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Geek-Chic for Dummies

((ooc: Follows Followup!))

Aishe peered around curiously. She was entranced by the lights and the music of the place. She hadn't been to too many arcades in her time; in fact, she'd only really ever been to any with Kem, who had a habit of dragging her into them. As a result, she'd never actually gotten decent at very many games; rather, she had a thorough understanding of how to lose most of them repeatedly to someone of far greater skill.

Still, she'd wanted to do something entertaining and this appeared to fit the bill. She was glad Alec had been here before, because she'd have had no idea where to start on her own. Did one go for the games with the pretty lights, or was there some secret to choosing your amusement that she didn't know about?

She tagged alongside Alec, feeling like a tourist all over again as she rubbernecked, trying to see onto the second story.

"Wow, impressive," she commented. "Do we need to get tokens, or anything like that? And did I see a mini-golf course?"

She could swear she heard the sounds of bowling pins being knocked over, too. This could be fun!

Alec Devereaux 19 years ago
Girding himself against the weather, Alec made his way out from the arcade. The discussion had been good for him. He understood where he was coming from, what he was feeling, why the out of control aspects still felt so right and good despite the fact that they were certainly still chaotic influences...

He was fairly well encouraged, but still completely uncertain how to proceed. "Well, you'll figure that out. If there's something you're actually good at, it is improvisational response. I'm sure this'll become as easy as swiping research notes from a University once you find your stride with her."

Chuckling, Alec thought back to that night at Tulane. Standard lock on the doors, number pads on the supply cabinets, files in a standard filing cabinet. One security guard for 4 floors of lab spaces. It had been the easiest and one of the more lucrative jobs he'd pulled. You would think that cutting edge research would at least have a camera in the room. Nope. The best part is everything he left with had been copies - they'd never noticed that the documents had been replicated and Duibne's newest advancement in synthetic CSF that had come just weeks before their own was ready to be announced bore some incredible similarities. The differences are what they noticed...but since there were differences, and no research leaks found, they had shrugged and moved on. He had heard one of the research assistants on the project was now on the Duibne at least someone had a new job after the operation.

Cutting edge a thief to borrow someone else's legwork and then hire out one of the people on the project. That was what modern science was made of. Just another aspect of business. Smiling, he wondered what Newton would think.

Speaking of work - he had some recon film to pick up and review before the night was through. It sounded like this was closer to an in and out job...he probably wouldn't need to set up much of a diversion...likely just incapacitate a single guard in an open area, leave a clear path for them to follow and lead them on a merry little ride around their perimeter, dropping them one by one. Oh, and he should go to the florist to see what nice little flower there was for Ginnie.

((ooc : Alec out, lock'er up!))