra heavy and everything seemed so damn sluggish.
He must be more intoxicated than he thought. Addison blinked slowly and clenched his teeth as his stomach felt like it was rolling. He'd never been affected like this before. A shiver and he curled slightly into Nic's arms. "Just..what I...needed," he confirmed, surprised how hard that was to get out.

Nic examined Addison's neck and found no marks...nor could he find any on his wrists or inner thighs. Unfortunately, that didn't mean Addison hadn't provided sustenance for someone else not that long ago. Nic was afraid the little guy had serviced Nic sooner than he really had the physical ability to do so. Nic could only hope it had at least been a couple weeks in between. He felt obligated to watch after Addison now though...until he found out more. He also had to wonder - had he just poached on someone else's territory? The thought was NOT a pleasant one.
Nic was Evenhet, and as such felt encumbered with the responsibility of living with humans, and in as harmonious environment as possible. He would never think to kill someone...human or vampire. He was a pacifist, who worked out and built up his physique, as a pseudo look tough so no one would bother him. Of course he did have enough strength to protect himself fairly well, if required. He just never liked being put into that position.
Tucking the blankets around Addison, Nic ran down the stairs, taking two at a time, and rummaged around in the kitchen. He found some prune juice, shook it, sniffed it, and pour some into a glass, which he carried upstairs. He would try to get Addison to eat something, if he could, before he left. But for now he just wanted the guy to take in some liquid.
Crawling into the bed, Nic pulled Addison's sleeping form up into a half sitting position.
"Hey...Addison...drink some of's good for'll help settle your stomach, and you'll feel better when you wake up later."
Nic 'suggested' that Addison really wanted something to drink...the thick brownish liquid would soothe Addison, and help restore his physical balance...and this was what Addison feel good.
"Fuck." Nic said under his breath. It shouldn't be like this...he wanted Addison to feel good...thoughts of his 'orgasm' to dream on...not this listless, half living.

"umph" And was roused by jostling around slightly.
"Hey...Addison...drink some of's good for'll help settle your stomach, and you'll feel better when you wake up later."
"I'll..." yawn " fine. Just.." pant "...need a little sleep." It was true...he was just...tired. Drained from too much alcohol, too little food and release...the combination of said activities surely wore him out. He'd just call in to Dubine tomorrow morning and tell them he was working from home and do his stuff from bed. Yes...staying in bed seemed quite perfect right about now. Although...would he be missed if he stayed here?
"You just wore me out...'s all." Addison gave a sheepish grin, but reached for the glass anyway. A tentative sniff. What the fuck was this shit? Surely Nic wasn't trying to poison him...The movie Heathers came to mind...but while thinking of that, his body, without conscious prompting, slowly took a couple of long sips from the glass, ignoring the nasty taste as he did so.
Addison raised an eyebrow part of the way. "You ok?"
(OOC: funnily enough...this is what we went over today in BIOL class. And how most males will continue to use the same iron content that their mothers gave them in the womb until the day they die...unless donating blood. Females are another story thanks to Aunt Flo, but I thought it was interesting - we went over anemia...Addison wasn't particularly fond of that lecture)

He chuckled to himself when he was credited for wearing Addison out. It was good he'd remember things that way...thus reducing any threat to Nic.
Taking the glass, and setting it on a nearby table, Nic climbed back into bed, and pulled Addison back into the position he'd occupied moments earlier.
"Yea, little buddy...I'm fine, right as should sleep up. I'm sorry I wore you out, but sleep, and you'll be fine too..."
Nic had to think that. He had to believe he hadn't hurt Addison.
"And maybe in the next day or two...when you've regained your'll come bike shopping with me pick out something fast...sleek...powerful..."
Now he was just talking...keeping his voice quiet, somewhat monotone, just a lulling sound for Addison to listen to as he drifted off. Nic, too, found he was getting sleepy now...not an uncommon condition for him, after feeding. He was lucky, as he didn't sleep too deeply, or too long. But to be on the safe side, he set his watch alarm, pulled the covers up over the two of them, and lie there...waiting for Addison to sleep, so he could follow.

He leaned in to the other man and closed his eyes again. The little buddy thing was awfully neat a that he could get used to.
"And maybe in the next day or two...when you've regained your'll come bike shopping with me pick out something fast...sleek...powerful..."
"Nghff...." His breathing evened out, blowing a couple of red strands away from his face with every puff.
(OOC: Addison's zonked out.)

Again he was relieved to hear Addison breathing steadily...consistently...
Slipping out of bed, Nic shut down his watch alarm, before it went off.
4:15am...he had some time before the sun would be up. He dressed as stealthily as possible, and searched through the guy's clothes, looking for a cell phone. Unable to find one, he tossed the clothes over the end of the bed, checked to see Addison was covered and sleeping still, and slipped downstairs.
Addison -
Glad we ran into each other at the museum yesterday.
Had a great time last night.
Hope you're doing better today. Didn't mean to be quite so demanding...but from where I was, it couldn't have been better.
Couldn't hang - had an early appointment.
Take it easy, and I'll catch up with you later...
He jotted a quick note, and made sure he hadn't left anything of his behind. Finding the phone downstairs, Nic wrote the number down on another piece of paper, and shoved it into his jeans.
Then, without a sound, he quickly fled through the door, and made sure it was locked after him. He felt great, and knew the walk back to the hotel wouldn't take long, and would offer him some time to think...and see a bit more of the city up close.
He had plans now...not anything grand...but plans, none the less. He whistled as he sauntered down the sidewalk, and into the early morning darkness.
(ooc-Nic out)

By the time he arrived back at his hotel room, Nic again felt the need to sleep. Yet after only a few more hours he was wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
His thoughts were troubled. Not drastically so, but he was most assuredly concerned about what had transpired earlier.
Having been away from Evenhet for so long, he'd forgotten what it was like being around places where there were chances of him running into more of his kind. And because he'd moved around so much over the past several years, he'd not given any thought to the conditions of those he fed on...or not beyond making sure they would live.
Yet here he'd met a guy he found highly company...who was easily manipulated, and gave decent well as tasting great. But, for all signs, also belonged to someone else. It was too great a coincidence that he'd been randomly fed on over the short space of time required to have made him quite so weak.
So Nic not only had to deal with thoughts of Addison's well being, but also issues involving who the other leg of this triangle was.
Blackout drapes in the suite enabled Nic to move around quite easily during the day. Though he was able to be outside if he was careful, for short periods of time, he chose to limit those excursions to the necessary. He wouldn't be able to 'see' Addison for a few more hours, but he could speak to him.
Pulling out the torn piece of paper from his pocket, Nic dialed the phone and waited as it rang.

Or, it had at the time. Addison rubbed his head and pushed his hair out of his face. That hadn't been so smart. He shivvered as he struggled to his feet, breath coming in short gasps. It took much longer than normal to pull on a pair of pajama pants and pad downstairs for some orange juice.
Turning up the thermostat, Addison eyed the paler than usual tint to his skin. "Probably coming down with ..." yawn. "...a cold" he said out loud to himself. Grabbing the phone, he quickly called in to work to let them know he was remoting in from home due to health issues and grabbed the leftovers from the entrance table as well as some orange juice and headed back up stairs...which took twice as long to get up than it had to get down.
"Holy..." pant pant "...shit..."
'Screw the food...sleep!' He was out again as soon as his head hit the pillow, food left untouched on the bedside table.
An undisclosed amount of time later....
'what was that damn noise?' Addison cracked one blue eye open, looking around. 'And just in the middle of a dream invovling Ellis and Simon...' Ah....his other was ringing!, that wasn't right...the phone was under it. Addison grinned, thinking it had to be Carol calling to see how he was.
"Addison here...."
(OOC: Anemia symptoms found Here )

Nic still wished he'd been able to hang around longer, and make sure Addison had gotten through the night okay. At least it was a relief to hear the guy's voice, and that he was forming coherent words.
Though he knew he couldn't, Nic REALLY wanted to ask Addison if he'd donated any of his blood to another recently. But in lieu of that, he'd settle for keeping tabs on his new make sure everything turned out fine in the long run.

To be blatently honest, Addison hadn't expected to hear from Nic so soon. "You...make it home..." Cough. "ok?"

"Me? Oh hell yea. I left you a note...I had a...great time."
' need to gush...the potential for friend was there, but Nic doubted there would be a replay of the whole guy on guy action...last night had been a rare occasion for Nic. That was unless he got strung out and hungry again.
"Anyway, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I wanted to invite you go with me and check out a bike. But if you're not feeling well, maybe we can get together again sometime?"
Knowing the possibility that Addison 'belonged' to someone else was high, it might be a better idea if Nic kept his distance for a while.

"Me? Oh hell yea. I left you a note...I had a...great time."
'Good...' Addison got the impression that his clan was a little...ruthless....or bloodthirsty and would feel guilty if Nic had gotten bitten on the way home...after all, this could be a dangerous place at night. The red headed accountant sat up and reached for the now, very luke warm, orange juice and took a sip. Bleahhh.
"Hnnn...sure. I am a little...tired, but how about later?"

This time he'd wait until AFTER he'd fed...that way there'd be no temptations.
Having nothing left to say, knowing whatever he did way would probably be forgotten anyway, Nic closed the call.
"Catch ya later, Addison."
(Nic out pending response by Addison.)

He tossed a look to the food and sighed, not feeling hungry in the least...just tired. And sleep was just a scootch away. Doing just that, Addison left the phone next to him and dozed off to sleep again.
(OOC: Out)