"God, it seems like ages since I've danced formally. Heh...I can honestly say that I don't remember the last time I did this...glad that the skill is still there, though. It would be most embarrassing if I got out here and discovered, no, never learned to dance, sorry."
Taking some time to find a comfortable stride, keeping the timing easy and neat, Alec got them started safely with slower pace trot until getting the hang of both distancing and the deceptive flows of fabric. After getting comfortable, he icked up the pace a bit - she was clearly the more practiced dancer, so he'd tried to keep things interesting enough to prevent boredom on her part.
Well, going well so far - I've managed not to step on your feet, kick your shins or rip your dress by stepping on the edge somehow. I'll try to keep things interesting in spite of all that, though.
Letting his senses wash a bit more, Alec felt the natural pace fo the music wash through them, and noticed the odd vibrations that he was causing them to send out. Altering the steps slightly to better fit the tapestry of sound, he began moving them in precise tempo to best accentuate the music, the percussions of their feet adding to the tune. Working up, he incorporated body motion to add a particular swish of Ginnie's dress to highlight the down notes.
As the song closed, Alec reigned in, bringing it back into a standard trot and ceased seeing the sounds.
I'd ask if you've done this much...but clearly you've put a lot more work into it than I have. Hopefully I'm not too terrible a lead for this evening.
Spinning, twirling and not falling down ((Open))
"You get the easy part of dancing in this get up. Just center yourself on my skirts and don't step on my feet. I follow well, so dance how you want, I'll keep up."
She smiled brightly at Alec and settled her hands with his as the band struck up a lively foxtrot. She'd never foxtrotted in this type of clothing, but she figured she could handle it. Alec started them into the slow-quick-quick rhythm and Ginnie let herself flow with the music. It had been a very long time since she had been swung round the dance floor. She'd forgotten just how much fun it could be.

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago

19 years ago
Ginnie's breath was coming fast as she clapped politely for the band. She had not had so attentive a partner in ages. Then again she had not been dancing in ages either.
"You are a great partner, Alec. I enjoyed that a great deal. It has been too long since I've been spun so expertly around the dance floor."
The band started into a Strauss Waltz that she could not name and Ginnie smiled at the quick beat of the music.
"Ready for another round?"
((OOC a Strauss Waltz is what you see Anna teach the King in Rodgers and Hammerstein's The King and I.))
"You are a great partner, Alec. I enjoyed that a great deal. It has been too long since I've been spun so expertly around the dance floor."
The band started into a Strauss Waltz that she could not name and Ginnie smiled at the quick beat of the music.
"Ready for another round?"
((OOC a Strauss Waltz is what you see Anna teach the King in Rodgers and Hammerstein's The King and I.))

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Blushing a bit, Alec replied
You flatter. I just pay attention is all. You were doing all of the work there.
As the next song came up, Alec had a brief moment of panic. The waltzing that he was most familiar with was *quite* proximate. Quickly ad-libbing the motions translated from closed stance to open stance, Alec smiled. It might feel a bit strange, but people watching the flow of Ginnie's dress and the twirl of his thin longcoat would certainly have a show.
I'm going to try something a little different...let's see how it goes. I'll wheel us in if I get a little out of control - I apologize in advance if I crinkle your dress too much.
Smiling, Alec placed one gloved hand in hers, the other a little low on her back. Bringing their hands just above the shoulder, and keeping their bodies as far apart as the stance could accomodate, Alec started them in the standard steps to get the hang of the positioning. As the song picked up, he shifted his hand up along her body slightly, and began to circle. Disjointing his senses a bit to get the idea of the flow of cloth, Alec shifted their hands in a bit closer to the body, but increased the tightness of his cycles. Ginnie followed with perfect precision, almost anticipating his next steps. Chuckling, Alec whispered
Well, we certainly are putting on a show - it isn't textbook, but it seems to be working.
Following the flow of the fabrics, the motions of the dance were causing both flow and point within the twirling cloth. Wishing the song was a bit faster, Alec smiled. This would be a pleasant enough specatacle without getting dizzy.
You flatter. I just pay attention is all. You were doing all of the work there.
As the next song came up, Alec had a brief moment of panic. The waltzing that he was most familiar with was *quite* proximate. Quickly ad-libbing the motions translated from closed stance to open stance, Alec smiled. It might feel a bit strange, but people watching the flow of Ginnie's dress and the twirl of his thin longcoat would certainly have a show.
I'm going to try something a little different...let's see how it goes. I'll wheel us in if I get a little out of control - I apologize in advance if I crinkle your dress too much.
Smiling, Alec placed one gloved hand in hers, the other a little low on her back. Bringing their hands just above the shoulder, and keeping their bodies as far apart as the stance could accomodate, Alec started them in the standard steps to get the hang of the positioning. As the song picked up, he shifted his hand up along her body slightly, and began to circle. Disjointing his senses a bit to get the idea of the flow of cloth, Alec shifted their hands in a bit closer to the body, but increased the tightness of his cycles. Ginnie followed with perfect precision, almost anticipating his next steps. Chuckling, Alec whispered
Well, we certainly are putting on a show - it isn't textbook, but it seems to be working.
Following the flow of the fabrics, the motions of the dance were causing both flow and point within the twirling cloth. Wishing the song was a bit faster, Alec smiled. This would be a pleasant enough specatacle without getting dizzy.

19 years ago
Nova made her way across the ballroom to Alec and Ginnie’s table, only to see them apparently headed to the dance floor. She grinned, glad to see the two had apparently hit it off. Good sorts, both of them, and it was nice to see Alec, who had struck her as a little shy, socializing with his clanmates, particularly with the spirited Ginnie.
She watched as they twirled about the dance floor, grinning; Alec was a suave one after all and Ginnie proved quite light on her feet. She didn’t know if she would have been able to move in that dress.
Such thoughts, though, led to the fleeting idea that she might want to grab a partner and dance too.
Maybe not. She was a solid enough dancer but cringed at the idea of doing so in a place like this, particularly that whole ‘asking someone to dance’ bit. Not, of course, that she would ever admit as much. Instead, she stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled, loudly, as Alec gave Ginnie a little spin, and gave a thumbs up to the pair as she continued to work her way across the room.
/ooc headed out, Nova just wanted to pay respects and has no wish to interrupt your fun
She watched as they twirled about the dance floor, grinning; Alec was a suave one after all and Ginnie proved quite light on her feet. She didn’t know if she would have been able to move in that dress.
Such thoughts, though, led to the fleeting idea that she might want to grab a partner and dance too.
Maybe not. She was a solid enough dancer but cringed at the idea of doing so in a place like this, particularly that whole ‘asking someone to dance’ bit. Not, of course, that she would ever admit as much. Instead, she stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled, loudly, as Alec gave Ginnie a little spin, and gave a thumbs up to the pair as she continued to work her way across the room.
/ooc headed out, Nova just wanted to pay respects and has no wish to interrupt your fun

19 years ago
Spotting a table on the far side of the ballroom, near the orchestra where conversation could still be conducted but would be somewhat drowned out to those around them, Danielle led the way, nodding her head in the intended direction. Of course, navigating around tables on one side and dancing couples on the other was no small feat, even for her…small…feet…, and progress with the three ladies was somewhat slow. Smiling in approval at a particularly vivacious couple on the dance floor, she turned to the two ladies accompanying her, lifting her little chin to point in their direction.
“Aw, don’t they look cute?”
/ooc permission to drag Claire and Aishe about
“Aw, don’t they look cute?”
/ooc permission to drag Claire and Aishe about

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Distracted by the sudden whistling, Alec glanced away from Ginnie to see Nova flashing the ol' "thumbs up". Smiling, Alec nodded in Nova's direction.
Unfortunately, that meant he was no longer paying precise attention to where he was spinning them. Catching Nova's smirk as he started to turn back in the direction he had been twirling them, Alec felt Ginnie tense up under his hands. At that precise moment, tons of...were those car alarms (?!) went off as well, thoroughly confounding his extended senses with the cacophony they created against the weave of the music.
Continuing his turn a bit wider than intended, struggling to reign in his senses, he turned just in time to notice the side of a vaguely familiar Egyptian approaching...way...too...fast...
That was about the only thing that could leap out of his mouth as he crashed into Aishe, sending her onto a nearby table, narrowly missing both the half-full wine glass and unfinished steak. In the scramble to attempt too many things at once...keeping Ginnie dancing, pulling Aishe away from the stainmaking foods and not say anything untoward about the Almighty, Alec failed to notice the twist he was making would cause him to slip on the edge of Aishe's linens...
And slip he did. Crash really. And everything came down with him. Alec slipped and fell, instinctually grabbing on to those things closest at hand, namely, Ginnie and Aishe. Adjusting so he'd land flat on his back, he took the brunt of the fall, Ginnie looking ready to topple as well. Releasing Ginnie, he brought his hands up to brace her as much as possible. At that point, he realized that he had managed to completely yank Aishe's linen wrap off. The linen wrap dangling sadly from his hand, pressed onto Ginnie's thigh, Alec blushed crimson and forgot about all of the other goings on as the chaos continued to spiral.
((OOC: Permission for physical interaction short of lasting injury or death granted to Ginnie and Aishe, contact permission to Danielle, Claire and Nova))
Unfortunately, that meant he was no longer paying precise attention to where he was spinning them. Catching Nova's smirk as he started to turn back in the direction he had been twirling them, Alec felt Ginnie tense up under his hands. At that precise moment, tons of...were those car alarms (?!) went off as well, thoroughly confounding his extended senses with the cacophony they created against the weave of the music.
Continuing his turn a bit wider than intended, struggling to reign in his senses, he turned just in time to notice the side of a vaguely familiar Egyptian approaching...way...too...fast...
That was about the only thing that could leap out of his mouth as he crashed into Aishe, sending her onto a nearby table, narrowly missing both the half-full wine glass and unfinished steak. In the scramble to attempt too many things at once...keeping Ginnie dancing, pulling Aishe away from the stainmaking foods and not say anything untoward about the Almighty, Alec failed to notice the twist he was making would cause him to slip on the edge of Aishe's linens...
And slip he did. Crash really. And everything came down with him. Alec slipped and fell, instinctually grabbing on to those things closest at hand, namely, Ginnie and Aishe. Adjusting so he'd land flat on his back, he took the brunt of the fall, Ginnie looking ready to topple as well. Releasing Ginnie, he brought his hands up to brace her as much as possible. At that point, he realized that he had managed to completely yank Aishe's linen wrap off. The linen wrap dangling sadly from his hand, pressed onto Ginnie's thigh, Alec blushed crimson and forgot about all of the other goings on as the chaos continued to spiral.
((OOC: Permission for physical interaction short of lasting injury or death granted to Ginnie and Aishe, contact permission to Danielle, Claire and Nova))

19 years ago
Aishe followed Danielle and Claire across the edge of the dance floor. There was a sudden raucous noise, as if someone had just set off several car alarms at once. Her heart skipped several beats. Just as she was able to convince it that the room wasn't going to collapse on them, something big, spinning, and black hit her in the side and hung on.
She gave a little cry, turning her head to notice a fairly familiar stare... Alec? He had his arms full of her and Ginnie both. Aishe found herself tossed onto a table, narrowly missing both the food and drink, the wind knocked out of her.
Just as she thought that maybe the storm was over, there was another tug. Alec reached up to catch Ginnie and pulled Aishe's linen wrap along as well. Aishe slid back off the table, landing on the floor with a spectacular thump and feeling... a bit of a draft.
Looking down, then at Alec and Ginnie, then up at Danielle and Claire, she clutched the remnants of her blue silk about her, happy it covered as much as silk could cover, and began to laugh... and cry. She wasn't sure which she was doing, but every little bit of pent-up stress and anxiety she'd been holding in suddenly came out.
After a few moments, fairly certain she was mostly laughing, Aishe looked around discover she was sitting halfway on Alec's legs. She wiped the tears from her face, trying not to do more damage to her kohl-lined eyes, and turned to him and Ginnie.
"I really think we might be better off as wallflowers after all,"Â? she said with a watery little giggle.
She gave a little cry, turning her head to notice a fairly familiar stare... Alec? He had his arms full of her and Ginnie both. Aishe found herself tossed onto a table, narrowly missing both the food and drink, the wind knocked out of her.
Just as she thought that maybe the storm was over, there was another tug. Alec reached up to catch Ginnie and pulled Aishe's linen wrap along as well. Aishe slid back off the table, landing on the floor with a spectacular thump and feeling... a bit of a draft.
Looking down, then at Alec and Ginnie, then up at Danielle and Claire, she clutched the remnants of her blue silk about her, happy it covered as much as silk could cover, and began to laugh... and cry. She wasn't sure which she was doing, but every little bit of pent-up stress and anxiety she'd been holding in suddenly came out.
After a few moments, fairly certain she was mostly laughing, Aishe looked around discover she was sitting halfway on Alec's legs. She wiped the tears from her face, trying not to do more damage to her kohl-lined eyes, and turned to him and Ginnie.
"I really think we might be better off as wallflowers after all,"Â? she said with a watery little giggle.

19 years ago
Claire had been watching the crowd for people of interest in order to report back her findings to Sorin or to at least jot them down in her journal when she got home. Who was wearing what and who was with whom. She did not see her sire amongst the crowd and wondered how he could possibly miss such a party.
She had only been paying attention to where Dani was headed with the occasional side glance to make sure she was going in the proper direction and this proved to be a mistake. The car alarms were a startling distraction and one Claire was not at all used to. It took several long moments to assign the sound to its proper source and stop looking for an attack force on the building.
It was during this time that some spectacular feat of human slap stick collision had occurred and she managed to miss the entire spectacle. Looking back at her companions, she found Aishe on the floor with a young man holding on to part of her dress.
"Oh dear..."
Claire's hand reached up to cover her mouth and the small smile that played across it at the sight. Reaching down, she took the linen from the stranger's grasp and reached to help Aishe to her feet. The girl seemed to be none the worse for this embarrassing moment though it was in truth hard to tell.
"Dani, shall we see about some emergency dress repair?"
She had only been paying attention to where Dani was headed with the occasional side glance to make sure she was going in the proper direction and this proved to be a mistake. The car alarms were a startling distraction and one Claire was not at all used to. It took several long moments to assign the sound to its proper source and stop looking for an attack force on the building.
It was during this time that some spectacular feat of human slap stick collision had occurred and she managed to miss the entire spectacle. Looking back at her companions, she found Aishe on the floor with a young man holding on to part of her dress.
"Oh dear..."
Claire's hand reached up to cover her mouth and the small smile that played across it at the sight. Reaching down, she took the linen from the stranger's grasp and reached to help Aishe to her feet. The girl seemed to be none the worse for this embarrassing moment though it was in truth hard to tell.
"Dani, shall we see about some emergency dress repair?"

19 years ago
When she felt Alec's spinning begin to go out of control she just sort of let herself go. She'd learned the hard way how to take a fall. Knocking into the group of women, caused her to loose a shoe which completely threw her off balance.
Alec somehow managed to pull her down with him and the impact knocked her breath from her "Son...of...a...bitch." She croaked out, and lay her head against Alec's chest for a moment as her breath came back to her lungs.
She rolled off of Alec to lay panting on the floor when she heard some one say. "Dani, shall we see about some emergency dress repair?"
'Well shit.' She lifted her head a bit, to look down her body, and realized that they weren't talking about her. Relieved she lay back and tried to slow her breath, as her mind replayed what had happened. As she watched the pictures in her head she began to laugh. She reached up a hand and smacked Alec on the chest.
"Thanks for the ride."
She managed to say through her laughter. It occurred to her at that moment that she could have used telekineses to stop all of that, but then she wouldn't be lying on her back, laughing her ass off, which she figured was a great pay off.
Alec somehow managed to pull her down with him and the impact knocked her breath from her "Son...of...a...bitch." She croaked out, and lay her head against Alec's chest for a moment as her breath came back to her lungs.
She rolled off of Alec to lay panting on the floor when she heard some one say. "Dani, shall we see about some emergency dress repair?"
'Well shit.' She lifted her head a bit, to look down her body, and realized that they weren't talking about her. Relieved she lay back and tried to slow her breath, as her mind replayed what had happened. As she watched the pictures in her head she began to laugh. She reached up a hand and smacked Alec on the chest.
"Thanks for the ride."
She managed to say through her laughter. It occurred to her at that moment that she could have used telekineses to stop all of that, but then she wouldn't be lying on her back, laughing her ass off, which she figured was a great pay off.

19 years ago
Nova’s eyes widened upon witnessing the collision on the dance floor…oooh, that had to hurt! This was, in her mind, further evidence that dancing was ill fated; she had managed to contribute to a pile up without even being on the floor.
Feeling somewhat guilty for being distracting, though the unexpected noise of several car alarms should take part of the blame in her mind, she made her way to the pile o’ people, seeing a stray shoe on her way and picking it up off the ground.
“Shit, you guys okay?”
It seemed the group was having a bit of a fit of hysterics, or at least a couple of the girls were. Better laughing than crying, she supposed, though it looked like one of the girls she didn’t know was doing a bit of both. Alec was, much to her private amusement, blushing scarlet, and she could see now that the stray shoe clearly belonged to Ginnie.
Holding out her hand to Ginnie, as Nova suspected it might be a bit of a trick to stand up in that dress, she did her best to apologize for the mess while keeping a straight face.
“That kind of sucked!”
/ooc well she can hardly leave after that can she!
Feeling somewhat guilty for being distracting, though the unexpected noise of several car alarms should take part of the blame in her mind, she made her way to the pile o’ people, seeing a stray shoe on her way and picking it up off the ground.
“Shit, you guys okay?”
It seemed the group was having a bit of a fit of hysterics, or at least a couple of the girls were. Better laughing than crying, she supposed, though it looked like one of the girls she didn’t know was doing a bit of both. Alec was, much to her private amusement, blushing scarlet, and she could see now that the stray shoe clearly belonged to Ginnie.
Holding out her hand to Ginnie, as Nova suspected it might be a bit of a trick to stand up in that dress, she did her best to apologize for the mess while keeping a straight face.
“That kind of sucked!”
/ooc well she can hardly leave after that can she!

19 years ago
Ginnie had a hand pressed to her belly, trying to get her laughter to stop, but to no avail. She turned her laughing face to Nova as she came to stand over her.
"Nah, that was fun."
She took Nova's hand and with a little help from that forgotten telekineses she managed to stand. She braced a hand on Nova's shoulder to keep from falling over as she was now quite lopsided. The din from the car alarms made for interesting background noise, and she wondered what had set them off, since she hadn't heard any thunder or anything.
"Well someone is going to have to help me with my shoe."
She turned her head to the women they'd run into and saw Aishe. "Oh, Aishe, honey, are you okay?" In all the hubbub she'd forgotten to keep her accent full and it was now the delightful americanized lilt she had affected nearly fifty years ago.
"Nah, that was fun."
She took Nova's hand and with a little help from that forgotten telekineses she managed to stand. She braced a hand on Nova's shoulder to keep from falling over as she was now quite lopsided. The din from the car alarms made for interesting background noise, and she wondered what had set them off, since she hadn't heard any thunder or anything.
"Well someone is going to have to help me with my shoe."
She turned her head to the women they'd run into and saw Aishe. "Oh, Aishe, honey, are you okay?" In all the hubbub she'd forgotten to keep her accent full and it was now the delightful americanized lilt she had affected nearly fifty years ago.
19 years ago
It was just after Dani commented on the cute couple that several things happened at once, the first being a sudden cacophony of sound emitting from the parking lot. She snapped her head around, looking for Arin first and foremost, and saw him standing with Artemis, Pakpao, and Thaddeus.
Now –that- could be an interesting combination.
That was about as far as she got, though, before the couple she had only just been admiring collided into the party, jostling her off to one side where she caught onto the table with both hands. The others had not been so lucky, save Claire who remained relatively unscathed. She shook her head at the sight of two bodyguards approaching, thinking that perhaps this had all been a diversion, and nodded in Arin’s direction instead before taking a deep breath and righting herself.
Seeing that clearly part of Aishe’s dress was in a flustered young man’s hand, she nodded at Claire, still a bit stunned by the events, and reached into the purse she had done her best to conceal with her mantle.
“Oh dear! I think we can manage that.”
Smiling, she pulled out a travel sized sewing kit from the bag and held out her hand to the young man. Though she likely wouldn’t make much of a dent in helping him to his feet, she could at least free him from holding the linen wrap.
Now –that- could be an interesting combination.
That was about as far as she got, though, before the couple she had only just been admiring collided into the party, jostling her off to one side where she caught onto the table with both hands. The others had not been so lucky, save Claire who remained relatively unscathed. She shook her head at the sight of two bodyguards approaching, thinking that perhaps this had all been a diversion, and nodded in Arin’s direction instead before taking a deep breath and righting herself.
Seeing that clearly part of Aishe’s dress was in a flustered young man’s hand, she nodded at Claire, still a bit stunned by the events, and reached into the purse she had done her best to conceal with her mantle.
“Oh dear! I think we can manage that.”
Smiling, she pulled out a travel sized sewing kit from the bag and held out her hand to the young man. Though she likely wouldn’t make much of a dent in helping him to his feet, she could at least free him from holding the linen wrap.

19 years ago
Aishe somehow managed to catch her breath, wiping the tears from her cheeks with a few leftover giggles. As she extricated herself from the tangle of limbs and linen, she waved Danielle's sewing kit away with a grateful hand and retrieved her length of linen.
"It's all right,"Â? she said with a smile. "The ancient Egyptians weren't big on sewing."Â?
She wrapped the linen back around herself, demonstrating the knot at the waist that gathered the linen into artful folds as if by magic.
"Although now everyone knows just how easy my costume was to make."Â?
To Ginnie, she nodded and chuckled. "Just caught me by surprise. What about you? That skirt is bad enough to sit in, much less be tossed around in!"Â?
Turning to the rather astonished, embarrassed Alec, she grinned down at him. "Quite the moves, Astaire."Â?
She held her hand out, offering to help him up along with Danielle, noting the interesting shade of red his face had become.
"It's all right,"Â? she said with a smile. "The ancient Egyptians weren't big on sewing."Â?
She wrapped the linen back around herself, demonstrating the knot at the waist that gathered the linen into artful folds as if by magic.
"Although now everyone knows just how easy my costume was to make."Â?
To Ginnie, she nodded and chuckled. "Just caught me by surprise. What about you? That skirt is bad enough to sit in, much less be tossed around in!"Â?
Turning to the rather astonished, embarrassed Alec, she grinned down at him. "Quite the moves, Astaire."Â?
She held her hand out, offering to help him up along with Danielle, noting the interesting shade of red his face had become.

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Absolutely mortified at the mess he made, Alec stared blankly at the ceiling, willing his senses back into a semblance of order. Standing up completely bonelessly, looking like all the world like the Scarecrow tossed into modern clothing, he shook his head and tried to accept the fact that blessings could be a curse as well. "Damned fine timing with the heightened perception, genius...at least you only took out two people with your social mishap of the evening." Attempting to salvage what dignity he could, he shook his head at Nova, chuckling under his breath. "Remember, if everyone else is having a good time, you are having a good time. I bet Martha never took out a dance partner and an innocent bystander with her good hearing, though." Taking the shoe, he put it back on Ginnie, helping her up.
Uhm...well. So much for improvisation. We'll stick to the plan next time.
Sighing, he turned to Aishe.
Well, thank goodness for undergarments. I promise that in the future I'll ask before taking your clothes off.
Bowing before the assembled company, Alec stated
I'm afraid it is time that I depart. My last shred of dignity died on the floor right there, so I think ritual suicide by chocolate mousse overdose is in order.
Uhm...well. So much for improvisation. We'll stick to the plan next time.
Sighing, he turned to Aishe.
Well, thank goodness for undergarments. I promise that in the future I'll ask before taking your clothes off.
Bowing before the assembled company, Alec stated
I'm afraid it is time that I depart. My last shred of dignity died on the floor right there, so I think ritual suicide by chocolate mousse overdose is in order.

19 years ago
"Well, thank goodness for undergarments. I promise that in the future I'll ask before taking your clothes off."Â?
Aishe blushed deeply, laughing softly again. She couldn't take offense, couldn't possibly see that as anything but the good-natured apology it was. She shook her head at Alec, and at his mention of suicide by mousse, quirked an eyebrow up at him.
"I think it might take more mousse than that, but you're a brave soul for trying. I, however, am going to avoid the mousse until I know it's safe."Â?
With a wink, she moved to let Alec by, standing near Danielle and Claire and making an exaggerated show of gathering her costume up out of the way.
((ooc: permission to move Aishe again, to wherever she needs to be!))
Aishe blushed deeply, laughing softly again. She couldn't take offense, couldn't possibly see that as anything but the good-natured apology it was. She shook her head at Alec, and at his mention of suicide by mousse, quirked an eyebrow up at him.
"I think it might take more mousse than that, but you're a brave soul for trying. I, however, am going to avoid the mousse until I know it's safe."Â?
With a wink, she moved to let Alec by, standing near Danielle and Claire and making an exaggerated show of gathering her costume up out of the way.
((ooc: permission to move Aishe again, to wherever she needs to be!))

19 years ago
Nova gave Ginnie a pull and helped her fellow Tacharan to her feet, which even taking the dress into consideration wasn’t as difficult as it might have been. Letting Alec take the shoe from her hand, she looked around to access the damage. Everyone seemed to have made an okay recovery, though Alec’s pride was still apparently hurting some. She snorted at the comment he made; really, for a guy who seemed to embarrass easily he sure said some crazy stuff. The girl in the Egyptian costume, who she thought Ginnie had addressed as Aishe but it was hard to be sure what with all the chaos, seemed to take things with good humor and didn’t seem perversely inclined to make him more uncomfortable than he already was. The woman was, however, also giving him an escape route, which just wouldn’t do; she moved to block his path, not sure if he was serious about fleeing the scene.
“No no, no escaping. Wasn’t totally your fault anyway.” After looking around for a table where they could perhaps get off their feet before anything else happened, she turned back to the group, tilting her head in the direction of the seats. “Hell of a way to meet people…I’m Nova by the way. I guess you guys all know each other?” Ginnie seemed to know the one girl at the least and of course the three Tacharans were already acquainted but she wasn’t sure about the other two girls.
“No no, no escaping. Wasn’t totally your fault anyway.” After looking around for a table where they could perhaps get off their feet before anything else happened, she turned back to the group, tilting her head in the direction of the seats. “Hell of a way to meet people…I’m Nova by the way. I guess you guys all know each other?” Ginnie seemed to know the one girl at the least and of course the three Tacharans were already acquainted but she wasn’t sure about the other two girls.

19 years ago
Claire stepped back when Aishe seemed to have her wardrobe malfunction under control and watched the others.
There was a lot laughing, apologizing and the like but she felt somewhat outside of it having not been involved in the crash herself and not really knowing any of the participants all that well.
The redheaded woman sought to change that by way of an introduction and Claire felt it polite to respond in kind.
"I am afraid this is the first time I've encountered the young man and his lady friend but I would say that it is fortunate for me not to have been quite the dramatic meeting that Aishe here managed."
She looked around at the other two who had been in her small group.
"My name is Claire and this is Dani and Aishe."
There was a lot laughing, apologizing and the like but she felt somewhat outside of it having not been involved in the crash herself and not really knowing any of the participants all that well.
The redheaded woman sought to change that by way of an introduction and Claire felt it polite to respond in kind.
"I am afraid this is the first time I've encountered the young man and his lady friend but I would say that it is fortunate for me not to have been quite the dramatic meeting that Aishe here managed."
She looked around at the other two who had been in her small group.
"My name is Claire and this is Dani and Aishe."

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Grumbling, Alec turned to Nova. So much for his big damn getaway.
I blame the redhead, fate and my own innate talents. Alec, for those I've not yet crashed into, dropped on me, or have rolled with.
I blame the redhead, fate and my own innate talents. Alec, for those I've not yet crashed into, dropped on me, or have rolled with.

19 years ago
Ginnie took a few more deep breaths and managed to stop laughing completely. She put a hand on Alec's arm and smiled at him.
"Nova's right, it's not your fault, and I wouldn't have had near as much fun with out your assistance. Besides, we can always just blame "The Red Head"
Ginnie gave him a mischievous wink and turned to Claire as she spoke, offering her hand in greeting.
"I'm Ginnie. Please to meet you."
"Nova's right, it's not your fault, and I wouldn't have had near as much fun with out your assistance. Besides, we can always just blame "The Red Head"
Ginnie gave him a mischievous wink and turned to Claire as she spoke, offering her hand in greeting.
"I'm Ginnie. Please to meet you."
19 years ago
Danielle nodded as introductions were made in turn, making a note of the names as they were spoken.
“Nice to meet you, Alec, Nova, Ginnie.
Slipping the unneeded sewing kit back into her purse, she beamed a smile and started for a table.
“Hopefully a more moderate amount of chocolate won’t kill any of us; dessert sounds like a lovely idea.”
Nodding to a passing waiter, she continued. “I hope you’ll join us?”
/ooc Dani out (figured since this is coming to an end dessert could be left to the imagination, feel free to join her or go on to other threads or stay here or whatever.)
“Nice to meet you, Alec, Nova, Ginnie.
Slipping the unneeded sewing kit back into her purse, she beamed a smile and started for a table.
“Hopefully a more moderate amount of chocolate won’t kill any of us; dessert sounds like a lovely idea.”
Nodding to a passing waiter, she continued. “I hope you’ll join us?”
/ooc Dani out (figured since this is coming to an end dessert could be left to the imagination, feel free to join her or go on to other threads or stay here or whatever.)