PM Inbox - Friendly Reminder


Even the Sent Box will fill up causing you to end up with more items stored than you realize.

Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Oh yeah =x It wont allow you to send any if you're over the limit which /cough, I'm not sure what it's set to. I'll ask vex to duplicate Tac's settings over here for that.
Rachyl 19 years ago
I had 62 messages - sent and received - and I was about 60% full.
Meegan 19 years ago
It's set at 100

you have 1 messages stored, of a total 100 allowed. (Empty Folder)

Says that right above the % bar thinger.
Rachyl 19 years ago
It's set at 100

Says that right above the % bar thinger.

Technical terms for the win!
Shay 19 years ago
Yes, it's great that the new board shows you your total messages right under the "Welcome, insert your name" spot on the upper right corner of every page
Meegan 19 years ago
Well I am the guru of technical terms, Rachyl. What did you expect?