
[color=violet]...when can we post them?
I dont wan't to suffer from premature posting

Mai 19 years ago
I believe you may go ahead and post them at this time. I think we are nearly done with the characteristics and things that might be changed. If we do change anything we'll let you know.

I'll be posting my own as soon as I get them done. Which probably won't be today :|
Talon 19 years ago
AV Test!
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
too big =/ It's messing with the tables. I changed the av requirement to no wider than 150 so it doesn't mess with the table size.

You know we can just change your sign on names to your charcaters instead of creating new accounts?
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Yeah, my bad. 200 is ok on TAC but these skins seem even thinner so 150 should be the max. =/ That's hot though, Xan and yeah post whenever they're complete. We're midway thru finishing ours and writing up our sect rules and such, still thinking release might be the last week of may.
Talon 19 years ago
Okies, all modified.......
Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
danke ^_^
Mai 19 years ago
Bitte... sorry habit.
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
I love the fangs under his name, good work Temp!!!
Meegan 19 years ago
Mind changing my name to Meegan, please?
Eve 19 years ago
All set Kaytana/Meegan
Meegan 19 years ago
Weee! Thanks!