Dance Card
"Well as you have stolen my heart - you may as well steal the rest!" He laughed and held his arm out to Shay. Turning to their companions he nodded " Excuse us, Shay feels the need to have me step on her toes"
As Mathias and Shay headed towards the dancefloor the music changed to a waltz. I must find out whay the music always seems to change ,he thought to himself,as Shay snuggled against his chest and they moved in time to the music.
"How do you do it,Shay, I really must ask. How is it I can be so accustomed to solitude,so used to being alone. And yet in the short time we have known each other, I can hardly imagine a life without you in it and I find myself talking and socializing with others. Are you a magician? If I am spellbound then I hope it never gets broken,for you have truly changed my life." His eyes held hers, and Mathias feared he would drown in their depths.

She admonished.
"You know darn well you are a wonderful dancer."
And though the other part of his statement hadn't missed her, she didn't feel she could comment on it now. She definitely would later though.
Rolling her eyes at Ginnie and Alec, Shay moved onto the dance floor, and finally into Mathias' arms. She was beginning to think it was the only place she felt truly happy anymore.
Her cheek resting on his shoulder, her arms around his neck, she answered him.
"Mathias,'s not me, honest. It's us. I've never met or been with anyone like you before either. And the speed at which these...feelings...have overtaken me, frighten me, and excite me at the same time. I just know...I want to be with you...always."
And as he gazed into her eyes, she pulled him down to her, and held on tightly. A part of her still believed it was all too good to be true, and that something was looming around the corner, ready to take it all away.

I just know...I want to be with you...always
Damn!! He never should have gotten involved,never should have allowed himself to feel this for Shay. As if you had a choice O Noble One.
"I...I love you so much Shay"
When Shay pulled Mathias down,he was relieved. If she wasn't looking into his eyes then she couldn't see the hurt,the pain,the confusion. He didn't know what to do anymore.

Talk about overwhelmed...she hugged him to her as if to do less would allow him to vanish.
But then she remembered the hurt...had she imagined it?
She cupped his cheeks in her hands, and moved back far enough to see his face again.
"Mathias? Love isn't supposed to hurt you...are you all right?"

"Mathias? Love isn't supposed to hurt you...are you all right?"
How do you explain to someone the centuries of loneliness that you locked away? How can you say you love someone when you have hidden who are from the beginning? Mathias had no answers to these questions...and he feared time was all too short to find them. But,now wasn't the time and this wasn't the place. Shay could not know,and so once again Mathias lied to the woman he loved,the woman he loved, his soulmate.
"Yes, I'm ok - think a bit of steak went down the wrong way." He smiled weakly,hoping Shay,if not buying it,would at least be put off for the moment. Yes,delay the inevitable - good plan that.

To discuss it now, no matter how badly she needed to, was just too inappropriate. So she returned her cheek to rest against his shoulder, and continued to dance.
"Mathias...would you mind terribly if we left soon? I'm rather tired."
In the remainder of the dance, Shay had managed to build up all manner of horrible thoughts about the two of them...and now figured it was just a matter of time before he was going to tell her goodbye. The fact that he'd just declared his love was little solace. Something bad was hanging over them, and she just knew it was the end of things between them. She'd been waiting for the end, almost since the beginning...and now doubted she'd be waiting much longer.
She couldn't look at him though, for to do so would have released the floodgate. And at the moment her one concern was to make it out of the ball with some dignity.

Mathias was no fool,and neither was Shay. She knew something was wrong and would soon demand an answer. The knot in Mathias's stomach reminded him that he wasn't ready to give those answers.
Quietly he gathered their belongs and escorted Shay out to the valet. He knew they were going to have to talk,and soon - and he did not like the path he foresaw it taking.
((OOC-Mathias out,pending Shay's response))

She felt his hand on the small of her back, but refrained from putting her's around him. As they waited for the car, Shay tried to glimpse him from under her lashes, but out in the dark of night, it wasn't possible for her to see his expression.
Placing her hand on his thigh, once they were sitting in the car, Shay had an indescribable need just to touch him. However, still feeling that talking would only usher in the tears, Shay had no words for him. She concentrated on breath, after another...knowing once they were home, the words would come. The words would come, and she'd be free to let her emotions follow.
(Shay out with Mathias)