Questions...and fears.
Fallon drove with determination, and parked in the same manner when she reached the hotel parking lot. However, when she turned off the engine she didn't immediately jump out of the car.
Instead she sat in the driver's seat and shook.
She didn't understand why her body was shaking so. At first she assumed it must be nerves - she had just been kidnapped, and survived. Then she thought maybe she was just hungry, as she tried to remember the last time she'd eaten. Whatever the reason, she opened the door, slipped out, and started for her room.
As she moved almost on tip toe, through the darkness, she heard a faint mewling noise. Looking in between the cars, she came upon a small cat that was scratching at a half wrapped sandwich someone had discarded. The sandwich was wrapped in foil, and the cat didn't seem to be succeeding at uncovering its meal.
"Aw hungry too? Kitty...kitty...kitty...come here...we'll get you something to eat."
Fallon's voice, though soft, still seemed to carry upon the night air. The cat looked up at her before moving stealthily towards her.
Stopping and circling Fallon, the cat didn't seem to eager to get any closer. Fallon squatted down, and repeated the call.
"Come here kitty...kitty, kitty, kitty."
This time the cat came close enough that Fallon snatched it up without hesitation.
"Good kitty..."
'Whoosh, whoosh, thump, whoosh, thump, whoosh, thump, thump, thump...'
It took a few seconds, but Fallon's eyes narrowed when it became apparent what the noise was. She was not only hearing the sound of the tiny animal's heart beating...very rapidly...but she was sure she was also hearing the blood going through its tiny veins. The idea of hearing all that excited Fallon, and her eyes grew bright in the darkness. Her own breathing, though slower than normal, was suddenly very loud in her ears, and added significantly to her sense of thrill. She licked her lips, and felt something scratch her tongue. Reaching up with a free hand, she felt along her top teeth with the pad of her thumb, and almost cried out when she felt the prick. A FANG? No...TWO FANGS!
The small bit of her own blood that trickled onto her tongue, generated a gnawing sensation in her belly. She was hungry...sooooooo hungry. The crackers and cookies sitting in her hotel room did not appeal. The thought of getting back into her Rav and driving through something fast food, did not appeal.
She sucked on her thumb again, but the tiny wound had already closed.
A noise nearby alerted her. Someone was coming. Fallon crouched low between the cars, and pressed the kitten to her neck to quiet it. She did all this instinctively, without thought to why she should feel the need to hide. Whoever it was passed by and she listened as the footsteps faded into the night.
From somewhere came the sensation of warmth, filling her mouth. The warmth had a taste, though not anywhere near the deliciousness of her own blood. In fact the taste was weak, and did not seem at all satisfying, at first. But as she savored the perception, the warmth seemed to begin to fill her stomach, and thus assuage her hunger. As her hunger began to subside, Fallon became aware again of her whereabouts, and what she was doing. None of that prepared her to deal with the limp, dead animal in her hands, as her tongue bathed its fur the way its mother would have.
Dropping the dead kitten, she bit back a scream, as she surveyed the torn throat lying before her. She couldn't stop the tears from spewing forth, nor the epithets that flowed from her mouth, though she managed to regain her wits before she drew any more attention to herself, even at this late hour.
Picking up the kitten, she laid it back down just behind the front tire of the car she was squatting next to. It was the passenger side, so chances were whoever was going to drive the vehicle would get in on the driver side and never even realize they had driven over the animal until it had been crushed beneath the wheel. Any evidence of the way the animal had really died, would then be obliterated.
Knowing she had to get to the safety of her room, she peered around the cars, confirmed no one else was in the parking lot, and almost ran to the door of the hotel. Going in through a side entrance, Fallon didn't think she'd need to worry about running into anyone, other than possibly a maid. The flecks of blood around the collar of her shirt did not concern her. Losing her mind and flipping out in public was a bigger threat. She had to get someplace she could be alone, and rethink things.
If she could manage to all.
Walking into the bathroom, Fallon gazed into the wide mirror, at the fading marks at her throat, and felt sick. Blood from the kitten had not only got onto her clothing, but flecks were along the side of her face, and some had even gotten into her ear.
Reaching into the shower, she turned the water on hard, and hot, and got underneath it. She stood there as the strains of the previous day and night were washed way, symbolically, if not in truth.
Once she was somewhat revived by the pounding of the shower, she began thinking about what had transpired with Panos.
The first part of their meeting was ignored. Being chased through the marina, and then forced to drive him to his home was not what she had trouble believing. That had doubt. But the rest of the tale she just couldn't get a grasp of.
However, she couldn't dispute what had just taken place in the parking lot either. And the fact that she didn't seem to be consciously aware of what she had done, when doing it, changed nothing. She had killed that kitten,and taken every ounce of blood from its tiny body. As she stood in the shower, it became apparent that part of what Panos had said was true...she needed blood. And the little bit the kitten had provided had been more of an appetizer. Soon, she would need a full meal.
The realization that she was standing in a shower, dawn approaching, in the twenty first century, thinking of finding a meal of blood, was too much for her to bear. Crumpling to the floor of the tub, she curled up and cried...the spray of the shower hitting her unawares.
Standing back up, the now frigid water hit her breasts, and she looked down, almost detached, and saw how turgid her nipples had become. She flicked one with her index finger, and was surprised at the thrill it elicited. She did it again, and groaned. At least this would take her mind off other things, even if only for a short while.
Closing her eyes, now again unaware of the cold water, Fallon's hands began to play across her body. One hand alternated between her boobs, and the other slid between her legs, almost causing them to buckle.
It had been a very long time since she had experience such pleasure. Being married to Ted, she had taken it upon herself to learn how to take care of her needs early on. She had never intentionally sustained fulfillment with him, and only rarely did she accidentally climax as he shoved his prick into her. Under her own hands, she had learned many ways to make up for his failings.
Much to her chagrin, with Panos she had begun to feel strong stirrings of a sexual hunger. Though that was not to be, when he had refused her that type of release. He had gone on to show her another type of pleasure. One she had yet to learn more about, she feared, before she would experience it again.
What she felt now was welcomed, and much needed, as her hands moved with firm determination. Before she became too enamored of her ministrations, she took the time to shut off the water and get herself out of the shower. And then, without taking the time to dry off, she almost ran to the bed, to throw herself upon it.
The heat was on in the room, and combined with the heat her body was beginning to generate, she was more than warm.
The dresser that sat across from her bed, had a very large mirror on it, which Fallon noticed the minute she laid down. Pulling one of the extra pillows over, and under her head, she could see herself completely in that mirror, as well as the view between her legs. Those legs that were now splayed wide, inviting, and begging for her hand once more.
Sticking two fingers into her mouth, she sucked on them, applying her tongue to get them moist, and wet, and ready. And as her left hand returned to pinching her nipples, her right hand moved between her labia, and began rubbing up and down...barely skimming her clit, and toying with the entrance to her sex.
And it hit her strong.
All of a sudden Fallon couldn't give a shit about finding any release...she wanted more blood...a lot more.
Sitting up in bed, she clutched her stomach. Either the amount of blood the kitten had offered up hadn't been nearly sufficient, or it had been too weak...whatever, Fallon felt like she was starving.
Her eyes flitted around the room, as she got off the bed, and pulled on a pair of jeans, and a sweater. She slipped her feet into the moccasins she normally wore as slippers, and stuffed her card key, and car keys into her pockets.
Taking time to glance into the mirror, she scared even herself. Her hair was a mess from the earlier shower. But worse, her eyes looked maniacal...and gave an accurate appearance of how her mind felt, at the moment.
Without thinking to grab a coat, she took the brush from the bathroom sink, and began running it through her hair, as she made her way out of the room. One thing, and one thing only, was her focus. She must stop the pain in her stomach, and amazingly, she just knew it was blood that would slake her hunger.
(ooc - Fallon out - can lock now, thank you.)