Apartment Sweet Apartment
Getting the wolf home was easier than he expected; once Skodde was coaxed into leaving the small brownstone by the bone he followed readily enough. Alfarinn smiled at him and set the bone down in the kitchen.
"You've been very good. Thank you, Skodde."
Who knew what Lykaios had called the canine but without some sort of collar or tag there was no object upon which to possibly garner such information.
He placed Natt's mate on the counter and saw Natt settle in protectively beside her. Digging around in the kitchen, he found them both some suitable food before considering the animals all taken care of for the moment.
Alfarinn turned back to Thaddeus with a grin and leaned in towards his companion. Feeling around in Thaddeus's pockets for his phone, he felt the extra touches were absolutely necessary. Alfarinn layed his arm gently on Thaddeus's shoulder and dialed the number with the tip of his thumb; leaning in for a quick kiss while he waited for it to connect, he then put the phone to his ear and headed down the hall.
It was a quick conversation to let Dani know that they and the wolf were home safe and he thanked her again for coming to help them so quickly and so much.
He hung up the phone and set it on the counter in the bathroom and then moved to turn on the water for the shower. Setting out a couple of towels, he then carefully undressed here on the tile lest he track more grime than necessary elsewhere. Piling up the clothes into a small stack off to one side, Alfarinn turned to his companion.
"So shall we conserve more water? Behaving or not is entirely optional."
He imagined at some point in their sleep they would likely move around and, given their current position, would end up in a terrible tangle, but in his sleepy mind that didn’t seem nearly as important as snuggling close to Alfarinn and drifting off in the comfort of his companion’s arms.
If the expected nightmares found their way into Thaddeus’s dreams, by the time he woke up he could not recall them at all.
/ooc Thaddeus and Alfarinn out