hahaha oh my!
Too funny Aishe. Personally, my laundry soap is organic and cruelty free liquid and my kitty litter is pine pellets. Hard to get them confused but I found your post hillarious!
Nothing to do with anything...
...but I had to laugh at myself and I figured you all might as well, too.
You ever notice how a certain brand of laundry detergent comes in a big, rectangular, orange box?
You cat-owners ever notice how a certain brand of litter comes in a big, rectangular, orange box?
Have you ever lived in a condo where storage space is limited and supplies that come in big, rectangular boxes get stored side by side on the one shelf on which they both fit?
You can probably see where this is going.
Have you ever made the mistake of scooping kitty litter out from a big, rectangular orange box, noting the 'fresh clean scent,' and dumping it into your washing machine?
It's not very easily cleaned.

19 years ago

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
I can totally see the mistake happening, as well as the SOUND that would make on the metal, and the instant reaction of...Oh...yup...I just did that. Nice!
Thanks for the cheer-up!
I can totally see the mistake happening, as well as the SOUND that would make on the metal, and the instant reaction of...Oh...yup...I just did that. Nice!
Thanks for the cheer-up!