=x Apollyon
Sorry!! I tried to IM you but while trying to fix your new bio I ended up deleting it =/ In phpbb you can delete the first post and not lost the entire thread, but i guess you can't with vb.
Basic Information
Birth Name:Simon Peter Lokilian
Aliases:Rogziel (Angel of God's Wrath) , Jonathan O'Leary( his legal name)
Place of Birth:Ireland
Age: (real and apparent) (real) 500, (apparent) 45
Current Occupation:Assassin, Vampire hunter
Past Occupation: (If different from above) Catholic Priest
Hair Color:Brown
Length and Style: Short and neat
Eye Color:Hazel
Skin Color:Pale White
Height:5' 8"
Weight:190 Lbs
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type:Slender and Athletic
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC):Apollyon
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
Simon Peter is a Stoic, quiet man who seeks but one thing; The end of the secretive reign of the vampire race. His undying heart only beats to kill more and more of them. He does not talk to anyone unless he has business with them, And if You have business with the Self called Sword of God, You had better not be a vampire, because he is most likely the last face you will see in this plane. In his long life his reclusive lifestyle with the Word of God has twisted him, and takes a deep joy in ternating sin against the sinner
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Simon wears but one outfit, A loosely fitting black cloak, A black Oxford Shirt with his priestly collar, accompanied by his Celtic Cross he wears around his neck. On his abdomen is an elastic Girdle (if one would call it anything), That houses his weapons, Throwing knives, on said girdle are four rows of knives, each row holding about fifteen knives. He holds five additional Knives on each of his arms and ten on each of his legs, Held all by elastic arm and leg bands. He wears black slacks and Black sneakers. The last Note Is on his belt are two knife holsters that hold his custom weapons is the rare chance he runs out of his throwing knives. He carries Himself with a Proud air, As if he answers to God's laws only.
3.What does your character like? Simon Peter Likes to pray, Read Scripture And listen to Choir music
4. Dislike? He Detests Evil, in all its forms
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned.
6. What are your fears? He Fears only one thing, Condemnation from God.
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths : Simon Peter is a hunter at heart and has the predatory spirit deep within him. He stalks his prey, always thinking many moves ahead. He has Great Agility, Dexterity, and speed. His uncanny speed amazed even the most agile among his vampire brethren. He moves with the speed of a lioness and with the grace of a mongoose. Above all, his greatest Strength is his unbreakable will. He will never break from his quest, and he will fight to his anatomic death.
Weaknesses: He holds no loyalties and has no allies. Kind of Dangerous in his line of work, to have no protection.
Hobbies & Skills: Has read The Bible over a hundred times, easy. He constantly practices his throwing, and labors hard to keep his dagger fighting skills at their peak. He also has a minister licence.
Abilities: Telekinesis, Agility (from Apollyon), Gliding
Flaws :Psychotic, Superstitious- not in a sense of being afraid of crosses or holy water,but in turn has a reverence for God and his holy symbols.
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules)
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention: Has a habit of quoting the bible in his speech.
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Simon Peter Lokilian was the son of a potato farmer. even in his early years he had a passion for his catholic faith. He became an alter boy and was becoming notorious for his interpretation and understanding of the Word of God. His Cardinal told him he had a forty year old's understanding of the bible when he was ten years old. Fifteen years later he gained his goal , becoming a priest at the age of 25. He became known for his Fire and Brimstone masses, striking the fear of God into his congregation. However outside the masses and ceremonies he was also known for being a kind and caring soul, counseling and caring for his flock like a good Shepard would. Over the years as he continued to preside over his parish he had heard some rumors of people being bitten and relieved of their blood in the night. He thought it was nothing more than some old woman spinning stories. But around the time of 1540 he heard of these occurrences more and more. Then a victim of one of the attacks came to him, bearing wounds on their neck. He took his concern to the cardinals but was instantly dismissed, It wasn't until he was fed upon himself two years later that they took some recognition to it. Three years passed once again, and the church had done nothing more than "investigate"Â? and it didn't seem they intended on doing anything more about it. He decided he would confront this nameless evil that lurked in his parish. He had become very keen with knives and daggers with his fighting the protestant bastards who were perverting god's word. He thought that perhaps he could kill this creature or scare it off. He discovered that neither would occur. At midnight he found his mark, a vampire almost seven feet tall with a hulking body, with its fangs dug into a young woman. He wrestled with the vampire for fifteen minutes before falling to his strength. The vampire was impressed with his ability and upon striking him down fed upon him, offering him the dark gift. Simon peter accepted, Only to use the dark gifts to slay as many of these hell spawn as he could.Since then He became a recluse, leaving his parish and living in abandoned buildings with only one thought on his mind, Echoing repeatedly like a mantra...."Kill 'Em All"Â?
OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine) Nercrolias
Other Characters you play: Apollyon
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc)
Have you read all the Rules? Yes
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Yep
There's your bio for Rogziel. I pm'd it to you too. Sorry =x

Graphic, much?

Well, now we know what Ap likes.

eh, well a graphic response warrants your waking vision to be a stocky italian man with one of those "Im gonna butter your bread" Looks on his face =P
I have no idea what you just said. I even read it several times.