Clan Event - All invited and Open

Date: November 20th, Sunday
Participants - All Tacharan
Event Type - Raid
Object - Steal back The Beast

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]This will be Tacharan's first clan event. All clan members are invited but familiars are being excluded due to the nature of the hunt. I am calling to arms all of my clan members to assist with the retrieval of our property. We go in, we eviscerate the compound and we end this menace. Terrance Hillman is mine.

OOC - Ellis planning her run into the compound. I'd like for all members to participate in this event. Everyone is welcomed to take their own path once we make it into the area. Simon will be leading, Carol will be on tactical communication, Ginne (if you decide to join us, I'll talk with you in pm's) will be heading up our arsenal. The clan will gear up at the Domicile and then make their way there via the sewers.

Ellis will go in first. Simon will keep the clan back, a little longer than is deemed necessary, but something will happen than will trigger the onslaught.

I am open to any and all suggestions regarding situations that happen during the raid. The ultimate goal will be that the compound is destroyed and Ellis, plus her beast, are retrieved. Only one human will survive, that will be Kyle Evans. He is not to be touched. The end result of the raid will involve a massive explosion. /winks at Winter.

I'd really like to see everyone take a part in the raid. I'm not limiting anything anyone wants to try, just that we all make it to the end result and we're out before the explosion is suppose to happen.

Any questions or suggestions, post here[/FONT][/COLOR]

Shay 19 years ago
Alec Devereaux
Feel bettah! Just got a might spooked at all of the *crickets*.

Yea..they can be kinda loud sometimes, huh...
Jan 19 years ago
Those crickets are all in your head Alec. The Domicile is a clean sterile environment...even with Winter.

(I do feel for the staff though.)

So hearing strange bugs a flaw of yours? Maybe that perception is turned up too loud.
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Yeah...sometimes, when I am alone right at dawn, I just turn the perception up all the way and listen to them chirping through the half mile of earth between us. But then someone clears their throat, or drops something from their desk, or farts, and I remember why I don't do that. :P

Spiffy new sig, btw
Jan 19 years ago
I can imagine...

*plays his music really loud*

Thank you. Every now and then I find some tutorial for photoshop that I want to try while looking for something specific so this time I decided to do something with it. It was a pain in the arse because the guy didn't explain some things well, missed a step or two in places or took the long way to doing something so I had to read ahead to figure out where he was going and hope I could figure it out.

Anyway back to the crickets...

We should find something to chat it up about in here but as far as the event goes, its no worry, Mae, we've got Christmas coming up soon and its going to be a rush for everyone I'm sure so... *knocks on the trunk* Doing okay in there, man?

Kyle will keep for a bit
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Actually Kyle's out of the trunk now and in awe of seeing Terrance cream himself over the beast. I've got this cool vampire doo dad gadget I'm going to be writing about in the back alley thread. buahahahahaha
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Addison 19 years ago
Caffene and chocolate = mood lifters
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
The raid has started. I'm allowing 1 main clan thread and 1 side thread if you decide to break off and explore some other part of the compound. Enjoy =)
Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Heads up on the timeline, although I'd like the element of surprise, y'all should know what I plan on doing.

Ellis is going to be extremely hurt...and not the emotional way while in that interrogation room. The result of it will an unbelievable bloodlust rage.

Simon will instruct everyone to go in but has no intention of retrieving the beast. In fact he means to see it destroyed, along with the building, Hillman and his people.

Kyle will meet Ellis and be privy to her final encounter with Hillman who will not be in the sequel. =x Ellis will keep Kyle alive just for the sheer thrill of it. Mostly to scare the fuck out of him. Why can't she have a little fun while raging, right?

Kyle will meet Simon on the way out. Simon will make sure Ellis doesn't make it back up the sub levels by setting off more explosives that almost trap Kyle and him behind.

The building will blow.

The sun will rise.
