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Drunk dialing (att: Shay!)

Panos pulled out his phone and began to mash buttons. Pulling the phone mere inches from his face he studied the screen drunkenly. His eyes squinted and he tried again to hit the button that would lead to his contacts menu.

Finally and very carefully (read: slowly) he found Shay's name in the lineup. He hit his talk button and then the realization hit him. It just might be too late for a phone call.

Well he would appologize for it later. He had wanted to appologize anyways and he could lump them together now!

He listen to the ring and swayed to the music of it. He looked a tad silly but he didnt seem to care.

Panos Mehalitsenos 19 years ago I was just remembering something...a present.

He spaced out for a moment and then shook his head.

I am old and i can't say that i have been anything but nasty my whole life. It's not until recently that I have found something to, uh..,give me some comfort. I do have an aunt here. Believe it or not.
Shay 19 years ago
"I believe it. I believe everything you tell me...I've no reason not to. And I'm glad you have someone here. An aunt is nice. But I hope you will still consider me a friend, Paul. Really. I would like to talk more, and get to know you better."

Shay could see the sky through the cracks in the window blinds, and it was turning from black to midnight blue. She got worried.

"Paul...I think, under the circumstances you're going to need to make a choice now though. I think dawn is coming. You are still welcome to stay if you want...otherwise, you may wish to go now."
Panos Mehalitsenos 19 years ago
He followed her gaze out the window. She was right. He could tell it in his actions as well, he was thinking much slower and soon he'd become very sluggish. He knew his limitations.

I still concider you a friend. I only hope you will concider me the same when you become enlightened by the news or by what other people say i am.

He looked down at Birseis and she was softly snoring away. If she thought it was safe then he decided he would as well. He would let Shay control his outcome this day. If he woke up to flames of the sun then so be it. He was tired and it was a weight off his chest to have told her, a human, what he really was.

I'll stay here today. Birseis seems to have decided you are trustworthy. I never thought otherwise either.

Taking his shoes back off he laid down on the couch facing her. Putting his legs behind her back.

I know i told you earlier last night that my aunt is one of those 'not nice people'. Well neither am I Shay. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree right? I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but you've earned the trust and protection of a monster. Odd as that sounds. You didn't even know it but I had you picked out to die, but somehow you changed that and all you did was talk. I have still yet to figure that out.

His eyes fell heavy and his voice was dropping off.

Maybe i'm getting soft.
Shay 19 years ago
Still glad he was staying, though she knew Mathias would be angrier than spit, Shay got up and found the pillow and comforter on the floor. She handed Paul the pillow, and stretched the comforter over him, folding it down across his waist.

His words concerned her...she wasn't sure if he was joking or not, but for now she wasn't going to worry. He had several opportunities to have attacked her, and he hadn't...he hadn't even come close. Shay had no reason to fear him, so she wouldn't.

She leaned down and kissed his forehead, as she would have her brother's. It also helped her maintain a feeling of normalcy...something he seemed to value.

"Sleep well Paul. I shall see you later."

She couldn't bring herself to consider the issue of her this case it was easier to just ignore that comment.

She stood and watched as he appeared to fall asleep, and she quickly checked all the blinds to make sure they were securely closed.

A quick last look, and Shay returned to her bedroom.

Pausing outside the door, Shay hoped Mathais wasn't angry with her. She hadn't intended on taking so long, but under the circumstances she really couldn't very easily have just gotten up and walked away.

She opened the door, and slipped inside quietly. As soon as the door clicked closed, she was pulling the tshirt off, and then sliding out of her jeans, headed to Mathias' arms.

"Mathias...hold me please."
Mathias 19 years ago
Mathias wasn't precisely waiting by the door - but when Shay entered the bedroom he moved back to the bed. Under the circumstances some discretion was called for,and while he trusted Shay implicitly he did not extend the courtesy to Paul.

"Mathias...hold me please."

Something was wrong. Mathias wasn't the greatest judge of human nature,but he knew Shay's emotions as well as he knew his own and *something* was wrong. Considering her previous location he could only assume it involved Paul. Again he reminded himself that while storming in and ripping Paul's head off was the desired solution,it was not optimal nor did it help Shay. She was his primary concern and so he sublimating his urge to go medieval.

He wrapped his arms around Shay,drawing the covers over them both. The flowery scent of her hair tickled his nostrils as Mathias rested his head on hers,softly kissing Shay. Whatever troubled her would come out,but at Shay's pace - he wouldn't force her to share.

"I am here love,no worries now."
Shay 19 years ago
'This is so right,' Shay thought, as Mathias did exactly what she needed. He was the perfect man for her. Well...not perfect, but for the here and now he was. The future would present issues that she knew would be difficult and painful to deal with, but she refused to even consider those now.

"Mathias...Paul is a vampire, as well."

She had never thought twice about revealing Mathias to Paul...but she would never think twice about not lying to Mathias either. She would never hide things from him...other than the fun, surprising things. This certainly did not fit into that catagory.

Feeling that news would get his hackles up, Shay made sure her own arms were wrapped around him tightly, before she'd uttered the words. She had also remembered the condition he had been left in earlier, and now was more than ready to change that...providing he wanted it as well.

So after she said the words, Shay began sliding her hand across his chest, and toyed with his nipples. Her foot slid up his calf, and her lips began a journey that was beginning along his jaw and neck.
Mathias 19 years ago
"Mathias...Paul is a vampire, as well."

He tensed momentarily at that. And at that instant Mathias was reminded how little information he had given Shay. Something he needed to rectify.

"Was that all he told you? Did he mention a family or clan?" He might be a clanless rogue - which would make him even more dangerous and complicate things. Mathias should take him out,but Paul was important to Shay and that trumped all other concerns.

Her actions were distracting him - did she think it was a turn on? No,of course not...perhaps she was just reacting to all of the craziness of the last few nights. It wasn't as if he doubted her or thought she was attracted to Paul.

Mathias sucked in air as Shay teased his nipples. She knew all the right buttons to push and he couldn't suppress a groan as her kisses lit a trail of fire along his neck.

"What...what about waking your guest?" He said,feeling his arousal growing again.
Shay 19 years ago
"No...he didn't mention a...clan? He has an aunt...he says she's not a very nice him. He said..."

It was so different when Mathias asked her...she didn't hesitate to tell him what he wanted to know. It was as if by doing so, she was making things clearer to herself. And she didn't think of it as betraying Paul, because it was almost as if Mathias was and extension of her, and therefore he 'needed' to know. Besides, while she trusted Paul, so far...she trusted Mathias implicitly.

"...he said he had almost killed me...that night I met him, on the street...but because I spoke to him, as if he were 'normal'...well, even he didn't seem to truly understand it."

When she retold her conversation with Paul, Shay merely restated what was said. The seriousness, and terror that his words should have held, were absent. She was looking at Paul in a totally different light than Mathias would.

But as the words were made vocal, and she heard how they must sound to Mathias, she stilled.

"He asked me about you...warned me against you...but I deflected his questions, and his warnings...and he either decided I was not a source for his answers, or he just forgot."

Her hand began to move along his side, as she read him on the pads of her fingers, as if reading braille. Moving across his stomach, and lower, down the center of his groin, she purposely avoided his penis, and trailed down one thigh, and up the other. She was being a little wicked, but she didn't know if he wanted to talk later.

"I think as long as I don't make any more loud guest will be sleeping for a while."
Mathias 19 years ago
Mathias let out a slow calming breath. Nope,that wasn't working. Paul had graduated from 'Annoying Prick' to 'Walking Pile of Ash'. He just didn't know it yet.

"I'm going to be honest with you love. I cannot find a compelling reason for me to let this Paul exist. That he didn't kill you and confessed such does not preclude him from doing so when he decides you haven't treated him right." He did not want to scare Shay,but he had to be honest with her about his feelings and an honest assessment of the situation.

"However,I am not going to confront Paul or toss him outside to greet the sun. One, he is your 'friend' " Mathias paused,trying to not let his anger seep through the words.
" And my respect for you outweighs any violent urges I may have. And secondly he is not aware that I know what he is - though certainly he must suspect. And that is to our advantage."

"I cannot pretend that nothing has changed. I ask that you are never alone with him. Also I will talk to someone with my clan and see if information exists on this Paul and his aunt."

Mathias held Shay close. "I am sorry you are having to deal with the dark side of our existence so soon love. I can only guess that Paul is telling you those things about me to keep us apart and you under his sway." Yet another reason Paul needed to taste sunlight soon.

Mathias realized that his talk of clans may have confused Shay. And some foreknowledge before meeting Ellis wouldn't hurt.
"Let me explain something before I confuse you further. There are 3 'clans' or 'families' of vampires. They are Anantya,Evenhet and Tacharan."

He paused a moment to let Shay digest the information before continuing.
"Anantya is the oldest - the 'first family' as it were. Evenhet split from Anatya to be closer to humans and develop closer relations with them. They are more mortal friendly. Arin Bjorn,whom we met at the Ball is the Elder of Evenhet. And that brings us to Tacharan - the outcasts of the vampire world and my clan. I was originally of Anantya but I had a...disagreement...and walked my own path for a time." He closed his eyes. The memory still hurt even after all he had been through. "Tacharan controls Duibne Industries,much like Evenhet controls Meridian."

He stopped,there would be time to discuss things more in depth. Plus he wanted Shay to grasp things and if she had any questions Mathias could answer them.

Mathias smiled at Shay's teasing,even as his penis throbbed with need. He pulled her close for a deep kiss,sucking on her tongue.
"But love...if you don't make loud noises,how will I know what I am doing right?" He smirked as his hand slid under her shirt to caress her stiffening nipples.
Shay 19 years ago
As he spoke, occasionally she had the urge to respond. However, she chose to keep silent, and listen until he finished her education. There was so much about vampires that Shay marveled many nuances to their existence that allowed them to coexist...she knew she had much to learn.

She didn't like giving up her independence, yet she understood why Mathias didn't want her alone with Paul. A small part of her even agreed. But a larger part of her refused to doubt her instincts, and they told her Paul was...not a threat to her.

But...because Mathias respected her enough to not go after Paul, she would respect his wishes, and keep someone with her when she was with Paul. So she nodded...rubbing her cheek against his chest, in agreement.

"Whatever his reasons were, I told him I have my own mind, and choose my own friends. I let him know, in no uncertain terms, that he had no influence over my feelings for or relationship with you. I didn't want him having 'any' false ideas about he and I. And he really seemed to accept that information without hesitation."

But Shay didn't want to talk about Paul any more. And Mathias had begun to explain more.

She was surprised to think of Arin Bjorn as a vampire...but that led her to wonder about Thaddeus...and Ginnie...and Alec... And who else had she met since coming to Nachton...Addison, Danielle, Claire? Were they all vampires...or might some of them been human like her...or familiars, as she would be soon.

When he told her about his liberation from Anantya, Shay had wanted to ask more...she was sure 'disagreement' was a white wash of what really had happened. And the news of Duibne and Meridian opened the doors to further questions as well...But his kiss silenced her mind to anything but the sounds of his presence, and she decided he was what she wanted to think about now.

Shay had never been a 'noisy' lover until Mathias, and his teasing caused her face to heat up.

"You always do 'everything' right...I'll just need to find another way to show you."

With that comment, her hand stroked his length, and she again nipped at his neck, before resuming her descent below the covers.

The feel of Mathias, in Shay's hands, was a wonderous thing. She couldn't get over the strength he had there. While she toyed with his nipples, and sucked one between her teeth, the pressure from her hands became stronger, and more insistent.

As she moved towards her goal, she became a little rougher than she had in the past...and her teeth became a little more prominent in her loving of him. She knew what she did to him would be nothing akin to the effect he had on her, but still she persisted.

Her bites were never hard enough to begin to tear the skin though, and as she still associated biting with pain, she soon went back to kissing, and tonguing his skin. Shortly thereafter she had blazed a trail down to where his raw, rigid maleness jutted from her hands.

Holding him to her lips, she let her hands go lax, and smiled when her lips kissed the tip of him. She wondered briefly if she should continue to tease him, and ran her tongue all the way down to the round orbs below.

Sucking first one inside her mouth, and then the other, she played with them as if they were plums. Her hands now softly caressing across the tops of his thighs, and up his stomach. She started making humming noises...quiet, but firm, humming noises, as she moved back and forth under his penis, and then decided more attention was needed elsewhere.

Shay had taunted him enough, she thought, and now felt he was nearing his climax. Raking her teeth, softly up the ridge, she began to concentrate on loving that part of him that gave her so much pleasure.
Mathias 19 years ago
Shay's teasing was like divine torment. It drove him crazy and he embraced that insanity,whimpering softly at every bite or kiss. He loved how she took control and how willingly he relinquished that control,giving himself over to her and trusting her completely. They really were two halves,only complete with one another.

Shay's breath was warm on his nipple and Mathias groaned,grasping her head,fingers wound in her hair. Her teeth gave the best kind of pain and he felt his erection twitch and pulse in her capable hands.
"Oh my god Shay,don't stop please....please don't stop " He begged her..he needed this release needed her to be the cause of it.

Her ministrations were bringing him closer and closer to the edge and Mathias' breath quickened when he felt Shay's mouth encompass as much of him as she could. He knew it wouldn't be long and Mathias' slowed her rhythm down with his hand,even as his hips moved in time with her mouth.

"Shay!!..oh...oh...OH SHAY!!"
As pentup as Mathias was,his orgasm was sure to be intense,but when it happened he was taken aback. He tried to be quiet,even biting his lips but the waves of pleasure were too much. His back arched,hips thrusting forward involuntarily. The sheets were ripped from the bed as MAthias floundered in the wake of release. And yet Shay did not stop,her hand and mouth moving to drain every last bit of him.

After an eternity where pleasure reigned,capped by stars and fireworks,Mathias collapsed to the bed,a quivering heap of formless flesh...a human puddle - content and unmoving. He had no energy,no will - but he managed to give Shay a smile.
"Come to me,love of my life"
Shay 19 years ago

"Oh my god Shay,don't stop please....please don't stop "

Even in the thought of teasing, there was no way she would have stopped now. But his words gave her reason to smile. It was good that she could drive him to this point - fair was fair.

But she was still weak from the earlier incident, and was glad when he did let go. She didn't let him alone though, until she felt him quiver under her lips, and then she knew he had nothing left. Then she knew she had returned to him, the love he'd shared earlier, with her.

She crawled up and sprawled out over him, as if they could exchange energies the way they'd exchanged passions. Head on his shoulder, arm across his chest, and leg across his leg, she giggled softly after kissing him tenderly.

"I guess 'I' did something right that time...from the sound of it? At least we won't need to worry about Paul dashing in to see if something was wrong."

And she giggled again, as she nibbled his chin, playfully. She really was worn out, but being so happy precluded her need of sleep, it seemed. But now that pleasure was a warm memory...vivid, but not pressing...Shay's thoughts turned to the evening ahead.

"I do hope everything goes well tonight. I...I just can't begin to tell you...I mean...Mathias...what if Ellis doesn't like me...or want me near you? Can she tell you...can she prevent us from being together?"

She knew whatever the truth was, Mathias would assure her everything would be fine...but she wondered if there was any danger in the meeting they had to attend.
Mathias 19 years ago
He understood her fears. She didn't know Ellis..but then did anyone? She was truly an enigma sometimes...inscrutable as much as she was wild and violent.

"It won't be an issue. All Ellis is concerned with is meeting you and knowing that you are committed. That's it. As harsh as it may sound love,she doesn't care how wonderful you are or that we are soulmates. Ellis' focus is strictly on the survival and prospering of Clan Tacharan. "
Mathias shifted so that Shay's head rested on his chest. HE loved the image of her resting there,arm draped over his chest. At that moment he felt like all was right with the world.

"However,for the sake of argument I will say this. If Ellis did not like you or forbid us I would sever my ties." Looking Shay directly in the eyes he continued. "Tacharan is my clan. You are my love,my soul and all that is good in my world. And I would charge the gates of hell to keep it. I love you Shay."

Noticing the yawn escape Shay's mouth he leaned down to kiss her eyes shut. "Now get some rest love,we have plans tonight. I will watch over you and keep you safe."
Shay 19 years ago
If it wasn't for the fact that she really was sleepy as all get out...and if it wasn't for the fact that she had never been as comfortable, or secure in her life...and if it wasn't for the fact that she was so totally full of love for this man, and ready to do whatever he wanted...she would have insisted they talk more.

But instead, when he kissed her eyelids, she just grinned, turned her head to the part of his chest, directly over his heart.

She knew he'd protect her, as much as he could, and she would do the same. It was what you did when you loved someone.

"Good night my love."

She whispered, and the grin remained as she drifted off.
Shay 19 years ago
As was to become the custom, when they were together, Shay awoke first.

Not moving, it was just too fantastic a feeling to wake up in his arms, Shay just opened her eyes, and let them adjust to the darkness. Small diffused spots of sunlight still shown on the ceiling, where they were able to escape to, from the tops of the drapes, but even they were fading fast. She figured it must be very late afternoon, or early evening.

And she was ravenous.

As if on cue, her stomach growled, and she grinned. But to go get something to eat would require leaving Mathias, and their bed...and she wasn't quite sure she was 'that' hungry.

She wished it had been lighter in the room...she wanted to see his face, in sleep. She wanted to see it free from worry lines, and concerned eyes. Instead she just imagined it...smiling at her, with love in his eyes, and she hugged him lightly.

And her stomach growled again. She couldn't supress a small groan, when she gently moved out of his arms, and turned to move off the bed. Not only was it a sense of loss to just be leaving his side, but her body was a bit of an achy mess. Her little toe still throbbed, from smashing it into the stool, the area on her thigh where Mathias had fed was still a bit tender, and the place between her legs was yet a bit sensitive...the feast after the famine, no doubt.

She sat up, and moved off the bed, trying to remember in which direction she'd thrown her tshirt and jeans. Gingerly she moved her uninjured foot along the floor, until she found the shirt. She bent down and went to pick it up, only to feel her jeans there, as well. Slipping out the bedroom, she peeked into the living room, and could see the outline of Paul, still on the couch. His dog moved, and whimpered softly.

"Shhh...its okay, go back to sleep."

She whispered, as if the dog could understand her. Then into the bathroom Shay turned, closed the door, and started up a hot shower. Her plan was to shower, redress, and see if she could whip up some eggs or something, without waking anyone. The task was a daunting one, but one that she seemed up for today. Later she'd be faced with a task, monumental, in comparison.
Panos Mehalitsenos 19 years ago
He woke to the sound of the shower running. The room was dark and he glanced at the blinds. The sun had gone back down.

Good. He had lived through the night even after telling Shay he was a vampire. Maybe she didnt believe him.

Sitting up he stretched and looked for his shoes. He had no intentions of staying any longer. It was too early to listen to Mathias try and command him around. He was already slightly annoyed with just the thought of it. That man was a headache with his possessivness of Shay.

He didn't covet her like he had Meegan. He wasn't here to steal Shay away. Shay had picked HIM up and brought him to her home. No matter what the jealous man was thinking he was wrong. He didn't even know Panos and he thought he could boss him around? Ridiculous.

He tied his shoes and grabbed his jacket as he heard the shower's water stop.

Bye Shay. He whispered, mostly to himself.

Quietly he stepped out the condo door with Birseis and tow. Her looked down at her and grinned.

It's hunting time my friend.

They took off in a dead run into the blossoming night as if they were racing each other. It felt good and was freeing to be moving so fast. Birseis next to him, never missed a beat. She was as fast as he was, much to his surprize. He laughed as she lolled her tounge out her mouth as if to say 'what this is easy!'.

With no where particular in mind the two went in search for this evenings dinner.

(ooc:Panos out)
Mathias 19 years ago
He awoke in darkness. that was not so bad,infact he preferred to do so. However,he also awoke without Shay in his arms and that simply wouldn't do.

The bathroom door was cracked slightly and Mathias heard the shower turn off and a door squeak open. a few moments later a damp Shay appeared,clad in a towel.

"Now that is a view I could spend eternity waking up to."
He smiled at Shay,truly everytime he saw her Mathias fell in love with her all over again. Each day brought some new discovery about this remarkable women that only reinforced what his heart told him - that they truly belonged together.

"Ready for our big night,love ?"
It was a light question,but Mathias knew the implications behind it. Tonight's meeting at the HoP was as big a commitment as anything could be.

He only hoped he and Paul could be civil to one another, surely Shay did not need more conflict from them
Shay 19 years ago
The shower felt heavenly. The hot needles of water seemed to penetrate her muscles, ridding her of any lingering soreness. It felt so good, she had no idea really, how long she stood under it before she remembered washing was a good thing.

She washed her hair first, and as the conditioner went to work she took care of her body. But rushing wasn't an option...and she was glad the condos had decently large hot water heaters. When she guessed she'd spent a shamefully long time in the shower, she turned the water off, and got out.

Wrapping her head in a towel, she pulled on the thick terrycloth robe she kept hanging on the back of the door. Her movements were still a little lethargic, but she could feel her energy returning as she moved about.

Leaving her robe unbelted, she proceeded to rub moisturizer all over. With the change in weather, and the air becoming drier than anything Shay had experienced in California, she found she needed something to keep her skin from drying out as well. Plus she loved the soft scent of musk and gardenias the cream left on her body. She'd ask Mathias later...what his favorite scents were...and smiled as she realized someone elses opinion now matter...even more than her own in certain circumstances.

She brushed her teeth, tied her damp curls up in a pony tail to be dealt with later, belted her robe, and walked barefoot out of the steamy room. Tiptoeing into the livingroom she saw the couch was vacant...blanket and pillow strewn about. She had to grin...Paul really was like her younger brother... Folding up the comforter, and grabbing the pillow, she returned them to their rightful places. She was sorry he'd felt the need to leave without saying goodbye, but decided it was probably for the best. At least she didn't have to face the tension between him and Mathias.

Checking her emails quickly, she read the one from her publisher. They wanted to meet with her in New York, soon, to discuss the outline for her current book. They were pleased with the reception her second book was getting, and it reminded Shay that she'd forgotten about its release, completely. She shook her head. She had so many other things on her mind now...but she couldn't let her writing fall behind. She loved Mathias beyond belief, but they both had commitments aside from each other.

Thinking it should be okay to wake Mathias now, she returned to the bedroom.

The love of her life

"Now that is a view I could spend eternity waking up to."

His words were welcome, and loving...but it reminded her that she didn't have an eternity with him. She wouldn't let such a thing color her emotions this morning though, and immediately went to him, and kissed him.

"It is nice to have here for me, as well."

And she was somewhat, happily, surprised to see how easily she'd been able to adjust to having him there.

The love of her life

"Ready for our big night,love ?"

"Only from the stand point that I wish it was over."

She snuggled against him, feeling very young now...very small...very worried. But again she didn't want him worrying about her, so she didn't address it.

"You'll be glad to know, Paul has left."

And, unceremoniously, her stomach chose that time to growl. She giggle, as she was sure Mathias couldn't help but hear that racket.

"I think now though...'I' need to feed."

It was becoming easier to talk about such things, but she wondered if that was good or not.
Mathias 19 years ago
"It is nice to have here for me, as well."

That reminded Mathias had been looking for a residence outside The Domicile. the idea of living with Shay crossed his mind,but he didn't want to ask - it just seemed too forward. Yes,because your making love every night and staying here is much more demure Annabelle said
" you know I had been looking for someplace to live. I had thought perhaps you and I could find a place together? It only makes sense as we are already spending so much time together..." Gods he sounded like some love struck puppy - which to be honest he was.

"Only from the stand point that I wish it was over."

He understood that - this was a daunting action and not something to be taken lightly.
"It won't be long or involved Shay,Ellis just wants to meet you. Trust me,,it is nothing to dread."
Mathias moved her ponytail to the side,softly kissing the back and side of her neck,fingers lazily trailing her body. He enjoyed these quiet moments with Shay almost as much as he did their lovemaking. It was nice to be able to just relax with someone completely.

"You'll be glad to know, Paul has left."

He sighed at that. It wasn't untrue and Mathias did feel bad about it. He looked Shay in the eyes,taking her hands in his.
"I will be honest hon - I do not like Paul,nor do I see that situation changing anytime soon. However,he is your friend and he is important to you and I will respect that. which is a long winded way of saying I am sorry he is gone." Mathias kissed shay on the tip of her pert nose before lying back,feeling her head on his chest.

"I think now though...'I' need to feed."

Chuckling,Mathias got out of bed,pulling on his jeans and t shirt from the previous night. Part of him wanted to take Shay again,feel himself inside her and explore their mutual passion. but he realized she needed her strength and breakfast did sound good.
"I make a great scrambled eggs and toast if you want" It was true - he was a fairly decent cook - something he picked up living alone for so long. Plus the idea of cooking for Shay was not unpleasant.
Shay 19 years ago
When he broached the subject of living together, it reminded Shay she was going to suggest the same thing. However, she really loved her little condo, and wondered if he would mind just moving in. Besides having gone to the extra expense of having her 'panic room' installed, Shay now found even more comfort in knowing it was there.

"Mathias? I need to show you something...but you must promise me not to laugh. I know some people may think it's silly, but it offers me a great feeling of security. You will be the only other person - besides the contractor - who knows of it."

The other issues would be discussed momentarily, but she wanted to show him this now.

While he dressed she climbed out of bed and went to stand in the door way. When he joined her, she turned into the hall, and looked at the bookcase that was directly at the bottom of the hall...which was almost just outside her bedroom door.

" laughing."

She smiled up at him...only afraid of the laughing because when she'd first had the idea she, herself, had found it somewhat humorous. She'd since understood the importance of the room, for her safety, and those she loved.

She reached up to the second shelf from the top, and pushed in the volume of 'Much Ado About Nothing'...a title she'd chosen when the idea for the room had first been initiated. The door swung inward, and she flipped the light switch as she went inside.

The room was about six feet by nine feet - certainly not huge, but large enough that she didn't anticipate any claustrophobic issues. Not that she ever had those kinds of problems before, but one never knew what one could handle until faced with the problem.

There was only a single cot, so another would be added...but there was also a chair, lamp, desk, mini fridge, safe, and even a sink. A cabinet at one end held several different methods of self defense, from her old police revolver, to an antique sword, blessed by a pope, and several other more unique pieces. There was enough stores to service two people for up to seven days...two humans...she now realized blood would need to be added as well - if they remained there.

She looked at him for an opinion.

"So...what do you think of my little hidey hole?"