Requesting 411 - Anyone?
Though he'd tried to sleep, Nic hadn't been successful.
He'd left the ball, just a BIT concerned, and gone directly back to the hotel. However, every time he'd shut his eyes, the dream would begin again. There was no mistaking Ellis...nor her intent as she toyed with him and then bared her fangs. Fortunately that was where he woke up each time...though each time he felt more and more like shit, and realized if he continued at that rate he'd be much worse off then just staying awake.
So he finally just gave up and flipped the remote on the tv. As luck would have it, he happened to find one of his old black and whites on...when he acted under the name Steve Steller; however, not even that could keep his attention, or distract him for more than a few seconds at a time.
He'd fucked up, royally, and now just needed to make things right...and hopefully save his ass in the process.
Once the sun set, he high tailed it to where he heard the Evenhet clan resided in Nachton. The towers were very impressive, and once he'd entered the lobby, he wondered if there might be room for him there. He knew he'd still need a place outside, for appearances, but for now - with things the way they were - he also knew the value of clan protection.
He could only hope there might be someone there he could talk to...let know how he'd mistakenly taken on one of Ellis' familiars...and what might be done to head off any possible torture or death she might feel he deserved, should she find out.
He thought for a few moments. It wasn't even the fact that Nicholae had taken a bite out of the wrong familiar that bothered him, so much as the way he'd done it. Evenhet put great store on co-existing with humans, and, at least by Kem's standards, that included not using the 'skills' Nicholae was suggesting to influence them.
To be fair, as Kem understood it, the human in question had to be inclined to follow the suggestion in the first place, so what had happened couldn't have been entirely against his will. On the other hand, the peaceful scholar quailed at the thought of depriving anyone of their free will, regardless of their inclinations.
So, Nicholae had run from Ellis at the Creation Ball too. That alone made Kem wince. It was like a nature show. He wanted to shake the man. You don't run away from big, angry critters! You walk slowly away, never turn your back, and don't run! It only pisses them off more!
From where Kem sat, this whole thing looked like a misunderstanding of monumental proportions, with the exception of perhaps a little schooling in ethics needed. He sat silently, trying to piece together something to say that didn't sound like, "Well, it's been nice knowing you, but you're pretty much fucked."Â?
After a moment, he nodded and spoke.
"I don't think I need to impress upon you the seriousness of this situation. You've managed to put our entire Clan in quite a hot spot, and relations between us all are already precarious at times. I also don't think I need to point out that for the time being, the safest place for you is right here at Liefde."Â?
Kem ground his teeth inwardly; he couldn't say he liked the idea of Nicholae running to the Clan for protection from an oversight that wouldn't have happened if he'd been more careful, but then again, he was a part of a family. He was probably somewhat younger than many of the people Kem was used to dealing with. Some patience would serve Kem well here, he decided.
"As for all the possible repercussions, you should consider yourself lucky to come out of this with little more than a slap on the wrist, although I doubt it'll be that easy. You've violated Tacharan law as well as your own Clan's law. And while Arin is generally a pretty understanding person, I don't know how he'll view this.
The most concerning part is your, hmm, 'skills'. Although it's far from my realm of business to chastise you for using what you've got to survive, I can't help but wonder if perhaps you need a bit more practice in the appropriate use of those. Certainly someone such as yourself can find ample sustenance without resorting to influencing others?"Â?
Kem fell silent again, not looking at Nicholae, thinking hard.
"The only possible loophole I can see is the fact that her familiar didn't seem forthcoming about his status. He should have made it know he was Ellis' property, as it were."Â?
Running his fingers through his silvery hair, Kem shook his head in frustration. "I wouldn't mention using those 'skills' if I were you,"Â? he advised, "not unless it comes up again. That's the part that's going to get you in deep, deep trouble. How deep remains to be seen for the time being. It would appear that the ball is in Ellis' court."Â?
Kem was reluctant to advise the man to lie about what he'd done (withhold facts, his technical side insisted), but to admit he'd influenced the human's thoughts brought a whole new level of complexity to the situation that Kem wasn't sure how to deal with. He'd have to let Alfarinn know about this... it wasn't something Kem could do much about at the moment although he was certain that remaining here at Liefde was Nicholae's only option for now.
As he mulled over the problem some more, it occurred to him that it wasn't always better to beg forgivness than ask permission.
Familiars were there for 'their' bidding, and yes, it was a voluntary position, but should they expect them to offer up information on that position to just anyone? Wouldn't that be putting the clans at risk as well?
No...Nic was fucked and it was all his own fault.
"Would it be better for the clan if I just...disappeared?"
It would be very difficult now, for Nic to leave. He was so weary of moving about, and he missed comaraderie. But he could do it...he had done it...just not for the present reasons. What he didn't think he could do was stay cooped up in the towers for an indefinite amount of time.
He thought about it some more. Nicholae seemed frightened enough; perhaps Kem should be trying to reassure him. "Look, Ellis is unpredictable. I can't say for sure how she'll react. Maybe she'll ignore the whole thing, maybe not. I can't say for sure, I don't really know her. I really think your best option is to hang out at Liefde for a few nights. The less she sees you, the less she'll think about it, right?"Â?
Kem was guessing on that score, but it couldn't hurt to give Nicholae a little bit to hope for. He didn't seem like a bad guy, just an irresponsible, reckless, and careless one. He was here trying to do the right thing, and that was something, at least.
((ooc: Speculation about Ellis purely speculation. Kem has no clue how she'll react.))
Nic didn't think Ellis would be the type to just 'ignore' what he had done. But time might help some, he admitted.
"Thank you, Kem. You didn't need to be so kind, and I do appreciate it."
He looked around the room.
"If I am to remain here for a bit...and trust me, I only ask out of necessity, but is there somewhere I can find out what amenities are available?"
Moving into a new place, Nic had no idea how he'd go about feeding, was there a gym in the place...if he didn't have somewhere to go and work off his stress...well, he certainly didn't want to create any more problems for Evenhet. It was one thing to be responsible for one's self...but while under another's hospitality, things had a tendency to change, dramatically.
"Things a gym...?" And companionship...dare he even think?
"I'm not overly familiar with the layout of Liefde,"Â? Kem responded to the next question. "I don't live here in the towers, myself. However, MARI can help you find anything you should need. She's quite fascinating."Â?
The simple act of rising to his feet cost him more than it should have, and his own reality came slamming back at him with the force of a lightning bolt. He checked his pockets to make sure his car keys and the package he'd had were still there. Then he looked at Nicholae again.
"I'll do what I can to help you out with this mess of yours,"Â? he said, "although I can't promise anything."Â?
The promise to help Nicholae made him feel slightly guilty; sure, he'd do what he could, but he wasn't really sure how long he was going to be around at all. Not that he was actively planning to do anything to himself, more the opposite. He was fairly certain that he'd lost what little drive he'd had to begin with. Coming into the city this evening was the only thing he'd done since arriving back in Nachton that had required any motivation at all.
Still, if there was a way he could think of to get the man out of this noose, he'd do his best. In Kem's opinion, everyone deserved a second chance.
He held his hand out to Nicholae. "I should be going,"Â? he said. "I'll try to get in touch with you soon and let you know what I can find out for you."Â? He hesitated, then shrugged to himself. Pulling a card out of his wallet, he handed it to Nicholae.
"Call me at either of those numbers if you need anything. All right?"Â?
"Don't suppose you have a 'MARI For Dummies' book on ya?"
He joked, as he took Kem's offered hand, and put his other arm around the guy's shoulders in a quick hug.
"Thanks's been a tremendous relief just to talk about it to someone. And if things don't go so well..."
He shrugged.
"At least you did what you could."
He glanced at the card, before slipping it into his jeans pocket. He reached around Kem, and opened the door for him, again putting a hand on the other guy's shoulder, as just a friendly guesture. Nic, was just that type...a very friendly, demonstrative guy.
"Welcome to Nachton. Try and stay alive until we can figure this out."
With those words of encouragement and support, Kem gave a wave and disappeared down the hall toward the stairwell, already contemplating his disgust of the long trip down.
No, he was definitely not a fan of gravity.
((ooc: Kem out!))
"Thanks...staying alive...that's the plan."
Shutting the door behind Kem, Nic stood still, in thought. He wasn't hungry now...but knew eventually that time would come. And he really did need a work out...he could feel the muscles in his neck all twisted up in tension. appeared he and MARI needed to become better aquainted. The big mystery here did he go about doing that?
"Oh...hi...sorry to bother you, but I was wondering a few things...thought maybe you could clear them up for me?"
He didn't see the need to continue standing...if there was no head to look at, he could talk just as easily from the sofa.
" May I ask how I can obtain some...type O....or whatever else you all have around here that fits the bill..."
Nic could live off animal blood, if that's what they served here at Evenhet. It wasn't his favorite meal, but he didn't find it repulsive.
"And a gym...and pool? Would there be either of those anywhere in the towers...and am I allowed access?"
Those basic issues were his chief concerns...once he saw how this little interview went, he'd know better how to proceed about other things.
"You have a very lovely voice, by the way...if you don't mind me saying."
"This is part of my job."
Her face was neutral once more as she answered his questions.
"There are extra stores of blood in the medical facilities of the building. A short request form will need to be filled out. It is generally encouraged that you find your own sustenance so that the supply is available for emergencies; however, in this case I do believe a valid request can be made. I can light a path to that area if that is your wish.
There are recreational and fitness facilities both within the building; these accommodations do include both of your requests. "
At his statement she smiled pleasantly.
"Thank you. I calculated the pitch, accent and rate of speaking to be the most pleasant to the largest number of people. It does not please everyone but this is, of course, a statistical impossiblity."
"Thanks, I don't need any blood yet, but as I'm confined to barracks, so to speak, I'll get back to you later on those directions. If you could give me the directions to the gym...that would be great...
And MARI? Do you ever converse with the residents...discuss current events...critique movies... that kind of thing?"
Since he had no idea how long he was going to be 'in hiding', and he had no knowledge of anyone else who lived in the least if he had MARI to shoot the breeze with, it might help pass time a bit more quickly.
"Very well then."
She lit a path to the gym and then answered his next question.
"I am conversing with you at the moment. You are a resident. I can discuss those things or give you access to the internet and recommend some excellent search tools. Personally I prefer google."
He heard her response to his request for conversation, but got that she'd missed the point. He couldn't be angry with her though, as she had answered his question. The whole internet and computer idea was nothing he had much knowledge of, or desire to learn, so for now he would take the info he had, and deal.
"Thank you very much MARI. I appreciate all your help. I will call upon you again later, should I have further questions...concerns...or just want to hear a friendly voice?"
Now what...did he say good he was ending a phone call?
"Very well, Nicholae. I am not certain I can provide the last request until what you define as friendly is added to my database. I have found humans and vampires have a unique definition of this quality that differs from person to person. However if there is anything you need I will eneavor to be of service."
((OOC: MARI out ))
But now he just wanted a work out, so he followed the lights, and hoped once he got to the gym there might be a pair of short he could buy. He could work out in what he had on, but since he hadn't a change of clothes, some other arrangements would need to be made, soon.
Maybe he'd be talking to MARI again sooner than he thought.
(Nic out - lock please)