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Forbidden ground.

Simon stood in front of the twin Evenhet towers in awe. He actually never stopped in front of the buildings and looked up. 'That is high.' He ran his tongue over his still chapped lips and looked around. The street was clean and very quiet. The Evenhet Towers were as sterile as he thought they'd be, but regardless of clan tastes, they were magnificant to behold.

Simon walked in the main lobby and looked around. It was completely void of life, save for tranquil looking plants. It had a very futuristic feel and it reminded him of the Domicile. Maybe the clans were not that far apart. Still, it made him feel as if he underdressed and that was saying a lot for Simon and his tastes. He was wearing black slacks, dress shoes and a cashmere pull over. His three quarter leather trench coat was open, straps hanging at the side. He walked further in and looked for a phone or some sort of intercom to speak to someone.

He cleared his throat and said,

Simon Huntington 19 years ago
'Ellis does not know and if she ever found out, god willing, will hopefully not be in a position to do anything about it. The clock has begun ticking. I have two of my children to assist in protecting the rest of my family.' He took a deep breath, 'I did do something rather risky. I mean, besides everything else. One of our newer recruits, Mathias...I had him kill the tail that was on Marthinus. Ellis will indeed find out, more than likely from him, but the die is cast, so to speak. There is no stopping this now.'

He ran his hands down his thighs and considered what he was about to tell them next. 'Ellis plans on raiding the compound that the Beast is in. Very very soon. I will not be able to stop her from enlisting the clan to aid her. She knows full well what this means. I have no doubt that she plans on bleeding every ancient she can get her hand on. So not only am I here for myself, I'm here to notify the clans of her intent in hopes that after this raid, if she lives, she's called to Council.'

Simon figured, two birds with one stone. He was not happy with the amount of blood shed this raid will cause, but if Hillman was aware of the Beast, then he was most definitely aware of them. Them being all the clans. He looked at Alfarinn knowingly. 'Hillman knows about us. If it's not Ellis, it would be him hunting us down.'

'After the raid, assuming Ellis lives, Carol will need to be moved. I would appreciate your help in protecting her and what was left of my family if and when I claim leadership.'

He held his hands out to the men and shrugged slowly. There it was, all of his plans. From Carol to the clan. He just hoped all of it was not in vain.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and frowning in thought as Simon spoke. Contemplating the nature of justice and inevitability.

To say he didn’t like this would be an understatement so extreme as to put his sanity in question for a second time that evening. He would have shaken his head and laughed were the matter not so grave. He hated being resigned to inevitability like a deadweight pulling them under, so many fates in the hands of a madwoman’s choices.

As little as he liked the matter at hand, though, he saw no other options.

No stopping this now.

“You seem confident that Ellis will succeed in her raid.”

Not that it was a huge loss if Ellis failed, though at that point the Clans would be dealing with a rat’s nest of humans instead of one crazy vampire and he wasn’t sure which was worse. And in that case they might as well intervene now; it seemed wrong to delay Justice until it was convenient anyway in his mind.

Waving his hand, he sat back and joined it with Alfarinn’s once more at Simon’s request.

“Naturally that can be arranged.”

Sighing, he raked his fingers through his hair, then realized that was hardly the gesture of one representing his clan. He decided not to care too overly much; hell, they all knew he wasn’t anyone with any power or authority within Anantya.

“I see so many ways this could go bad that I cannot begin to choose a worse case scenario, and believe me, that is a rarity.”

And even the best case scenario would result in innocent lives lost. Sometimes such things were necessary; both Ellis and Hillman were too dangerous to be kept alive and many had chosen to follow one or the other. Many, however, were misled, and would continue to be so until Simon could safely take over Tacharan.

And, he realized…they had to make absolutely sure that happened.

“What would you have us do, Simon?”

Stand by and watch as Ellis and Hillman warred over a machine that could cause irrevocable harm to their kind, only stepping in when it was time to clean up the mess? The thought galled him but he could see no other way. Taking a deep breath, he continued.

“I can inform my Elders and ask them to wait for the proper time to call Council but dammit…” He paused, as though steadying himself. “…I don’t want that ‘proper time’ to turn out to be the time we sweep away your ashes!”

Shaking his head, he amended: “Not that we would do that, of course. I imagine there would be an urn of some kind…”

What in the hell was he saying? Realizing he was ranting, he lowered his voice. “God. That’s horrible and probably the last thing we want to discuss. In any case, I understand what you have to do and God help me I even sympathize…I just have a feeling this is going to blow up in all of our faces.”

’Well. That was cheering wasn’t it.’ And when did he suddenly become Simon's mother anyway? That thought notwithstanding, he went on.

“Claim leadership Simon. Make Tacharan everything it can be.”

’It’s the only way we can justify the blood on our hands,’ he thought, but did not say. He wasn’t sure how he would look at himself in the mirror should silence prove to be Tacharan’s undoing. Perhaps that was where the myths of vampires and mirrors came from.

Deciding that his thoughts were turning completely ridiculous, he squeezed Alfarinn's hand, wondering how his companion was taking this. The idea of humans caught in the middle of this must be a bitter blow for Alfarinn, he realized. Thaddeus was somewhat less sympathetic considering an army of humans out to bleed vampires dry, with too much knowledge and a torture device to boot, was something out of his blackest thoughts. There were just as many innocents on the other side of the fence and it was horrible to think of -anyone- dying but every alternative was worse.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn took in the information about the tail on Marthinus and wondered why Ellis would have such a thing. Did she already suspect that Simon was going to move against her? It would seem so and if that was the case then this was indeed bad. The council could intervene but the knowledge of the beast would have to have come from someone and there were probably only so many who knew. What if she had plan in motion ahead of time should something happen to her?

"Why was she having him followed? Does she suspect you?"

He frowned at the mention of the machine and where it was being kept. Human lives were going to be taken because of their kind's problems.. [/I]

"How does this Hillman know about us and what is his operation? Is there any way that bloodshed there could be prevented?"

He was the idealistic Evenhet and perhaps the other two would roll their eyes at his ways. It just seemed a waste of human and vampire life if they could get the machine back by some other method and let the council deal with Ellis immediately.

Alfarinn leaned back as Thaddeus explained his views, placing an arm around Thaddeus and shaking his head at the total aside of using an urn instead of sweeping up the ashes. Leave it to Thaddeus to say something like that, then take it seriously and feel a need to amend it.

"We can take the information to Anantya and see what the elders wish to do about it but I honestly cannot conceive of them allowing such a thing to continue. "

[It will be necessary for us both to take this to Anantya. One person's hear say could be dismissed but not both of us. The trouble is we only have Simon's word that the beast exists, though I do not doubt it for a second. ]
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
Simon wasn't sure how to tell Alfarinn about how far the rabbit hole went with the Beast. If he only knew how involved other higher up vampires were with the beast. He decided now wasn't the time to open up that jar.

Instead he explained the tails.
'Marthinus wasn't the only one with a tail on him. All Huntingtons are being watched. Everywhere, around the world.' He ran his hands over his face and sighed. 'People like to think that I'm her lap dog, that I do whatever she says out of blind loyalty. I can't even really say that I loved her, but love is not that blind. She's had my family watched since the day she turned me. She's taken familiars from my family and used them to build up Duibne.' He shook his head, 'I did it because I never had a choice. I think she knew I'd be loyal to her and the clan, but she wanted her own assurance and to be quite honest, I think she just enjoyed the control.'

Simon felt dirty admitting it. When it came down to it, he was her lap dog. He followed her around and did what she asked. He can't get back the fourteen hundreds years of servitude his family has endured, but he would make sure that it ended now, this lifetime.

'As for Hillman, I don't know how he found out, but he infiltrated the clan and set us up. Marthinus discovered the beast missing, which is what caused his heart attacks. But Hillman had his hand in Tacharan long before that. We discovered he had gotten to some of our human mercenaries. It was only a matter of time until he infiltrated our vampire ranks. He's aware and we can't have that. I don't see any way around the bloodshed. This war will start before any of us can do anything about it, anyway.'

A war. This was the first time he had thought of the situation that way. He was starting something that could so irrevocably change his clan. He hoped it was for the better. He knew that it was, but life as he knew it was about to end, but Simon was sure whatever life held for him after Ellis was gone, it wouldn't matter with Carol there with him.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus had, by this point, cooled down a bit from his ranting and no longer felt the urge to jump up and pace around the room like a prowling tiger. He had been momentarily concerned that he had just monumentally offended Simon but the other man didn’t seem phased by the flippant mention of his demise and so he let it go.

Alfarinn’s query was expected but it didn’t sadden him any less to hear the words. Still, perhaps armed with more information another solution would present itself.

[Thank you; I’ll need you there and not solely for practical reasons.]

That Alfarinn understood his position and had offered to go with him to meet the Triad came as a relief; perhaps a young Nightsman or an Evenhet Elder would not be able to convince his Elders alone, but the two of them together could make a better case.

He listened as Simon explained the situation with his family, feeling more uneasy by the minute. What a living hell the Tacharan had been through.

Listening to Simon’s explanation of Hillman’s activities, his eyebrow raised at the mention of war and all the mental images that entailed. There were a lot more humans than there were vampires, and at any time the secret of their kind could spread like wildfire among them, particularly if they got their hands on proof. To their governments. Their military. This had to be stopped. It didn’t matter who had started it; Tacharan had to finish it.

Well. That wasn’t entirely true; it actually bothered him a great deal that it had been his kind that had instigated a war with humans but that thought wasn’t particularly helpful right now. He reflected that this was why Anantya tended toward isolationism but that wasn’t really any help either and he regretted even thinking it under the circumstances. For the moment they had to solve the problem at hand.

“Do you have any evidence of The Beast’s existence?” He held up one hand “Not because I doubt your word, but rather I think if at all possible it might be for the best if the machine…accrued damages…during the raid. But if that leaves us with no evidence to show before the council it might cause more harm than good.”
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
'We have survelliance photos of the beast from Lykaois.' Simon had forgotten about the Wolf. He leaned forward. 'Speaking of which, where is he? I'm assuming you were successful in your hunt? Did you get your ring back, Thaddeus?'

He assumed the ring meant quite a deal to Thaddeus, it being from his creator. He envied Thaddeus' bond with Emma. What it must be like to respect the person who made you.

'In any case, Ellis has the proof that it still exists.' He almost said out loud his wish that there weren't more being made, but why jinx himself.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn frowned but nodded. He could not save every human on the planet after all and these seemed to have chosen their own path by using the information for dangerous and selfish means.

"I see the necessity of what you're saying. It is still tragic."

[I'll be right beside you, Beloved.]

He picked up his drink and knocked back a healthy swallow before leaning back and listening to Simon talk about evidence.

"Good. Mind if we borrow those to show the Elders?"

He squeezed Thaddeus's shoulder gently and let his partner explain about the ring and Lykaios, feeling it was his story to tell more than anyone's.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus nodded his head at Simon’s query, leaning into Alfarinn’s touch for a moment before forming a response.

“Yes, we did succeed and the ring was recovered, though as of yet precious little else in the way of evidence. Lykaios is, however, gone.”

Lowering his chin, he continued, softly. “Your part in that was not forgotten. Thank you.”

He turned to Alfarinn at the request, raising both eyebrows but repressing smartass remarks regarding needing a Tacharan library card to check out references on loan. “Anything to build the case would be of help, if at all possible.”
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
Simon looked at Thaddeus and put his hand over his heart. With a slight nod he smiled at the smaller blonde. 'I am grateful to have been of some service, Thaddeus.'

Simon considered a way to bring the evidence they were wanting to them right now. 'As far as the evidence is concerned, I could have it brought here now, if you like? It can also give you the chance to meet Carol?' He looked at them, a little unsure if they'd actually want to meet her. He wasn't even sure how to introduce her. Oh this is my lover, who's my lover's familiar?

'I would really like to, uh...' Simon struggled for the word, 'share this with you both?' Did that make sense, he wondered. Since his decision to change things, the world had opened up to him in so many different ways. The need to share the good things in his life with people he considered friends was one of them.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn smiled at Simon and nodded.

"That sounds perfect. Mari please admit one Carol... What is her last name?"

It was touching that Simon wanted to bring her here to meet them, as well as trust them enough to bring her into Evenhet's very heart. He was more than a little curious at the woman who could create such a dramatic change in Simon in such a short time. It was good to see that the Tacharan had some to hope for and look forward to in his personal life beyond simply being the pillar of his people. Killing Ellis was still likely to be difficult for him and Alfarinn wasr relieved that someone would be there to help him through that. He and Thaddeus had experienced something of that kind of pain so recently themselves. more so Thaddeus who had to slay someone he recently understood to be his brother. There was still not a lot of love lost for the man but one could not help but regret that kinship of another child of Emma that was wasted on such a person, and with her death and his, had been lost forever.

In response to such thoughts, Alfarinn put his arm around Thaddeus and held him close, though the ordeal was over for the most part and his mental wanderings had remained his own.
Simon Huntington 19 years ago
Simon looked up into the air and said, 'Hedley, Carol Hedley.' He looked back at the men and added, 'Let me call her.'

Simon pulled out his cell phone and dialed her private cell phone. After several rings, she answered.

'Hello...I was wondering, can you get away right now...well no...Carol,' he blushed and then cleared his throat. 'No, not for that...I'm at Liefde Towers, can you join me Carol, I doubt they have a dress code,' he turned, 'don't you dare wear that...can you bring the information from Lykaois...right photos,'re expected, just find's their computer not like ours, she has an image...Carol do you really want to know if I think she's pretty...ok...just...yes...yes...y- no!...alright just get here.'

He closed his phone and gave them a sheepish grin.
Carol 19 years ago
She snuck into the lobby of the Liefde Towers are quietly as she could. The little blonde looked around in awe. It really was an impressive lobby. She wished their lobby was above ground. It was starting to bug her, being a half a mile underground.

Carol turned and looked at the shiny side panels on the wall. She had decided to wear one of her sun dresses. Orange and red petals covered her breasts and spotted around the bikini area. It was short, several inches above her knee. She wore white buckled combat boots instead of her sandals. Easier to get around in the sewers with since she had no intention of actually driving to the Evenhet territory.

Walking up to one of the shiny panels, she checked her hair and lipstick. There was nothing wrong with being vain, especially when you had every right to be.
Thaddeus Grey 19 years ago
Thaddeus raised both eyebrows, somewhat surprised and genuinely touched by Simon’s candid statement. Smiling, he nodded his head in encouragement, finding he was curious to meet Carol as well as relieved that they could walk into Anantya armed with evidence.

His smile faded a touch when realization struck.

“MARI can hear us in here?”

He supposed he should have realized that and felt silly asking now. He also felt he ought to be at least a little concerned about their conversation being overheard, considering the subject matter.

Instead he was trying very hard not to blush as he looked over to the door, remembering how Alfarinn had him pressed up against it and then…he really needed to stop that line of thought.

His efforts not to blush had likely completely failed.

Occupied with such thoughts, he entirely missed the phone conversation, though he returned to reality when Simon hung up. He even smiled again at the feel of Alfarinn’s arm around him, though at the moment all he wanted to do was hide his face in his companion’s shoulder.
MARI 19 years ago
MARI appeared in the panel that the woman, correctly identified from her driver's license photo in the city database as one Carol Hedley, was looking through. Smiling serenely MARI extended a greeting.

"Good Day, Ms Hedley. Welcome to Meridian Apex Enterprises. If you will be so kind as to follow the glowing path I can lead you straight to the others that are waiting for your arrival."
Carol 19 years ago
A female face appeared on the panel that Carol was checking her makeup on. She jerked her head back and then smiled. 'Ahhh, you're Mari.' Carol looked down and saw the lit path the computer was referring to. 'Oh my god how cool is this?' She shook her head in amazement.

Carol walked off, following the lit path with her mouth open in awe.
'Mari I have to admit, this is pretty nifty. I've never been on Evenhet territory before, not this deep at least. My diary is going to have a cow.'

She entered the elevator and clapped. 'Going up!'
MARI 19 years ago
MARI smiled at Carol and followed her along into the elevator.

"Thank you. Your appreciation has been recorded. Is your diary of the bovine family?"

MARI searched her database for the logical conclusion to such a phrase and came to the conclusion that it was likely a slang expression. Still she found it better not to assume but to question directly.

She blinked once at the statement "going up" it would seem that Carol understood where they were headed by the inflection of her voice. Did she believe MARI did not know or perhaps MARI was misreading her tone. For either situation the answer was the same. So MARI smiled and replied.

Carol 19 years ago
Carol was laughing as she exited the elevator. 'Is my diary of the bovine family, I love it! Thank you, Mari!'

She looked around and admired the decor. She had brought along her laptop bag and she reslung it onto her other shoulder. It too matched her rose petal outfit. She couldn't imagine the horror of going out without a matching bag. The insanity, really. She walked down to the end of the hallway and softly whispered in her mind.

Simon Huntington 19 years ago
Simon immediately stood at the sound of Carol's voice. 'She's here.' He walked around the couches and back towards the entry door even before she tried to knock. He opened the door and smiled.

[Why hello there.]

He backed up and opened the door all the way to let her in. Simon held out his hand and beckoned her forward.
Carol 19 years ago
Carol took Simon's hand and entwined her fingers with his. Her inner voice, not the one Simon could hear but the hidden girly one that still giggles at porn, shrieked with delight. His hand was warm and had a hint of callauses. She gave him an adoring look and stepped inside.

Alfarinn Bjorn's penthouse suite. Whodda thunk she'd be in this place anytime soon? She looked around and saw the two men by the couches and was about to greet them when she saw the walled windows.

'Zoinks,' she muttered in awe.
Alfarinn 19 years ago
Alfarinn raised his eyebrows as Simon went towards the door but was hardly surprised; the bond between him and Carol would have told him she was here. He and Thaddeus certainly had situations similar.

Using the momentary distraction of the Tacharan to his advantage, he turned to Thaddeus and held him close. Smiling as he leaned to kiss his companion high on one cheekbone, he said

"I am certain Mari is the soul of discretion and not all of my suite is accessible by her. I am sorry I forget most of the time. Forgive me my indiscretion?"

He brushed Thaddeus's jawline with one thumb before turning back to Simon who was leading a young lady back to them. Alfarinn stood and extended his hand to her.

"Welcome to the Towers."