A Little 'Me' Time - Open
Breaking down, and allowing herself the luxury of staying at the Piazza, Fallon quickly had her luggage taken to her room, and then made an appointment at the spa. It was still early evening, but she was pleasantly surprised to hear that not only was the spa open, but they could take her now.
A treatment would serve to relax her, get her skin glowing, enabling her to get a good nights sleep, and be totally ready to go job hunting the next morning...money very well spent. She hoped.
She showered, and put on a clean pair of sweats - the best she had, which looked like Juicy knock offs, in a soft aqua.
Once she got to the spa, she was given a thick terry robe, and shown to a private dressing room, which opened into another private massage room. After stripping down and pulling the robe tightly around her she went into the massage room and climbed up onto the bed. Soon she was quite drowsy, as she waited for the masseuse.

No matter how hard she tried to relax, every time the masseuse touched her, Fallon could feel every muscle in her body tense. The young woman who tried to ease Fallon's nerves, was very nice...and seemed to understand. But Fallon just kept getting more tense as the girl got nice.
Therapy...once she got a job, she'd seek thearpy. She knew her life over the past several years had been gruesome...and she knew she didn't 'deserve' any of it...yet why had she stayed so long? Why didn't she seek support, or help earlier...? It was those personal failings that she wanted help in ridding herself of.
And the desire to see her 'ex' drowning in his own waste. She didn't like feeling that way about anyone...except him.
Because the sweats she wore had a designer look, Fallon didn't bother to change after the spa. She'd showered, and pinned her hair up, and went into the bar for a glass of wine. Unfortunately, without makeup, and in the clothes she wore, she only looked about sixteen, and was refused alcohol.
So, diet coke in hand, Fallon walked back into the lobby, and found a large, overstuffed chair by the fireplace. She picked up a couple magazines, and snuggled into the chair to try and relax.

Spending the time after sunset scoping out buildings, he wasn't thrilled with what he'd seen. A list of addresses in hand, he'd ridden around town mainly to see if any looked promising. After getting the idea from Addison, Nic had set his mind to creating another five star hotel, and one that he could reside at, as well. Unfortunately, he found nothing to his liking, and gave up for the time being.
He did see a few car dealers, but none seemed to carry motorcycles. As far as that went, he was certain he'd need to order it direct from Italy, and would see if any of the local dealers might be able to assist him with that. That would wait for another night.
The cab driver dropped Nic off at the nearby market, and he'd had the luck of running into a very accommodating young mother. Nic hadn't taken the time to learn much about her, other than she appeared healthy, and had the nicest tits he'd seen in ages. Tits that caught his attention as she was pushing her cart to her car.
Once she told him she was single, he convinced her she needed his help, he put her bags of formula into the car, as she put the sleeping baby in the carseat in back.
He'd caught a ride to her home, and helped her carry the bags of formula into the house, and put the baby to bed, before he led her willingly to her own bed. And though the evidence of formula in her shopping bags confirmed she wasn't breast feeding her baby, She was more than happy to allow Nic to suckle. And suckle he did, as he slid his cock into her welcoming pussy. Feeding and having sex...what a great way to spend the evening, he thought.
As he brought her to a rather noisy climax, he sunk his teeth into her arm and enjoyed the warm, rich blood as it ran down his throat. His cock pounding into her, he was able to achieve his release only moments after she had. This signaled he'd fed long enough, and he rolled off of her, and allowed her to cuddle next to him long enough to fall asleep.
He checked in on the baby before he left, and once he was assured everything was fine, he quietly slipped out the back door, and made his way back to the hotel.
Now he noticed another lovely girl sitting in front of the fireplace, as he checked with the manager and collected his mail. He tucked the envelope into his back pocket, and sat down in the chair next to the women. He smiled, and noticed she seemed quite nervous.
"You've got a great seat here...in front of the fire. It's getting pretty cold around here, in the evenings now."
At first Nic had thought the girl to be about seventeen or eighteen. But once he sat down and was closer, he could see she must be in her twenties. She had a very fresh feel to her though...and jittery. She didn't seem to want to look at Nic, or have anything to do with him at all.
He wondered why.

Curling up into a tighter ball, in the chair, Fallon hoped her body language would dissuade the guy, and he'd move on. Unfortunately, he sat down. She did not look his way.
Coughing, as a decoy, she leaned forward in her chair and saw there were other people still in the lobby. She guessed she didn't need to go up to her room just yet. She was safe where she was...certainly no one would accost her in the middle of a lobby, with other people around. And her room had no fireplace.
She turned her head so she could read the magazine, but also see the guy through the corner of her eyes. He was very aesthetically pleasing...in fact Fallon imagined he must be a model...or actor...though sitting here in the lobby of the Grand Piazza seemed out of place.
But it was none of her business...she focused on the magazine again, and hoped he'd leave soon.

The girl didn't know him. In this day and age girls had to be a lot more cautious...he'd give her that.
"I'm sorry...I should have introduced myself...Nicholae Lache...but I go by Nic."
He leaned over and held out his hand, giving her his best Donny Osmond smile.
It was in the middle of the lobby...she should know if he was going to try something he'd be much better off to catch her in the elevator or hallway...though he didn't think he'd mention that.

She slapped the magazine down into her lap, with her finger stuck between the pages she'd been reading, and looked at 'Nic'.
"Look...I'm sure you're a very nice man, and I'm sorry if you are looking for company, but I'm just not that sort. All I wanted was to sit and enjoy the fire, and read a little before I went to my room."
As she spoke her voice went from being full of annoyance, to being just weary. It wasn't his fault she was afraid of her own shadow. It wasn't his fault she was still expecting her husband to just appear in front of her, and beat her senseless before yanking her home.
Not to mention, it had been so long since she'd had a friend, she almost forgot the benefits. And though she was tired now...tomorrow she would be rested, and possibly in need of some information that an acquaintance could help with.
"I apologize, Nic...it's been a long day. But I know you are not responsible. My name is Fallon..." She omitted her last name...no point in handing out unnecessary information that might come back to bite her. She took his hand in a firm grip, and returned his smile - though not quite as toothy as his had been.

'You like Nic...he's a good ol' boy...he's not going to hurt you...you think he's quite attractive and would like to get to know him better.'
Under the circumstances, he felt a little help was needed. He didn't want to go to upstairs just yet...he liked the looks of this one, even if she wasn't falling all over herself to get to know him better.
"Fallon...a very pretty name...did you know it means 'one who is in charge'?"
He wasn't sure how he came to have that information, or even remember it, but there it was.
He thought he saw pain in her eyes, and wondered fleetingly if she'd talk about it. He wasn't TERRIBLY interested...but anything that might prolong her staying with him a while longer, was worth pursuing at the moment.

"Well, it may mean that...but I assure you, I've been terribly misnamed then...though I am trying."
She giggled...and for a split second wondered what had come over her...she was acting ridiculously...as if she were fifteen again.
Shaking her head, as if to clear a fog that was surrounding her mind, she felt the need to explain further.
"I've just arrived in Nachton, and totally by mistake, in truth. I...was looking for a place, and when my car suffered a flat tire, I took it as a sign that this was that place."
Silly romanticism, but that didn't change things. She looked to the fire for seconds, before feeling compelled to seek out his eyes again.
"Have you lived in Nachton long, Mr....Nic?"
It was important that Fallon knew the answer to this...apparently.

"You may not see yourself as being in charge, but I'll bet if you're given half a chance, you just take over."
He was teasing her, hoping she'd relax on her own. But she seemed to be harboring something...deep...that made it necessary for him to exert almost complete concentration to be effective with her.
"I've only recently arrived, as well. Been out scouting properties to buy, thinking I might start up another hotel...competition is a good thing, don't you think? Besides, I need a place to stay as well...can't live in a hotel...or at least not one I don't own.
You sound like you have an advantage over me though...do I detect a southern accent? If so, then you have the home country advantage, as I've just come from Europe."
Though he'd lost all traces of his accent, centuries ago, Nic was still more familiar with current day England than current day America. He doubted it would be long before he was back into the groove, but for now he had a lot of catching up to do.
For effect, Nic stood up and moved to the hearth, where he picked up a poker, and jabbed it into the logs on the fire. The fire had burned down some, and as he stoked it the flames again grew and licked the sides of the fireplace. When he sat back down, he discreetly moved his chair closer to Fallon, and leaning towards her as he had been earlier, was now almost face to face with her.
"So what do you do here in Nachton, Fallon? Executive secretary, nurse...model...?"
Nic considered she might be a secretary, though she didn't seem the type to handle nursing. And the model suggestion was pure flattery. From what he could see of her, she was quite curvaceous...which meant there was no way she could pull off the gaunt, gamine look.

She did laugh though...it really was quite a joke.
"Don't go holding your breath there Nic...you'll suffocate for sure."
She was finding it easier and easier to talk to him, a feat she attributed to her new surroundings, as well as his very friendly nature.
"And 'wahle ah am a suthern belle', born and raised, that's as far as I'd been until two days ago. So I'm afraid I've no advantage, nor have I been around town much to even tell you if I'd seen any prime real estate."
She drew her accent out quite a lot for effect, at first, but then reverted back to her only slightly tinged sound. She had tried very hard to eliminate the south from her voice, and didn't want it creeping back in now.
She laughed again at his next statement, finding it almost uproariously funny.
"Me?! A model?! You poor boy...you must be in terrible need of glasses."
She liked flattery, as much as the next girl...but only when there was SOME resemblance of truth in it.
"I don't do anything yet...I'm looking for a job. Though I have taught middle school, and would really like to get a job teaching, there don't seem to be any openings now. I have been a secretary, and I've also waited tables, so whatever I can find along those lines will be the deciding factor, I guess."

She’d been meeting with a buyer and was dressed for it. She wore a black leather skirt and jacket with a crisp white blouse under the jacket and heels. It was perfectly professional but defiantly meant to inspire thoughts other than business as well. Long gold earrings with ruby drops matched the simple ruby pendant.
Valentine sat down at the bar as if she owned it ordered a scotch straight up and then turned to survey the rest of the room. Sipping at the drink her eye fell on a guy, very nice, and a mouse. She just didn’t understand women like that.
Being bored, something she hated, and telling herself off about not going to the OTB Val started a bet with herself. She was certain in five minutes or less the woman would either slap the guy or run off. Val’s money was on run off.
((OOC… feel free to ignore her. She’s far enough away she can’t hear.))

She had a nice laugh. She also seemed to have self-esteem issues. Yet she apparently also saw herself clearly.
“Well, there are many different types of models…but I don’t really see a lot of that kind of work in Nachton, do you? I will keep you in mind though, should I hear anything. Are you staying at the Piazza until you find a place? In case I hear of something, I’ll need to know how to get in touch with you.”
Movement at the bar caught Nic’s eye, and he looked over Fallon’s shoulder at the extremely fashionably hot woman now sitting there. He had to smile, as he came to realize there sure was an abundance of beautiful women about Nachton.
“Tell me, could I treat you to a hot toddy…cappuccino…hot buttered rum, or even a cup of coffee?”
He had suddenly developed a bit of a thirst himself.

It was an idea that started out as just a small joke, but as the words left Fallon's mouth she could see it was definitely an option. It wasn't like she had no experience there...hadn't she spent her entire married life picking up after her husband? And before that...she did more than her share at home.
At least her husband wouldn't be around...and that made any of the options appealing.
"Thank you, maybe a hot buttered rum would be just the thing...though, ah well, I seem to not have any change on me."
She thought she had a few dollars in her pocket, but when she pulled her hand out, all she found was some change.
"Oh, silly me...I forgot I spent that earlier."
She looked at Nic sheepishly. The cash she'd been carrying in her pocket was what she'd bought her lunch and newspaper at the arcade with.

"Hey! Did I not say my treat? Sit tight...one hot buttered rum coming up."
Going over some things in his head, Nic walked up to the bar and placed his order. As he planned it, he'd walked right up along side the woman in the leather and heels. Description wise, she was very similar to Fallon...deep cherry wood colored hair, petite, pretty. Though this one's clothes were several steps above Fallon's in quality, and this one exuded confidence and self esteem...totally opposite from what the little bird by the fireplace exhibited.
Nic though, saw the beauty in each...not really favoring either...a submissive woman could be every bit as attractive as an aggressive one. It all depended on what one was in the mood for.
He smiled at the woman.
"Nice night, though a bit brisk out. If you're not waiting for anyone, and want some warmth, there's another chair by the fireplace. I'm sure my new friend won't mind."
And if it brought Nic into contact with another gorgeous woman, he sure as hell didn't.

She just watched as he approached, so she’d been noticed. Good. Better yet, he was more attractive up close, big guy. But he did need a better line. Deciding not to pout Valentine casually moved a lock of hair behind her ear and smiled at him, a genuine playful smile, but her lips were carefully kept together. She couldn’t hide her teeth but she could avoid flashing them.
“Most guys just offer to buy me a drink.”

He decided to respond to her answer with humor, and acted as if he'd just taken an arrow to the chest. He pulled off a rather mild death scene...though he thought it would have been effective.
"You cut me to the quick, woman...do I appear to be 'most guys'?"
An exagerated sigh was next.
"Though, if you would like to keep your own company, rather than join 'us', I would still be glad to put your refill on my tab. My name is Nic, by the way...in case you need to refer to 'that good looking guy you trounced', at some later date."
He paid for his drinks, and made sure the bartender had heard his offer. Picking up the hot mugs, Nic started walking away, but kept looking at her, in case she decided to take up his offer.

Finding another chair she slid into it and crossed her legs, still smiling.
"You give up way too easy pretty boy. I'm not sure you can keep up with me. Or your friend."Â?
Well she couldn't ignore the mouse, that would be rude. So, Val had chosen to include her in the joke.

"Fallon, this is..."
Nic laughed...he had not got the other woman's name, so he couldn't very easily introduce her.

At the same time Nic began to introduce her, she cut in.
"Fallon Tierney."
Fallon introduced herself and held out her hand to the woman. Fallon wasn't the most adventuresome of women, but she was rarely timid with her own sex.
"And I'm sure you're correct about me not keeping up...I must admit I'm already lost, and fallen behind, I'm afraid."

“Valentine Connor. Nice to meet you Fallon.”
Playfully eyeing the guy, who had not yet introduced himself she almost laughed.
“No, you’re never behind. You’re waiting for the right moment to take the lead that’s all at least that’s how it looked to me.”
Then she looked to him, still with that generous smile offering her hand.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”

"Twice now this woman doth wounded me...for I so told her my name but minutes ago at the bar...and she apparently chose to close her ears to my words."
Nic glanced over at Valentine, and had to wonder if he'd finally met someone a self centered as he was.
But once he felt enough time had passed, he took her hand, and AGAIN told her his name.
"Nicholae Lache, at your service."