Away for a bit
(Insert the blanket away msg here)
My mum's in critical down in Orlando from a buggy accident. Head trauma and all that. My brother and I are heading down tomorrow AM so I don't know when I can post next. It will prolly be this week depending on which of the two scenarios happens. Anywhoo...didn't want to leave you all in the lurch.
I will post a bit tonight with Addison, but I be not in the mood a whole lot (sorry!) If anyone needs to move him around or close threads because he's holding up the works...feel free.
-Sarah/ CJ

19 years ago
Oh, my. Best wishes; I hope everything works out for the best. We'll be thinking of you!

19 years ago
Hope everything turns out all right for her. Just take care and be safe yourself.

Artemis Bellezone
19 years ago
CJ I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope everything turns out OK. Take care, I am sure we will all be here if you need us.

19 years ago
I've said it before but under the circumstances it bears saying again. I am sorry to hear that and whish your mom, your self and your family the best.

Ellis Duban
19 years ago
=/ Good luck dear and don't worry about anything here =)

19 years ago
Agreed, We'll keep and be here when the redhead and his writer is ready to return. Safe trip to you and I hope everything goes well.

19 years ago
We'll keep good thoughts for your mom, you and your brother... just be safe getting there, and no worries.
Hugs -
Hugs -

19 years ago
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Be safe on your trip.

Alec Devereaux
19 years ago
Take care, you. Hope she's on the mend and well in no time.

19 years ago
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Addison