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Addison's Quarters (Lock)

Made up in Sims2 - My screenshots are...not so good (thanks to the transfer to gif) I will be working on that.

But I have windows in there...if he's not above ground, then they are fake...back lit with lights that can be dimmed or turned up depending on addison's mood.

Ok - The first floor.

Bird's eye view. Hallway coming from door. Living room to the left through open arch (and to the front) Top right is the lower bathroom in a kharma spa kind of thing. Next down on the right is his kitchen and finally the dining room.

Up the steps is a small landing area and a hallway like the one downstairs.
Above where the lower bathroom is the guest bedroom:

Next on the right side (above the kitchen) is Addison's office: He changes the theme in here at whim, but right now it's blues and glass.

And the next room (over the dining room/entrance) is the master Bath:

And then the only room on the left (above the living room) is Addison's bedroom:

He's liking green.