Thank you eve-e!


Thank you Eve-e!!! /hugs

And the sig! :love2

Morrigan Kinsey 19 years ago
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
I meant to ask, what does HBIC mean?
Mai 19 years ago
High Bitch in Charge?

hehe, looks good
Gaia 19 years ago
wow awesome! hehe nice title.
Eve 19 years ago
Mai's close, Head Bitch in Charge Glad you liked them hon *hugs*
Xandare 19 years ago
Nah.. I like 'Hawt Bitch In Control' better.. but then again that me and my dirty little imagination 8)
Ellis Duban 19 years ago
Ooooh lol. I knew a guy in eq, there were a group of them actually, their last name was HASWB which translated into HOT ANAL SEX WITH BUTTER. I rolled when he told me that.
Mai 19 years ago
You know some interesting people