Universal Moderators

With the recent departure of 3 admins and real life responsibilites affecting the rest, we've decided to add on 2 universal moderators that will help us. We asked two SA members who were familiar with policy and could maintain a daily presence here on the board. One is an older member that started as one of the first Nachton residents and the other is a newer member that could help us with fresh ideas for future endeavors. There responsibilities are:

- keeping up with new posts and checking for continuity and adherence to policy
- locking threads
- available to members for questions, problems or complaints

Moving or splitting off threads, speaking to individuals who have possible infractions are still Staff only. As U-Mod they would bring issues to our attention, so please feel free to approach them with any questions or needs, along with the rest of staff.

Please join us in congratulating Rachyl and Aishe as our new Universal Moderators!

Shay 19 years ago
WOOT!! Congrats ladies...(you are both women, right :S)
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Rachyl and Aishe are women.

Mwaaaaaaaaaaahaaahaaaa!!! They fell for our... I mean Congratulations! *innocent grin*

Seriously, Thank you both very much. We really needed the help.
Serena 19 years ago
Grats y'all! Now don't get one of those power head rushes *wink*
Aishe 19 years ago
heh. Thanks.

Can I have a little WD-40 for this chain?

*shakes chain around ankle that seems to be attached to SA boards*

Rachyl 19 years ago
Bah, you got a chain?

A chain!?

Rachyl looks around at ropes and stakes and handcuffs.
Aishe 19 years ago
I'm still new, they don't know me as well yet.

*smiles sweetly*
Ginnie 19 years ago
Congrats to both of you!!!
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
We know of Aishe's past lives and evil ways. She is known in other worlds as the 'bunny that is black'!
Aishe 19 years ago
*gasps and blinks innocently*

I was young and needed the money.
Apollyon 19 years ago
hey At least she wasnt the rogue known as the wierdo who has his "Sexy fun time" in the Cemetary, *points at Alec * =P
Alfarinn 19 years ago
On a board with vampires that might not be so strange.

Ok. no, that's still pretty strange.
Claire 19 years ago
Rachyl 19 years ago
As a reminder, I can be reached via PM here, email via [email]rachyl_walker@yahoo.com[/email] , via IM at rachyl_walker (Yahoo) or "rachyl walker" (AIM).
Aishe 19 years ago
Ditto... I can be PM-ed here, reached via AIM as Kelagry, or you can email [email]skyyfox@hotmail.com[/email] or [email]blackrabbitinlerah@hotmail.com[/email]

PM here or AIM is prolly the fastest way tho.

Uhh... and for the record, Ap and Alec are both on top of the list for "wierd, psychotically sick nutjobs."
Apollyon 19 years ago
wow thats the nicest thing i think shes ever said about me!
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Hey, at the mortuary or at a hospital. Cemetaries are *dirty*, you sickos. Geez, I swear.

Thanks you guys for taking up the burden - good show! Well, good show Rachyl.../stabbies to Aishe. I know she's gonna beat me with that there chain. :/