Favorite Family
Taking the keys he'd copied from the key ring of Gregory Mullar, Alec checked the dates. Perfect timing. He needed to sup up before his first run on a Tacharan team. Looking at the local calendar of social events, Nachton High was having an evening social...that meant the Mullar kids would be out of the house, partying until dawn. Driving to the shipping district, Alec walked past Gregory's vehicle. As tasty as the man's blood was, he was in the mood for something a bit more...feminine.
Double checking the area for witnesses, Alec siphoned the gas from Greg's tank and let the air out of his tires. Car trouble would keep poor Greg from getting home in a timely fashion. By then his lovely wife Ingrid would be sleeping deeply. Holly and Greg Jr. could have a nice night out - he'd visit them eventually.
Driving through the suburbs, Alec parked and walked the last few blocks, blending through the high shrubs and winding ways. Upon arriving at the Mullar home, he scanned the area...and there were no witnesses. Using his key, he entered unobserved. These folks didn't even have an alarm system. He was really doing them a favor in teaching them how vulnerable they were in their home.
Blending behind the bedroom door, Alec waited for Ingrid to get home from her shopping trip.

Whistling a spritely tune, she walked through the house, turning on the stereo before entering her bedroom. Knowing the kids wouldn't be home this evening, as Holly would be staying with the Piersons and Greg Jr. would be out with the Adams' boys, likely having a bit of an after-social revel, Ingrid began to prepare for Greg Sr.'s arrival home. Taking the quilts and top sheep from the bed, she sang along to her favorite Lisa Loeb cd while sprinkling rose petals all over the base sheet. Lighting some candles, she made everything just...so...perfect.
Grabbing Greg Sr.'s favorite teddy from her special drawer, she headed in to take a shower and finish her preparations for her man's special night.

Listening to her shower, Alec weighed his courses. "If I skip out now, they'll have their night, might have another kid, and have to go through 18 more years of this nonsense, planning in advance for their special nights. If I stay, she'll lie there just like she would anyway, and I'll be set for work tomorrow. Shit."
Closing the patio door behind him, Alec silently cursed himself. "Fucking sap. The neighbor better taste just as good as Ingrid was like to. I swear, if Ellis saw you now she'd kill you out of fucking mercy." Hopping the fence, Alec quickly scanned for security. Finding none, he peeked in the windows. An old man was inside, sitting in the dark, alone, deep in the telltale signs of long term depression. "Ah, Angel of Death night. Plus you'll get a good buzz. Too bad old guys taste like crap and dust."
Silently opening the door behind the man, Alec stepped in. Leaning close to the inebriated man's ear, he whispered, "Time to go, son." Laying the bite down before the man had a chance to move, he draughted deeply of the aged blood, surprised at the strength still in it. As the rhythm of the man's heart began to falter, Alec heard a quiet rasp..."Thank you, Gaspare..."
Sealing the wound before the man passed out, Alec wondered who the hell Gaspare had been. Leaving the man comfortably in the chair, Alec felt his vitals. The man would likely pass in his sleep, hopefully sometime the next day after producing just enough blood to cover the exsanguination that took place.
Taking a leisurely walk through the dark home, he witnessed the trophies of a man who had had a full life, fought it, loved it and lost it all. The saddest portion was that Alec hadn't found him sooner in this state. Thanking Ingrid and her petals, Alec took one of Lance Corporal Edgar Royce's pictures from its place on his desk...it looked like he had been using it as a coaster. If any search took place, no one would miss it. A quick inspection of the desk noted that there didn't seem to be any more branches to the Royce tree along this line.
Shaking his head, Alec slipped out. What sad, sad creatures humans could be. Popping onto the roof, he watched as a very irritated Gregory Mullar Sr. arrived home and blushed as Ingrid turned that frown upside down. "Maybe there might be some magic left in the species, after all." With a silent drop from the roof, Alec left them to their privacy and returned to his car with a skip in his step.
((OOC: Lock up, please.