The bartender stood stock still, blinking, as the gentleman in the…godzilla suit…roared at him. Upon hearing the order, though somewhat muffled by the costume, he busied himself with making the daiquiri, gradually adding ice to the blend of fruit and liquor until reaching just the right consistency.
How this guy was going to manage to –drink- the thing wasn’t really his problem. Digging under the counter for a moment, he emerged with an elaborate crazy straw that stood three times as tall as the drink itself, and pushed the concoction across the bar, curious to see if he could actually pick it up but ready with a towel just in case.
And a really long straw too please...
Winter stood in the doorway for a moment, grinning at the scene inside, the party was subdued, more of a soire' than a party.. ah well, he would just have to make it fun..
He stomped over twords the bar in most Godzilla like manner and roared at the bartender for good measure 'I dont want him thinking me the Geico lizard' he thought after the roar..
"I'll have a peach daquari, and a really long straw too please"
19 years ago

19 years ago
"RAAAAA" Godzilla roared and then slipped the crazy straw into the mouth of the costume and started sipping the daquri. "MMMMMMM.. GODZILLA LIKE!" he roared once again, in his most godzilla like voice.
thats when he saw the fruit fly...
((ooc : out - moving to the fruit thread))
thats when he saw the fruit fly...
((ooc : out - moving to the fruit thread))