And now the Shopping! (attn: Amberelle, invite)

Amberelle took them back to Ginnie's car with Ginnie giving minimum directions. She hadn't parked all that far from the restaurant. They chatted and laughed about where to shop as they drove. Amberelle pulled into the slot next to Ginnie's bug and killed the engine. Ginnie slid out of the car and went to the boot of her's. She removed her jacket, utility belt, shoulder holster, wrist sheaths and every other weapon on her person.

She then pulled out a single gun shoulder holster and a thin black belt for the holster to have something to latch onto. She put them on, adjusted their fit and took a black suit jacket out of a garment bag and slipped it on. She shrugged her shoulders a few times, then put her coat on over everything.

Ginnie started closing the trunk, changed her mind and pulled a four inch knife from another case and clipped the sheath on her belt so that it went down her pants. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but she didn't want to be so underarmed with just the one gun. She closed the boot and walked back around to Amberelle's car.

"So do you want to go to the mall or just meander on the Strip?"

Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Watching as Ginnie pared down her considerable mobile armory Amberelle wondered if she was almost under armed in comparison. Simple stilleto knives in her boots seemed good enough normally. Now, it made her feel almost naked when she considered how much the Tacharan had been wearing. 'It wouldn't be the first time I've brought a knife to a gun fight..' She cut off that line of thought before it got started. The last thing she wanted to start reminiscing over was the errors she'd made that resulted in her being the undead she was today. 'But I should remember it, or I'll end up cocky and really dead next time, maybe.. Argh! Think happy... shopping..'

Ginnie walked back then and provided a welcome distraction to her thoughts. I say it's nice enough tonight really, let's see what we can find around here. Besides we should walk off 'dinner'. She giggled. Working out wasn't something either of them neglected judging by her friend's figure.

Climbing out of the car, Amby grabbed up her purse and slipped it onto her shoulder. As she walked away, she pointed the little hand held remote back and set the alarm. It chirped loudly and they were off.

There is this really cute looking shoe store I saw a few weeks ago I've been wanting to check out, want to head that way? There are some neat little shops along the way, I think.
Ginnie 18 years ago
"Sounds great." Ginnie picked up her purse, set it on her shoulder and made her car beep. It wasn't the nice little bird chirp of Amberelle's but it still let her know the alarm system was activated. She caught her stride up to Amberelle's and they headed toward the shop Amberelle had mentioned.

"So tell me Amberelle, Are you originally from New Orleans? How long have you been in Nachton? What do you do for a living? What plans do you have for your afterlife?"

She chuckled softly and smiled at her companion. Some vampires refused to give you information beyond their cover, some would tell you anything you wanted to know, (those usually ended up dead) and some were middle of the road. Ginnie contented herself with middle of the road in most cases. Then again, Amberelle was an Anantya, so she had to be careful about her work and the Clan, but otherwise she was free to divulge.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Ok.. where to begin..?

Stopping in front of a boutique window filled with trendy looking tee shirts and teen oriented casual clothes with window banners proclaiming SALE! SALE! SALE! Amberelle chewed on her lip for a second. She mulled over what all to say in response to Ginnie's questions. Ones seemingly simple and innocent, the typical questions one asked a new friend. Yet considering the clan difference they could be asking for trouble if she was too honest.

Turning to look at the Tacharan while she studied the other side of the display window she answered quietly, half thinking as she spoke. Oui, I was born and raised in New Orleans. I'm 29, even if I only look 18. She stressed 18, hoping that would come across subtle enough but let her friend know that was when she was turned. I came to Nachton almost a year ago.. I wasn't sure if I would stay, but the 'family' welcomed me, so I did. As for my plans.. she shrugged. Honestly I never put any thought into anything past getting out of New Orleans. Absently reaching up and twirling a lock of her long blonde hair around a finger, she looked thoughtful. I guess I should.. I keep thinking I will when I feel more settled, more secure with being here. She glanced at Gin and gave a sad half smile. I keep looking over my shoulder and expecting my past to show up and drag me back.. very long story and not for a public street.. I guess I've been just enjoying being able to live and be free, you know?

Amby shook her head and tried to shake off the 'deep' vibe that seemed to have crept into her. Enough about me.. what about you? How long have you been here? Are you really Irish? And how did you meet Alec..!? Spying a couple of slogan tee's she liked she perked up. Pointing to the door, she gave her a quizical "Do you want to go in?" look.
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie smiled at Amberelle's words, most people don't look beyond their present when they are still so new to the world. Ginnie wasn't that old, compared to some, but she was old enough to know that the future was a shaky thing and that if you don't have even a small plan, you can end up lost and in danger.

She pulled open the door as she contemplated her answers. She followed Amberelle in and spoke softly so as not to be over heard.

"I've been in Nachton since the late Eighties. I do R&D for Duibne and have since I came here. Yes, I'm really Irish, I was born there," She leaned close to Amberelle and whispered "died there."

She straighted and ran her fingers over the tops of a row of shirts.

"I met Alec at the Halloween Ball, he danced with me, the promptly tried to rip the clothes off another guest. Then Simon gave him to me for some work I needed done, so essentially I'm his boss, but it doesn't really work like that."

She picked up a purple shirt with a picture of a zombie rag doll, very Tim Burton, she chuckled and put it over her arm. A girl can never have too many black t-shirts with bizarre pictures.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Walking inside, Amberelle stopped at the rack of tee-shirts she'd seen through the window. She grabbed the cute pink one that had originally caught her eye and then started flipping through the rest. She nodded as she listened to Ginnie. Again she wondered just how old the Tacharan was, but refrained from asking in such an open place.

Chuckling a little as she tried to imagine shy Alec attempting to rip clothes off of anyone she grinned over at Ginnie. Now that *had* to be hilarious. Did he turn beet red? She was willing to bet he did. Holding a purple shirt up to her chest, she nodded then draped it over her arm with the pink one. Yes... his boss. I definately have to remember to give him no end of grief about that.

A smiling sales clerk wandered over to check on the two. Hi, I'm Mandy. Can I help you find anything?

Returning her smile, Amberelle shook her head. I think we're good, right now.

OK great. All of our sweaters are on sale in the back, and the jewelry is fifty percent off. Just let me know if you need me. With another billiant smile she was off to the next customer.

Pulling out a cute gray cami top with black lace trim she held it up and turned towards Ginnie. Doesn't this just scream summer? Looking at the emblem on the hip she giggled. Oh I can't wait for it to warm up! I want to buy shorts and sun dresses and swimsuits.. I guess that's the beauty of leaving most of your stuff behind.. you get to buy new ones! She giggled and added the gray top to her growing pile.
Ginnie 18 years ago
"I don't think beets are red enough for the color he turned." She laughed softly and picked up a gray t-shirt with Popeye on it. She giggled and layed it over the rag doll tee.

She smiled at the girl and studied the top Amberelle put up for her inspection.

"Summer, is exactly what it screams. I have more swim suits than I can count, but it doesn't stop me from buying a new one every year. I just tell myself the variety keeps them from wearing out so fast."

Ginnie picked up another top, shook her head and put it down. She needed some of those halter tank thingies that were in style right now, not more t-shirts, well ok she wanted more t-shirts, but she'd stop at two. She thought about all of the lovely skimpy swim suits sitting in a drawer and had a wistful thought that made her sigh.

"Too bad I can't wear them in the time and place they are meant. The last time I had that option, bathing out of doors was just not done among the privileged." She sighed again and moved to the rack holding the halter tank thingies.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Thinking about lounging out in the sun brought a sharp pain to Amberelle. She sighed and nodded, staring ahead with a pensive look. Oui.. I used to be outside all the time, especially during the summer. Swimming was almost a necessity to stay cool. She gave the brunette a crooked smile. You know it gets rather hot down in Louisiana. Growing up, I was always doing something outside, the bayous are beautiful when they're full of life in the spring and summer. And I always felt so safe out in the sun... she trailed off and ended that train of thought with a shrug. No way should she talk about that here in public or even with someone she didn't know *that* well yet.

Moving over to the blouses, she started flipping through the peasant style ones that seemed to be in vogue this season. They didn't have her size and she glared at them a moment then shrugged. She held one up. This would look really cute on you I think.
Ginnie 18 years ago
"I still have mine from the Sev...from the last time they were in vogue." Ginnie had a small storage unit that held clothing and other things she'd hung on to since moving to the States. The British Isles were just too small for someone like her to cart around that much stuff, but here in this place, no one seemed to notice she never aged.

"Maybe one day you can come over and I'll pull my clothes chests out and take you through some interesting fashion memories." The house Alec owned was finished and Ginnie was slowly moving her stored stuff over and into the attic there. It was a finished attic so she could store as much as she wanted to there.

"I like that one. Though Lord knows I don't need any more clothes." She took a green and white striped halter tank from the rack and held it up to herself. She could wear most green, but this lime color was a little too bright for her. She put it back and took down a light brown one with a small flower at the hip.

"What do you think?"
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
I think I'd like that, there are a few fashions I've seen that I'm curious about how women managed them... It would be fun to see first hand! Setting the peasant blouse back on the rack, Amby smiled warmly at Ginnie then went back to flipping through the rack in front of her.

Studying the brown halter the other woman held up for a moment she shrugged a little. I don't know, I like it OK but the color is a little.. "blah". You could pull off much brighter. Maybe good for when you want to blend into the crowd some.. Speaking of that I should look for a few less conspicuous things myself. Just in case you know.. she winked at the Tacharan.

Not seeing much else interesting in the immediate area besides what was in her arms Amby wrapped them around her waist, cradling the shirts she'd selected in them, while she waited on the brunette to finish. A quick glance back towards the rear of the store and she caught the sales clerk's eye. "What was her name.. oh yeah Mandy.."

Excuse me Mandy could you put these up at the counter for me?
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie selected two more of the halter tanks in nice bright, not lime green, summer colors and handed her things to Mandy with Amberelle's and the two women moved to another part of the store. Cute little spring and summer dresses stood on racks and graced mannequins. Ginnie didn't need anymore dresses, but this one with the pink flowers was soooo cute.

"So do you have any pets, hobbies, play sports, own a big screen television on which to watch old Carry Grant movies?"

She grinned and lay the pink flowered dress over her arm.
Amberelle DeEspionne 18 years ago
Eyeing the same pink flowered dress as Ginnie she only hesitated a few seconds before pulling one off in her size. Pink wasn't her favorite color but it looked good on her and it was always nice to have something super girly to wear if she was in that kind of mood. When Gin asked about pets she couldn't stop the huge grin that lit up her face.

I have a cat... his name's Louis. It sounds cliche` but he's my best friend. Reaching into her purse she pulled out a small blue leather photo wallet and opened it to reveal several photos of the large silvery gray tom. She offered the album to Ginnie. Usually I take him everywhere with me but it's not as easy as it used to be to do that. Back home everyone knew him and didn't mind if he came in places... these damn Northerners aren't so nice. She frowned and pouted a little.

Oh, how cute! The blonde pulled out a bright blue halter dress and held it up. I love this color.. now I'll need some cute sandals to go with this, non?
Ginnie 18 years ago
Ginnie flipped through the album and smiled. "Oh he's a lovely." She handed the photos back to Amberelle and went back to the dresses, when Amberelle asked about the blue one.

"Sandals and a purse, and a necklace." Ginnie grinned and adjusted the clothes on her arm.

"Come on let's go look at shoes, because Lord knows I need more of those."

((OOC sorry for such a short post after such a long delay.))