I got caught up in logistics... all the effort it must take to -get- gold-plated bullshit.
LOL Rachyl and Connie! One has to watch out for people spouting insincere gold plated bullshit.
Not that Alfarinn could ever be judged innocent of it but it was still funny. :vampgrin

19 years ago

Thaddeus Grey
19 years ago
So are we thinking like fresh manure or more of a gold plated cow pie type of deal?

(wall of famed btw)

(wall of famed btw)

19 years ago
/loans you her horse for 24 hours.

19 years ago
It'll be the must have Christmas present!!

19 years ago
Each one a unique collector's item. You have cow, horse, sheep... Franklin Mint would probably be less than thrilled to carry it.
Thanks for Wall of Faming it, Billie, I totally forgot
Thanks for Wall of Faming it, Billie, I totally forgot