Board changes - Post with issues or questions

You'll have no doubt noticed that SA.COM has kinda new, kinda not the same look. We have successfully made the transition to VBulletin, thanks to Vex our TAC Admin and SA Technical Admin.

Everything should be as it was before, but if you used the ACCOUNT SWITCH, you'll have to reset you PID's again. Thankfully Vex wrote a much easier script just for that purpose. Log into your character, set your PID (make sure it matches your other characters) and viola...that's it.

If you are not seeing the old posts, make sure your USERCP/OPTIONS Display is set to 'beginning'.

If you cannot get your avatar to work or signature, that's probably because I didn't set it yet. It's late and I'm sick. =(

Everyone should be in the SA Member usergroup. New registered users without their bio's approved can still only post in Downtown Traffic and City Gates. So if you have a problem, you should be able to post them here. If not, find one of us on IM's or post on on the TAC board.

No posts should be lost and you'll notice that we rearranged a little with the subforum ability. Hopefully making it a little easier to navigate and unnecessary to scroll so far down. Any questions, suggestions, thoughts or problems, feel free to post. Thank you.



Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Ok, let me know if what i just did fixed it.
Nyra 19 years ago
Human = Can see Anantya and Evenhet Both with elder forums.
Shay 19 years ago
Ditto what Nyra said for both my humans and Tacharan though.
Connie 19 years ago
Tach Vamp - can see all forums under Anantya and Evenhet, including Elder forums, but cannot see Elder forums under Tach.
Rachyl 19 years ago
As an Unaligned Human I can see the entirety of Anantya and Evenhet, but no Tacharan forums at all.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
boogers. ok fixing, i know what i did.
Aishe 19 years ago
My question...

Is there a 'mark as read' option anywhere? I'm being pelted with little red 'read me' arrows from every thread ever posted, and it's making it very difficult to tell what posts are new since my last visit.

In addition, even after i read the post it's still showing up with an "I'm new! read Me!" bullet.

Nicholae 19 years ago
There is...down at the bottom of the page
Right above 'what's going on' on the main page...
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
OK...this is what everyone should see.

Humans -

Clan anantya - cathedral, sect rules
Clan evenhet - highrise, sect rules
CLan tacharan - abbatoir, sect rules

Clans - in your own clan, you should see

Anataya - cathedral Evenhet - highrise Tacharan - abbatoir
Heolfor/liefde towers/domicile
sect rules
orchard/watercooler/smoking section

registered users without bio permissions should see, but not be able to post in the public, save for downtown traffic and city gates.

SA members should see the clans, but not their leader discussions or heolfor manor/liefde towers/domicile

Please say i did this right.
Rachyl 19 years ago
I still can't see anything Tacharan.

But the only things I do see Anantya and Evenhet are the public and rule forums.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
ok good.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
ok, please check and see. I think i got it.
Fallon 19 years ago
All my kids now see what they should! Danke!!
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Thank god lol. Let me know if there's anything else y'all.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
actually everyone should see the Manor but not the cathedral, the domicile but not the abbatoir, the leifde tower but not Meridian. Mae is changing it but this is the way it was originally so if it changes that's why.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
my bad. ok fixed.
Nicholae 19 years ago
Ok - again, not a big thing, but...neither Nic nor Fallon are listed as S.A. Members and Nic isn't listed as being part of Clan Evenhet. Is that something they get after they're members for a specified time, or number of posts?
Alfarinn 19 years ago
LOL, I wasn't very worried about it... I'm only listed as a member, heh. I suppose Ellis or Vex can explain these title things to me.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
I have no idea. I'll have to poke around and see how i even did that =x I just noticed it late last night or this morning, myself.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Ok, apparently if its set to user, it'll just show that you're an SA'er, but if it's set to admin set, then it'll show everything.