Did someone say chocolate?
Dani tugged Fatty along behind her and brushed her short hair out of her eyes with her free hand, doing her best to keep up with the group headed to the ice cream shop.
Upon arriving at said location, she nodded to the rest of the group, speaking over her shoulder.
"I'll grab us a table."Â?
That said, she found a black lacquered table with chrome trim near the back and made sure there were sufficient chairs. She took a seat and Fatty did the same, though he didn't flop down as he had in the book store. Fatty wasn't the spiciest bean in the burrito but he knew enough to remember this place and that he sometimes got frozen yogurt; not something he wanted to sleep through.
It wasn't particularly crowded in the shop right now but Dani wanted to grab a minute while the rest were ordering to check her email. Pulling out her palm pilot, she went through the motions and shot off a clipped reply to the press office, who wanted to do a small release on Arin's appearance at the Nachton ball for the magazines and newsgroups interested in such things.

As she pondered that question, she let the others go ahead of her. Turning to where Dani was sitting, she called just loudly enough to be heard, "What should I order for you two?"
A nod of her head indicated both Dani and her now wide-awake dog. For herself, she was thinking chocolate yogurt with some chocolate sauce and of course, sprinkles. Mmm.

Walking up behind Aishe, he bent down to her ear, and whispered...
"May I treat?"
He was trying to startle her a little, just in fun, but since nothing tonight seemed to be going the way he would have planned, he quickly moved back after, in case she took a swing at him in reflex.

"Addison - hey little buddy...I just wanted to say hello, and apologize for making a mad dash out on you at the ball. I came across some news that...well, for want of a better term...freaked the shit out of me. I also owe you another apology, but would rather make it in person. I...well, there is something I need to tell you about me, but it just wouldn't sound right over the phone. Anyway...hope you're okay, and everything is going well for you. I am still quite interested in having you help me find a hotel...and, or, a place to live. However...if...well, if you would rather not, I understand... believe me. But if that's the tack you choose to take, I just want to say again...I'm sorry about how things went...well, maybe not ALL things..."
The recorder ran out of time and hung up. Nic just stared at the phone for several seconds, and wondered what got into him. He wasn't a sentimental type, and he wasn't into guys...so why was he that concerned for Addison?
He hadn't forgotten about Ellis either...not for one second...even if he was having a nice time tonight, there was a constant voice playing inside his head, telling him over and over again just how much he had totally fucked things up. Even with the minor reassurances Kem had given him, he knew the truth. If he were to leave the Towers, and expose himself anywhere Ellis could get to him...he was gone from the face of the earth...never to be seen or heard from again. And no matter how much he liked Addison, or wanted to make amends, it wasn't worth losing his life over.
Once he came to temporary terms with that issue, he glanced back at the small group of Evenhets and smiled, somewhat bittersweetly. He sure wished he had come to the Towers when he had first arrived in town...but wishing wouldn't make it true, so he gave up that train of thought and rejoined the ladies.

Artemis smiled to himself and looked around. It was clearly too busy for what they had in mind originally. They would have to leaving the experiments for another time. Artemis already knew what he wanted, so he looked at Pak as he reached inside his coat and pulled out his wallet and a thin silver flask. Holding the objects in one hand, he took her hand in the other. Thoughts quickly ran through his mind. He was determined not to say it. He was not going to ask if she wanted chocolate or vanilla. Would you like whipped cream with that? Hello my name is Artemis and I am socially inept. He allowed himself a playful grin. Just because he wouldn't say it, didn't mean he wouldn't provide her with the opportunity. Using his most seductive voice, though careful not to enter the realm of suggestion.
" So what will you have, and how would you like it?"
With the twinkle and amusement in his eyes, the statement was bound to leave her in fits of hysterical laughter, but he couldn't resist.
(ooc: Permission to drag Pak into the thread. Will be paying for it later no doubt.

OK so she'd done the safe thing and was trying to sort out what looked good, oh there he was. Crap, focus girl that was just... well. Ordinarily Pak might have recovered from that but no, Artemis just had to go and open a door and there went any chance of a remotely witty come back. There was nothing for it, she laughed tried to collect herself and wound up giggling again.
Straitening up she gave him a look that very clearly said 'I will get you back for that' she managed to find a good answer.
"Anything with whipped cream and a cherry on top sounds lovely."Â?

Waiting for Nic, blushing fiercely at having been caught completely out in space, she shuffled her toes on the smoothly-tiled floor and played with the end of her long braid.
When Nic rejoined her in line, she gave him a sheepish look.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I was a little preoccupied just then. What did you say? I think I was cruising past Mars a few moments ago. Some little green aliens waved at me."

"I would like to treat, if you'd allow me. I have been enjoying my evening, albeit a bit odd, and wanted to thank you and Dani properly."
A quick glance at Dani, and it appeared she still had business to take care of.
"I wonder if she ever truly leaves her job, even for the smallest amount of time."
Nic pondered, and smiled again at Aishe. Though he dearly loved acting, he also loved to play, and was glad one never got in the way of the other.

Cocking her head in Dani's direction when Nic observed her working at a table big enough for all of them, she said, "I don't know her well enough to say. Although work has certainly been a big part of her night so far, she seems to enjoy it. So perhaps they're one in the same with her? I shouldn't speculate."
Glancing back up at the menu, she peeked around the tall man in front of her to read through it again.
"Yep, chocolate with more chocolate. I haven't changed my mind over the course of my mind's meandering. But chocolate makes everything better anyway, you can't go wrong!"

Dani, on the other hand, appeared much more like the women of today. Yet there was something remarkable about her as well. Dani's abilities appeared totally second nature to Nic. While he was no expert on what it took for her to do her job, he had seen admiration in Arin's eyes, when he had addressed the woman earlier. She seemed to be the most well organized woman he had ever seen, and still believed her hand in 'assisting' Arin, was much more than she credited herself with.
Further thoughts of each woman were surrendered to the call of ice cream, and rather than wait for Dani to finish her business, he ordered the flavor Aishe pointed out, and chose a coconut flavor for himself. He would have offered to treat the Asian beauty and her prankster friend, had they not already been in the process of ordering for themselves.
Handing the small dish to Aishe, he took his, and then handed her the napkin and spoon as well.
"Would you like to sit down?"
He gestured to the large table ahead.

Dani, on the other hand, appeared much more like the women of today. Yet there was something remarkable about her as well. Dani's abilities appeared totally second nature to Nic. While he was no expert on what it took for her to do her job, he had seen admiration in Arin's eyes, when he had addressed the woman earlier. She seemed to be the most well organized woman he had ever seen, and still believed her hand in 'assisting' Arin, was much more than she credited herself with.
Further thoughts of each woman were surrendered to the call of ice cream, and rather than wait for Dani to finish her business, he ordered the flavor Aishe pointed out, and chose a coconut flavor for himself. He would have offered to treat the Asian beauty and her prankster friend, had they not already been in the process of ordering for themselves.
Handing the small dish to Aishe, he took his, and then handed her the napkin and spoon as well.
"Would you like to sit down?"
He gestured to the large table ahead.
Pulling out a spiral notebook from her purse, she set that on the table to make it clear it was taken and walked back to join the group, smiling.
“Sorry about that. What did I miss?”
Fatty had, of his own accord, stood up and waddled behind her, and was now staring intently at the counter.

"Careful, that can be arranged."
Still grinning, Artemis looked up and noticed the other man had returned. He was about to add a couple of pennies to their discussion about Dani, when she joined them. He marveled at how she always managed to have perfect timing. She had certainly been able to catch himself and Alfarinn sprawled out drunk a few times. Artemis smiled and winked at Dani.
"Well while you were closing up your Stash and Go Satchel, we were discussing your apparently endless work duties. I was about to point out to my new friends here that the job did have a few perks, such as being able to spend time with someone as wonderful as me. But alas, before I could expound upon my greatness you arrived."
Artemis eyed the infamous purse for a moment. It had become something of a game to give it a variety of different names. The Purse-o-Matic 5000, guaranteed to hold everything Alfarinn and Artemis need to take over the world....or destroy it. Artemis smiled at Pak before turning back to Dani.
"Pak and I were just discussing our order. She wants something positively sinful. I believe this gentleman was wanting to treat the lovely lady with him. Can I get you and Sir Fatty something. Fatty knows far too much not to be treated properly."
Artemis smiled and let go of Pak's hand long enough to offer it to the others.
" I am Artemis by the way. Have you met Pakpao?"
(ooc: Permission given for the back story on Alfarinn, Artemis, and THE purse.)

He was about to offer to treat Dani as well, when the other man beat him to it. The man also took that opportunity to introduce himself, something Nic had again forgotten to do. It had to be the result of stress. Though he had thought he was doing pretty good, under the circumstances. He guessed maybe the whole Addison/Ellis matter was still weighing a lot heavier on him than he had allowed for.
Taking the man's hand, and giving it a firm shake, Nic nodded, and reciprocated the greeting.
"Nic Lache, and yes, I have had the pleasure. This is Aishe."
And when he released Artemis' hand, he put it behind Aishe again, resting it lightly against her back as he introduced her as well. His hand then went into his pocket, as he smiled at Pakpao. Any previous irritations long forgotten. Nic was not one to bear grudges. Life was too long to carry around that burden.

[You probably look good in whipped cream, shame about the chaperones.]
Understanding a bit about Artemis’ thought process Pak really didn’t expect an answer to that. Instead she just smiled and turned her attention to Dani and the others.
“Well they must let you out sometimes. At least I hope they do.”
She really didn’t want to explain about meeting Nic. That had not been her finest, well nicest, moment. Granted it had evolved well and she’d learned a new trick, but that was not the point and it certainly wouldn’t do to explain to Nic about his shoe.
Glad that intros had been taken care of she decided to try and play nice.
“I may have miss heard but didn’t Dani say something about showing you both around? So you’re both new to the city?”

She was glad to finally have a name to put to the face of the enthusiastic dancer from the ball, and she smiled as she shook Artemis' hand. "I remember you from the ball the other night," she admitted. "Though truth be told I'm not sure if I should ask for your autograph or find shelter."
She hoped he didn't take offense at her humor, but she figured anyone with the guts to dance like that had to have a pretty decent sense of humor.
When he introduced Pakpao, she smiled and nodded. "We bumped into each other a little while ago in the stationery store, actually."
“Yeah, the people are definitely the best part. I wouldn’t call the work endless, though…just very fluid.”
She smiled when she spoke, deciding that was both a good way to describe her job and a bad joke, in a way. She knew she was more than a blood donor in the scheme of things, though, so the somewhat crass humor was acceptable in her mind.
“Oh, I get out quite a bit actually; as wonderful as technology is I can’t do everything from my desk…or my purse.”
She turned to Aishe, figuring she would be the least likely to understand the whole ‘familiar’ thing and wanting to explain. If Nic’s lack of shock when Theo let his shoe float around were any indication, he had the basics down at the very least.
“I do a lot of the ‘daylight things’ that need doing on Arin’s behalf; it’s part of the point of having a familiar.”
Well, she supposed that was true of some people and not others, but that was neither here nor there.
“But enough about work. You’re too kind Artemis, thank you. Ooh, they still have pumpkin flavored frozen yogurt; I’d love a small cup of that.” She looked down at Fatty. “No chocolate for you, big guy.” She looked back up at Artemis. “And he likes strawberry.”

Artemis smiled and nodded at Nic and then at Aishe when she was introduced. It took him a moment to figure out what she was referring to. He remembered setting the car alarms off, but to anyone who didn't know him it would have looked like an ordinary pen. It then hit him that she was talking about his dancing. Clearly some higher power wanted to see how many shades of red he could turn. recovering quickly he laughed.
" It is a genetic trait of Italians. We are born with the ability to conquer a room. The dividing comes when someone foolishly forgets to duck. What was up with the car alarms though, they caused quite a commotion?"
He hadn't been able to resist playing innocent to his mischief. Pak was the only one in this group that was present. Surely she wouldn't tell on him, she was guilty by association. Still amused, he nodded at Dani's, and Fatty's, order and then turned to the waiting cashier. He was relieved to see it was Keri's friend. The girl had come by the lab a few times and brought some ice cream. It had taken him a while to figure out that the shop didn't do delivery but that the girl was a friend and confidant to Keri. This also meant that she understood about his situation. Artemis's mind worked differently from most people's. Human doctors had now concluded that the minds of those like Artemis worked at a higher frequency. Not all with this trait were geniuses, that was an added bonus to make Artemis even harder to understand. Alcohol slowed his mind down to normal so that he could function around people, but it also caused an addiction, a need he couldn't escape. Artemis slid the silver flask over to the girl.
"With coke please. Also a cup of pumpkin yogurt, a cup of strawberry, and a triple scoop sundae with chocolate, vanilla, and rasberry. With extra whipped cream and a cherry on the last."
Artemis grinned wickedly as he placed the last order. Taking his flask when it was returned, he placed it back inside his coat pocket. He paid for the ice cream, making sure to tip the girl extra for her assistance. With a thank you, he put his wallet away and picked up the tray. Artemis walked over to the side a short distance, in the direction of the table Dani had been seated at. Now that he was out of the way, he turned and waited politely for the others.
(ooc: Permission to order Pak a mound of ice cream with whipped cream on top)
(ooc: The part on brain frequency was from a seminar and is from a theory on why some people a predisposed to become addicts.)

As the chocolate around the banana was beginning to soften, he took a good size bite, and relished the flavor and icy cold sensation. He would need to remember to get a couple bananas to keep in the freezer. He really enjoyed them, even without the chocolate.
As he stood aside, he studied the small group further. This clan Evenhet seemed good people...He hoped he'd be given time to get to know them all better. The luxury of remaining in one place long enough to do so, appealed greatly to Nic.

As the chocolate around the banana was beginning to soften, he took a good size bite, and relished the flavor and icy cold sensation. He would need to remember to get a couple bananas to keep in the freezer. He really enjoyed them, even without the chocolate.
As he stood aside, he studied the small group further. This clan Evenhet seemed good people...He hoped he'd be given time to get to know them all better. The luxury of remaining in one place long enough to do so, appealed greatly to Nic.

"I do a lot of the 'daylight things' that need doing on Arin's behalf; it's part of the point of having a familiar."Â?
Aishe nodded at Dani, having wondered more than once how it felt to be a familiar. Dani didn't seem any the worse for wear over it, and she certainly seemed to have a mind of her own. She had met Alfarinn though, and remembered quite vividly his kindness and consideration. She would have had a hard time imagining him treating a familiar with anything but that. She wondered if that was the way of it for all vampires with familiars, or if perhaps there were those vampires who treated them... differently.
It seemed that for each answer she got, five new questions arose. Did all vampires have familiars? How often did they actually need to feed? If she were a vampire, would she have to have a familiar? On and on and on, until she simply had to stop thinking about it or risk spacing out again and possibly offending her new friends.
Aishe laughed softly when Artemis responded to her ribbing with his overview of the Italian divide-and-conquer strategy. It cheered her a great deal to be in the company of such pleasant people, and made her goals seem perhaps not so far away - even if she was mentally cataloguing a small novels' worth of questions.
When Artemis asked about the car alarms Aishe simply lifted a shoulder, her own face flushing now as she remembered her unfortunate collision with Alec and subsequent defrocking. "I'm not sure. I just have to hope it doesn't happen again. I can't remember ever being that embarrassed... we had a rather untimely collision with one of the couples on the dance floor and I ended up on a table, then on the floor missing half of my costume. While normally I might not complain too badly if the company's good, that was a bit, ah, public. And I think my butt is still sore." She flashed a quick grin, rubbing the part in question.
Thanking Nic softly for treating, she went with him over to the table where Artemis was already waiting and sat at the back side, so the others wouldn't have to squeeze by to sit down themselves.