'Yes,' he automatically replied, 'I had a lovely time. Shall we?' Simon put his hand on the small of her back and ushered her forward, out the doors. He just wanted to get out of this ridiculous armor and some flannel pajamas. He hoped Ellis would not be wanting company. The thought of being with her made him shudder right then.
He decided to change the subject. 'There are things to do, I imagine, with your nemesis?' He couldn't help the sarcastic tone. She would be off soon to deal with Hillman, he would have to gather the troops, as it were. He was still concerned, her recklessness had sealed her fate and potentially all that go on this raid. Retrieving the beast was a less than noble cause.
As they descended the steps, he nodded to the valet and their transportation was brought around immediately. He just wanted to go home and maybe catch a glimpse of Carol. The abruptness of that last thought made him stop short, causing Ellis to reach up to catch herself.
'Simon?' She said.
'Sorry', he mumbled. Their sleek limo silently pulled up the corner and stopped in front of the elegant looking pair. Simon waved off the driver who was stepping out of the car. 'I'm just ready to go home.' And see Carol, he thought and allowed himself a small smile.
((Ellis and Simon out of the ball entirely))
At the stroke of midnight...
Ellis took a final look around the ball room and sighed. 'Well, I'd have to say this was well done. I'm completely stuffed...or maybe it's my dress cutting into my ribs. Either way,' she looked at Simon and pinched his cheek.
Poor sour Simon, always a dull date. She gave him a smile, nonetheless. He was useful for most things, just not as a fun date. She should've went with Sorin, she wagered. 'Did you have a nice time, pookie?'

Simon Huntington
19 years ago