Theo, Clan Evenhet
Basic Information
Birth Name: Theodosia
Aliases: Theo
Place of Birth: Dacia (Modern Day Ukraine)
Age:(real and apparant) 14, 1652
Male/Female: Female
Current Occupation: Artifact Specialist
Past Occupation: (If different from above)
Hair Color: Ash blonde
Length and Style: Fine and long, down to the middle of her back, usually loose
Eye Color: Dark brown
Skin Color: Pale
Height: 5’5
Weight: 106 pounds
Nationality: Goth (specifically Visigoth, or western Goth)
Race: (I.E. Vampire, human etc.) Vampire
Body Type: adolescent, small
Description (if an NPC) or name of your creator(if a PC): Wilhem Darius, Evenhet Ancient and Founder of Tacharan, who history will tell us made hundreds of children and drank blood to excess, which caused some rather nasty issues with Evenhet and led to the Evenhet/Tacharan split.
Personal Questions
1. Describe your character's personality
Personalities is more like it. One moment Theo will be as sweet as can be, freely giving compliments and making little presents. The next she will fly into a rage over something that to anyone else would be minor but to her is deeply upsetting and cause for throwing things and screaming. Over the years she has learned situations and circumstances that are likely to upset her and can even vocalize after the fact why she became so upset, but in the heat of the moment she loses control of herself. She is somewhat insecure and needy, believing that everyone hates her because of her tendency to steal, fly into rages, become violent and verbally abusive, and generally behave in a way that is difficult to be around when she has an episode. She tries very earnestly to be nice when she is self possessed enough to do so, but she often abandons her efforts and becomes devious and ‘catty’ when that doesn’t work, or withdraws into herself and her obsessions.
2. Describe how your character would appear to a stranger (I.E. typical dress, way they carry themselves etc.)
Theo loves to dress up and has a broad fashion sense. One day she will dress like a little girl, the next like a disturbingly over sexualized teen. She looks her age at the time of her turning, fourteen, and is skinny and not quite developed. She enjoys reinventing herself, coloring her hair and dressing up in the fashions of the times, wearing make up one day and going fresh faced the next. She walks deliberately and in a showy fashion, as though she is an actress playing the part of a young girl wandering or running or sneaking. She tends to become fixated on people’s jewelry or interesting things like buttons on their clothing.
3.What does your character like?
Theo likes trinkets, whether they be valuable or simply cheap plastic items. Little figures, beads, chess pieces, Mcdonald’s happy meal toys, jewelry, buttons, anything tiny that she can put on a string or glue to a sculpture, or simply sort into bins, is enjoyable to her.
She likes churches, cathedrals, any place of worship, though visits to such places often prove overwhelming for her. She tries very hard to ‘be good’ when she visits, but other sides of her seem to come out at their strongest in such places.
She enjoys trivia and likes to collect little facts, which she can repeat verbatim at odd intervals.
She loves babies and is actually at her most ‘normal’ around children, though she has to be supervised because that normalcy can so quickly disappear. She has also had very bad episodes stem from a baby’s mother deciding she wanted her kid back before Theo was ready to part with him, so it helps to have someone around to mediate. For the most part, though, she can be trusted to hold an infant as long as it is explained to her beforehand that she is expected to give it back. It helps to tell her she can hold the baby for a specific amount of time; she respects time and will follow the rules set by it.
She likes clocks and is obsessed with time. If she is told something will happen at a given time she becomes very upset if it is either early or late.
4. Dislike?
Theo hates it when people touch her things. Unfortunately, anything not explicitly stated as being otherwise is considered ‘hers’ in her mind at least.
She hates being told what to wear or when other people tell her what to do with her body. This is wide ranging and often a person will have no idea they are contradicting a deeply held belief that she adopted that morning until she objects. This can be anything from ‘put on some shoes’ when she has decided to reject footwear to ‘sit up straight’ when she has decided to slouch.
She dislikes being lied to or confused on purpose; she often believes that misunderstandings are done deliberately to cheat her or laugh at her (such as giving her a baby to keep and then taking it back, or leaving her a present and then claiming it isn’t hers.)
She does not like to be underestimated.
5. (For humans) Describe what abilities you see your character having if they were turned. N/A
6. What are your fears?
The world is a scary place for Theo and she will often attach herself to a certain fear for years at a time, such as something she saw on television that upset her or certain rooms in her home. These fears are changeable and transient and seem to be a defense mechanism to cope with her complications in a tangible way, or when she has trouble articulating what is really bothering her.
Her more permanent fears are being hated by those around her, being lied to, being betrayed, and losing the protection of Evenhet
7. What is your character's strengths and weaknesses?
Theo is a good actress and does impressions quite well
She is good with rote memorization, though often her accounting of events is confused and misunderstood. She remembers written facts quite well but dealing with the real world is another matter.
She is very organized
She is unstable, overemotional and overdramatic.
She needs supervision and clear instructions in order to be useful.
She has limited self control and is prone to fits of being completely beside herself. To some extent she can manifest agitation in non violent, peaceful ways but has trouble masking it completely
Hobbies & Skills
Enjoys crafts, especially gluing together ‘found’ objects into sculptures
Is good with math and reciting
Can calm a crying baby like no one’s business
Likes to act and entertain
Obsessive compulsive
Hears Voices
Cosmetic Traits(These must be minor, see the rules)
Unusually red lips; looks like she’s been sucking a lollypop
Quirks and Habits worthy of mention
Becomes fixated on random objects or concepts
Personal History (Please be detailed, this creates your basis for your character)
Theodosia, at fourteen years of age, managed to survive crossing the Danube only to meet famine on the other side. This was the first betrayal; the lies of the Romans, who had promised her people food and safety upon crossing to their territory and instead gave them starvation.
She was traded by her family for dog meat. This was the second betrayal.
The man who purchased her, Wilhem Darius, betrayed her over, and over, and over.
Each of her betrayals had their reckoning.
She watched from a safe distance when the Visigoths lit fire to the fields of Adrianople, both smug and satisfied by the righteous burning of oath-breaking Roman soldiers. Her family did not survive the famine in spite of their supply of meat, and Theo only hoped that they choked on every last bite.
Even Wilhem got his in the end, which further proved Theo’s theory.
She was clearly touched by God.
Terrible things had happened to her, first, but that was the way of Saints and Martyrs. Wilhem had performed unspeakable acts on her when he bought her, and then when it seemed there were simply more people than available food, he had turned her into something like himself, a blood drinking beast of the night. When she proved stronger than Wilhem could have expected, he abandoned her.
God took that and made it His, had turned that unforgivable act into something righteous. And God punished Wilhem. He gave him the terrible thirst, unquenchable, so that no matter how much he drank it was never enough.
To Theo, God’s good servant, He gave the power of visions. He spoke into her mind, and allowed her to commune with the saints.
Even so, Wilhem’s curse persisted. She was constantly assaulted with foreign emotions and a resounding malice whenever she was near her maker that no amount of confessing or washing or prayer could wash away. It frightened her, caused her to scream and panic and go into a black, bad place whenever he was near. She scared Wilhem, she was sure of it. That’s why he abandoned her, in the end.
At first he only left her for a little while, giving her over to a church for a month, a family home for a year. He would come back, after a time, to take what he wanted, and in spite of everything, when he would come she would welcome him. The voices told her to forgive him, to love him, and she would be blessed for all eternity.
Then, after he left, the voices would change. They would call her filthy whore, evil dirty cursed being, weak, stupid. They would demand that she fight back, that she avenge herself. She cried and cried at the contradictions but that only made the voices louder, demanding that she do something. And so after he left she would scream and cry and throw things and speak in tongues. She would call Wilhem by terrible names, loudly, publicly.
And then he would return, and she thought perhaps this time she would be forgiven at last.
It was when she finally came to terms with the fact that Wilhem was not coming back, that he had formed a new clan, that things finally began to change for Theo after a thousand years of existing as a beaten slave. That she had been abandoned, permanently, was the first revelation.
The second revelation was that there were others like herself. Wilhem had dragged and dropped her from place to place over the years, but it wasn’t until he formed Tacharan that he allowed her to meet her clan. Her clan. Not his, not anymore. They didn’t all believe they had been blessed by God, but it was clear that others had received their blessings and curses and that was comforting.
The third revelation was much harder, and much slower, in coming. It was, in fact, still coming, very slowly, though she didn’t know it yet. Sometimes, the voices were not to be trusted or believed. They were not all good voices, and as such she didn’t have to listen to them.
She had free will.
OOC Checklist
Player name (online is fine) Verileah, Billie, Ladyday…think that’s it
Other Characters you play Thaddeus Grey, Danielle, Nova
How you came to SA (Other board, friend, etc) I live here
Have you read all the Rules? I have
Do you understand that this is an adult board with adult content (sometimes graphic and violent in nature)? Indeed
This board is adult only. Are you over the age of 18? I am